yushijinhun / authlib-injector

Build your own Minecraft authentication system.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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使用Geyser的时候出现:此服务器需要一个付费的Java账号 #220

Closed SharwOrange closed 10 months ago

SharwOrange commented 10 months ago

如题 使用了Velocity(当然纯Paper也有这个情况) Velocity版本3.2.0-SNAPSHOT-265 Authlib-injector版本1.2.3 Geyser版本2.2.0-SNAPSHOT (git-master-d4ae428) 在基岩版输入完外置的账号与密码的时候会提示此服务器需要一个付费的Java账号并断开连接(用的Blessing Skin,只有一个角色的账号)


[04:03:48] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer]: Booting up Velocity 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT (git-19abb909-b265)...
[04:03:48] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer]: Loading localizations...
[04:03:48] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.network.ConnectionManager]: Connections will use epoll channels, libdeflate (Linux x86_64) compression, OpenSSL 3.0.x (Linux x86_64) ciphers
[04:03:48] [main/WARN] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.config.VelocityConfiguration]: Player info forwarding is disabled! All players will appear to be connecting from the proxy and will have offline-mode UUIDs.
[04:03:49] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer]: Loading plugins...
[04:03:49] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin geyser 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT (git-master-d4ae428) by GeyserMC
[04:03:49] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer]: Loaded 1 plugins
[04:03:49] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [geyser]: Loading extensions...
[04:03:49] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [geyser]: Loaded 0 extension(s)
[04:03:49] [Netty epoll Boss #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.network.ConnectionManager]: Listening on /[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0%0]:25565
[04:03:49] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.Velocity]: Done (1.16s)!
[04:03:49] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #1/INFO] [geyser]: ******************************************
[04:03:49] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #1/INFO] [geyser]: 
[04:03:49] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #1/INFO] [geyser]: Loading Geyser version 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT (git-master-d4ae428)
[04:03:49] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #1/INFO] [geyser]: 
[04:03:49] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #1/INFO] [geyser]: ******************************************
[04:03:50] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #1/INFO] [geyser]: Registered 0 custom skulls as custom blocks.
[04:03:50] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #1/INFO] [geyser]: Registered 0 non-vanilla block overrides.
[04:03:50] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #1/INFO] [geyser]: Registered 0 custom block overrides.
[04:03:50] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #1/INFO] [geyser]: Registered 0 custom block item overrides.
[04:03:50] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #1/INFO] [geyser]: Registered 0 custom block extended collision boxes.
[04:03:50] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #1/INFO] [geyser]: Registered 0 custom blocks.
[04:03:52] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: Started Geyser on
[04:03:52] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #1/INFO] [geyser]: Done (3.128s)! Run /geyser help for help!
[04:04:08] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: / tried to connect!
[04:04:10] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-2/INFO] [geyser]: Player connected with username shui hua8181
[04:05:10] [Thread-9/INFO] [geyser]: Bedrock user with ip: / has disconnected for reason 此服务器需要一个付费的Java账号
[04:08:44] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-1/INFO] [geyser]: / tried to connect!
[04:08:45] [epollEventLoopGroup-5-3/INFO] [geyser]: Player connected with username shui hua8181
[04:09:22] [Thread-10/INFO] [geyser]: Bedrock user with ip: / has disconnected for reason 此服务器需要一个付费的Java账号
[04:10:42] [Thread-11/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer]: Shutting down the proxy...
[04:10:42] [Thread-11/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.network.ConnectionManager]: Closing endpoint /
[04:10:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #1/INFO] [geyser]: Shutting down Geyser.
[04:10:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #1/INFO] [geyser]: Geyser shutdown successfully.
SharwOrange commented 10 months ago

图片 这是Velocity插件列表

Mythologyli commented 10 months ago


SharwOrange commented 10 months ago

输入外置登录的账号密码才出现的 此服务器需要一个付费的Java账号

SharwOrange commented 10 months ago

修改了复现的步骤 “在基岩版输入完外置的账号与密码的时候会提示此服务器需要一个付费的Java账号并断开连接”

SharwOrange commented 10 months ago

问题已经解决 这里是解决的详细步骤 https://blog.hope-now.top/posts/20230902142755

Shanwer commented 7 months ago

问题已经解决 这里是解决的详细步骤 https://blog.hope-now.top/posts/20230902142755


SharwOrange commented 7 months ago

问题已经解决 这里是解决的详细步骤 https://blog.hope-now.top/posts/20230902142755

由于mojang账号迁移到微软账号的工作已经全部完成,在最新的基岩版中已经不能使用Java账号(套用外置登录账号)登录再进入Java版服务器,需要使用floodgate(并不与皮肤站兼容)或者关闭geyser的online-mode才能解决 PS:你的博客是用了反代吗,想要评论发现爆了cors错误

感谢告知,不过我已经不用geyser了(:-D) 我的docker不知道为什么ip变了导致连不到后端,现在已经改回来了