yuroyami / syncplay-mobile

📱 Unofficial Syncplay client app for Android and iOS. Watch stuff in sync with your friends. Works well with Syncplay on PC. Fully written in Kotlin and Compose multiplatform.
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Current engine shows `Undefined` and crashes when clicked #97

Open ivy-reps opened 1 month ago

ivy-reps commented 1 month ago

No options Just Reset Default Settings command. That's all. In my case I was hoping to switch to MPV because when I saw Exoplayer button in options, I immediately decided to switch that on MPV. So I went Advanced and boom Just Reset Default Settings there. Nothing more.

Also is that okay that Current engine equals Undefined? Or that word means that user have to select player? Also when I'm pressing SECOND player to select Current engine, program immediately crashes.


yuroyami commented 1 month ago

Also is that okay that Current engine equals Undefined? Or that word means that user have to select player? Also when I'm pressing SECOND player to select Current engine, program immediately crashes.

@ivy-reps mpv should be the default engine when available (it's selected by default) otherwise it would be ExoPlayer, so the app should never show "Undefined". This is also directly related to the crash. Thank you for reporting this. By the way, I've noticed that the app icon belongs to an old version, maybe 0.10.0 or 0.11.0 if I am not wrong. Did you install 0.14.0 over the old version ? Maybe that's what's causing the issue.

No options Just Reset Default Settings command. That's all. In my case I was hoping to switch to MPV because when I saw Exoplayer button in options, I immediately decided to switch that on MPV. So I went Advanced and boom Just Reset Default Settings there. Nothing more.

The "Advanced" settings are supposed to contain miscellaneous settings but I could not think of anything, just the one single setting that resets everything, so this is definitely the intended behavior until I can think of some peculiar settings to put in there.