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Stuck while installing apt packages on Pixelbook GO (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS) #71

Open mateowoetam opened 2 years ago

mateowoetam commented 2 years ago

PLAY [all] ***

TASK [Gathering Facts] *** ok: [localhost]

TASK [Install pre-requisites] ****

TASK [common : install OS packages] ** included: /home/mateo/pixelbook-linux/ansible/roles/common/tasks/packages-Ubuntu.yml for localhost

TASK [common : Install apt packages] *****

it has been like that for 30min and doesn't do anything

MichaelCache commented 2 years ago

from ansible playbook file of ansible/roles/common/tasks/packages-Ubuntu.yml we can see that this TASK [common : Install apt packages] is a job to install packages from apt-get repo. If you stuck here, may check your net connection to repo. here's packages list of this task want install:

      # essential build tools (gcc, make, etc)
      - build-essential
      - libtool
      - python
      - python3
      - pkg-config

      # Needed for mounting recovery image
      - kpartx

      # Audio / CRAS dependencies
      - acpid
      - libudev-dev
      - libsbc-dev
      - libalsaplayer-dev
      - libiniparser-dev
      - ladspa-sdk
      - libspeex-dev
      - libspeexdsp-dev
      - libasound2-dev

you can install these packages yourself