yusukeshib / express-fingerprint

Server-side fingerprinting
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Library fails for any process.arch other than x86 and x64 #8

Closed Hornswaggler closed 5 years ago

Hornswaggler commented 5 years ago

I was attempting to use this library on an Azure App Service which uses a version of Node w/ process.arch = ia32. The murmurhash3js hash algorithms are not bound to a specific architecture, they just return hashes based on 32 or 64 bit integer values. There are only 2 valid values in the murmurhash3js library: x86 and x64.

To address the issue, I forced the x64 version of the hashing algorithm regardless of the Node architecture. While it could still be bound to the process.arch, it would have to take into account all of the available values for that variable:

'arm', 'arm64', 'ia32', 'mips', 'mipsel', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 's390x', 'x32', and 'x64'.

yusukeshib commented 5 years ago

Thanks! released 1.1.3