yutannihilation / datafusion-r

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Awesome! #1

Open paleolimbot opened 1 month ago

paleolimbot commented 1 month ago

I know this is a work in progress, I just wanted to say that I think it's great!

I am sure you've seen https://josiahparry.com/posts/2023-11-24-dfusionrdr/#source-code , but wanted to put it here in case you hadn't yet!

At one point I made https://github.com/paleolimbot/datafusion but it was based on a C wrapper around datafusion that somebody had put together and is perhaps not all that useful.

If you're ever interested in donating this to apache/datafusion I'm happy to help with the Apache details (or general Arrow details if you think I could be useful!)

yutannihilation commented 1 month ago

Oh, thanks for catching! I didn't notice there are such prior works. Looks useful.

The main purpose of this repo is to see if my framework has enough features for mildly complex usages. My focus is

I'm not sure if this will eventually become a serious project, but I'll consider donating to the upstream.