yusufcanb / tlm

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Missing newline after explain #25

Closed oderwat closed 3 months ago

oderwat commented 3 months ago
> $ tlm explain "date +%s"
The `date` command is used to display the current date and time in seconds since the Epoch (January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC). The `%s` format specifier is used to print the number of seconds since the Epoch.

So, when you run `date +%s`, it will display the current date and time in seconds since the Epoch.> $

Setup is "bash" even when on mac, because I use bash and not zsh. Could it have to do with that?

yusufcanb commented 3 months ago

Now, I've added a hardcoded newline to fix issue. It happens when LLM response forgets to put a newline after the last generation. Thanks for catching that.

Please re-build or re-install with go install github.com/yusufcanb/tlm@latest