yutkat / dotfiles

The best and strongest dotfiles. Editor: Neovim; Shell: zsh(zinit, powerlevel10k); Terminal: WezTerm; Desktop: Hyprland, ulauncher, dunst; OS: ArchLinux (Ubuntu/Fedora/CentOS)
MIT License
759 stars 49 forks source link

Crash on Fedora 36 #2977

Closed laspavel closed 2 years ago

laspavel commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug Install script crashes

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Clone repository and start install:
    git clone https://github.com/yutkat/dotfiles.git
    cd dotfiles
    ./install.sh --gui
  2. See error
    [laspavel@fedora dotfiles]$ ./install.sh --gui                                                                                                                                                
    64 файла удалено                                                                                                                                                                              
    Copr repo for PyCharm owned by phracek                                                          22 kB/s |  43 kB     00:01                                                                    
    Fedora 36 - x86_64                                                                             1.3 MB/s |  81 MB     01:02                                                                    
    Fedora 36 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64                                                       899  B/s | 2.5 kB     00:02                                                                    
    Fedora Modular 36 - x86_64                                                                     621 kB/s | 2.4 MB     00:03                                                                    
    Fedora 36 - x86_64 - Updates                                                                   1.2 MB/s |  20 MB     00:17                                                                    
    Fedora Modular 36 - x86_64 - Updates                                                           736 kB/s | 2.2 MB     00:03                                                                    
    google-chrome                                                                                  4.7 kB/s | 3.6 kB     00:00                                                                    
    RPM Fusion for Fedora 36 - Nonfree - NVIDIA Driver                                              14 kB/s |  15 kB     00:01                                                                    
    RPM Fusion for Fedora 36 - Nonfree - Steam                                                     3.2 kB/s | 2.1 kB     00:00                                                                    
    Пакет findutils-1:4.9.0-1.fc36.x86_64 уже установлен.                                                                                                                                         
    Зависимости разрешены.                                                                                                                                                                        
    Отсутствуют действия для выполнения.                                                                                                                                                          
    backup old dotfiles...                                                                                                                                                                        
    create backup directory: /home/laspavel/.cache/dotbackup/220703-073209                                                                                                                        

Creating symlinks
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.bin -> /home/laspavel
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/alacritty -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/anyenv -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/asdf -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/autokey -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/bat -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/chrome-flags.conf -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/chromium-flags.conf -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/Code - Insiders -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/compton -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/conky -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/cspell -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/dunst -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/efm-langserver -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/environment.d -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/espanso -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/fcitx -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/fcitx5 -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/fontconfig -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/gdb -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/gh -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/git -> /home/laspavel/.config Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/gitui -> /home/laspavel/.config [40/252] Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/hawck -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/i3 -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/i3-resurrect -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/i3status-rust -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/ideavim -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/keymaps -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/luacheck -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/luaformatter -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/luakit -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/mimeapps.list -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/nvim -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/pet -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/pmy -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/polybar -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/prs -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/readline -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/rofi -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/sway -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/systemd -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/termite -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/tmux -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/vivaldi-stable.conf -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/wezterm -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/X11 -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/xbindkeys -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/xkb -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/zeno -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/zk -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/zsh -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.nvim -> /home/laspavel
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.pam_environment -> /home/laspavel
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.xinitrc -> /home/laspavel
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.xprofile -> /home/laspavel
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.xsessionrc -> /home/laspavel
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.zshenv -> /home/laspavel
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.zshrc -> /home/laspavel

dotsinstaller.sh link success!!!

64 файла удалено
Copr repo for PyCharm owned by phracek 33 kB/s | 43 kB 00:01
Fedora 36 - x86_64 1.5 MB/s | 81 MB 00:54
Fedora 36 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64 1.3 kB/s | 2.5 kB 00:01
Fedora Modular 36 - x86_64 763 kB/s | 2.4 MB 00:03
Fedora 36 - x86_64 - Updates 1.4 MB/s | 20 MB 00:13
Fedora Modular 36 - x86_64 - Updates 524 kB/s | 2.2 MB 00:04
google-chrome 4.9 kB/s | 3.6 kB 00:00 RPM Fusion for Fedora 36 - Nonfree - NVIDIA Driver 11 kB/s | 15 kB 00:01
RPM Fusion for Fedora 36 - Nonfree - Steam 2.8 kB/s | 2.1 kB 00:00
Пакет zsh-5.8.1-1.fc36.x86_64 уже установлен. Пакет git-2.35.1-1.fc36.x86_64 уже установлен. Пакет tmux-3.2a-3.fc36.x86_64 уже установлен. Пакет bc-1.07.1-15.fc36.x86_64 уже установлен. Пакет curl-7.82.0-2.fc36.x86_64 уже установлен. Пакет wget-1.21.3-1.fc36.x86_64 уже установлен. Пакет gawk-5.1.1-2.fc36.x86_64 уже установлен. Пакет python3-pip-21.3.1-2.fc36.noarch уже установлен. Пакет unzip-6.0-57.fc36.x86_64 уже установлен. Пакет sqlite-3.36.0-5.fc36.x86_64 уже установлен. Пакет sqlite-devel-3.36.0-5.fc36.x86_64 уже установлен. Пакет gettext-0.21-9.fc36.x86_64 уже установлен. Пакет procps-ng-3.3.17-4.fc36.x86_64 уже установлен. Пакет jq-1.6-13.fc36.x86_64 уже установлен. Зависимости разрешены. Отсутствуют действия для выполнения. Выполнено! % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 14.4M 100 14.4M 0 0 1350k 0 0:00:10 0:00:10 --:--:-- 1558k Installing fcitx5-adwaita-dark.git...

mkdir: невозможно создать каталог «/home/laspavel/.local/share/fcitx5»: Отказано в доступе [laspavel@fedora dotfiles]$

**Expected behavior**
The script will deploy dotfiles successfully


**Desktop (please complete the following information):**
 - OS: Fedora 36 (Gnome)

**Additional context**
I suspect that the problem is in the symlinks that were created in the previous step.
yutkat commented 2 years ago

I can't reproduce this issue. Please tell me these.

ls -l /home/laspavel/.local/share/fcitx5
ls -l /home/laspavel/.local/share/

And what happens if you run this script again?

jckso commented 2 years ago

I can reproduce this error, but adding sudo to the install script fixes it. However, later I get this error: Error: Problem: problem with installed package i3-gaps-4.20.1-7.fc36.x86_64

It seems that i3 is trying to be installed, even though I already have i3-gaps installed. Is i3-gaps not supported?

jckso commented 2 years ago

Just tested replacing i3-gaps with i3, and the installation succeeds. I am still confused, though.

laspavel commented 2 years ago
[laspavel@fedora dotfiles]$ ls -l /home/laspavel/.local/share/fcitx5
ls: cannot access '/home/laspavel/.local/share/fcitx5': No such file or directory
[laspavel@fedora dotfiles]$ ls -l /home/laspavel/.local/share/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x. 1     1001      116  24 Jul  4 08:19 applications
drwx------. 1 laspavel laspavel  66 May 11 12:47 evolution
drwxr-xr-x. 1 laspavel laspavel  28 May 11 12:47 flatpak
drwxr-xr-x. 1 laspavel laspavel  34 Jun 10 21:20 folks
drwx------. 1 laspavel laspavel  16 Jun 10 21:20 gegl-0.4
drwxr-xr-x. 1 laspavel laspavel  16 Jun 10 21:20 gnome-photos
drwxr-xr-x. 1 laspavel laspavel  44 May 11 13:47 gnome-remote-desktop
drwxr-xr-x. 1 laspavel laspavel  46 May 11 12:47 gnome-settings-daemon
drwx------. 1 laspavel laspavel 108 Jul  4 09:23 gnome-shell
drwx------. 1 laspavel laspavel  84 Jul  4 09:25 gvfs-metadata
drwxr-xr-x. 1 laspavel laspavel   0 May 11 12:47 icc
drwxr-xr-x. 1     1001      116  14 Jul  4 08:19 icons
drwxr-xr-x. 1 laspavel laspavel  52 Jul  4 09:23 keyrings
drwxr-xr-x. 1     1001      116 234 Jul  4 08:19 locale
drwxr-xr-x. 1     1001      116   8 Jul  4 08:19 man
drwx------. 1 laspavel laspavel  40 Jul  4 07:53 mc
drwxr-xr-x. 1 laspavel laspavel  62 Jun 10 21:20 nautilus
drwxr-xr-x. 1     1001      116  14 Jul  4 08:19 nvim
drwxr-----. 1 laspavel laspavel  10 May 11 12:47 pki
-rw-------. 1 laspavel laspavel 218 Jun 10 21:20 recently-used.xbel
drwx------. 1 laspavel laspavel   0 May 11 12:47 sounds
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/laspavel/.local/share/fcitx5’: Permission denied
fatal: could not create leading directories of '/home/laspavel/.local/share/fcitx5/themes/adwaita-dark': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/laspavel/.local/share/fcitx5’: Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/laspavel/.local/share/fcitx5’: Permission denied
cp: cannot create regular file '/home/laspavel/.local/share/fcitx5/addon/': No such file or directory
cp: cannot create regular file '/home/laspavel/.local/share/fcitx5/lua/hotkey-extension/': No such file or directory
[laspavel@fedora dotfiles]$ 

Strange permissions are set on folders and files after execution

jckso commented 2 years ago

To attempt to troubleshoot, I tried running the install script on a base Fedora install, in a vm, with no new packages, and the script successfully installs i3. However, when loading into it, it seems that the config files have not taken effect, as there is no i3 theme.

yutkat commented 2 years ago

I fixed the problem because it was not a good script, although the error is not reproduced in my environment. I think this solved the problem. Please check it out. https://github.com/yutkat/dotfiles/pull/2981

but adding sudo to the install script fixes it

sudo should be done in the script so that you don't have to do it, I think.

jckso commented 2 years ago

I fixed the problem because it was not a good script, although the error is not reproduced in my environment. I think this solved the problem. Please check it out. #2981

but adding sudo to the install script fixes it

sudo should be done in the script so that you don't have to do it, I think.

Will test right now! Thanks a lot!

jckso commented 2 years ago

Script failed with ln: failed to create symbolic link '/home/vm/.local/bin/x-www-browser': Permission denied

yutkat commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the confirmation. One more thing, I think I fixed this Issue wrong. https://github.com/yutkat/dotfiles/issues/2970

I just fixed it and it should now work properly. https://github.com/yutkat/dotfiles/pull/2982

The permissions under ~/.local are wrong because of this problem, so you need to fix it with the following command.

sudo chown -R your_username:your_usergroup ~/.local/*

Sorry :bow:

jckso commented 2 years ago

Would I still need to do that if I just create a new VM, or is that just the correct the permissions errors from the earlier script? Thanks!

yutkat commented 2 years ago

is that just the correct the permissions errors from the earlier script?

If you do this, it should be OK :wink:

jckso commented 2 years ago

Hmm, the theme is still not being applied. I've tried installing the script with and without running sudo chown -R your_username:your_usergroup ~/.local/*, and when I boot into i3 it looks like this: image

yutkat commented 2 years ago

I am using Include directive. I think the version of i3 in fedora:36 is 4.19.1 which is too old so it doesn't work properly.


jckso commented 2 years ago

i3-gaps is version 4.19.1, the regular i3 is version 4.20.1. I am able to succesfully install when changing i3-gaps to i3.

jckso commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, the difficulties continue... image. The bar and i3 config have errors. I also had to install i3status-rs manually.

jckso commented 2 years ago

You might also want to install the packages that are installed on arch into fedora. As there are some major components that aren't installed.

yutkat commented 2 years ago

Yeah, Arch Linux has full GUI support, but the other distributions only have simplified support. Because it's a pain to switch by package name or version difference.

jckso commented 2 years ago

Yeah, Arch Linux has full GUI support, but the other distributions only have simplified support.

That's fine! I am very thankful you support Fedora at all! Do you have any idea about the i3status-rs and i3 configs, though?

yutkat commented 2 years ago

You need i3-gaps, not i3, to get it to work. I think if you comment out this line. https://github.com/yutkat/dotfiles/blob/0680e87d85de60186bbfafbe026c74dc2adb070b/.config/i3/config#L8

The gaps error will be solved.

jckso commented 2 years ago

You could also add sudo dnf copr enable livegrenier/i3-desktop before sudo dnf install i3-gaps, as the repo as a newer version.

jckso commented 2 years ago

Just tested adding the repo, and it works great! Now the only issue is the bar.

jckso commented 2 years ago

I think I have found a solution for the bar! It's the same problem as i3-gaps, old versions in the repos. Here's the fix: sudo dnf copr enable atim/i3status-rust -y sudo dnf install i3status-rust

yutkat commented 2 years ago

Oh, I see. Thank you. I'm not going to modify the install script because I don't want to support fedora's GUI, but it's nice to know how to solve this problem!

yutkat commented 2 years ago

@laspavel What is the status with the latest version now? If it's resolved, I'd like to close this.

laspavel commented 2 years ago

@yutkat problem is not solved :(

[laspavel@fedora dotfiles]$ ./install.sh --gui
[sudo] password for laspavel: 
64 files removed
Copr repo for PyCharm owned by phracek           39 kB/s |  43 kB     00:01    
Fedora 36 - x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                            7.3 MB/s |  81 MB     00:11    
Fedora 36 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64                                                                                                                                                                      1.1 kB/s | 2.5 kB     00:02    
Fedora Modular 36 - x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                    1.9 MB/s | 2.4 MB     00:01    
Fedora 36 - x86_64 - Updates                                                                                                                                                                                  6.4 MB/s |  21 MB     00:03    
Fedora Modular 36 - x86_64 - Updates                                                                                                                                                                          2.0 MB/s | 2.2 MB     00:01    
google-chrome                                                                                                                                                                                                 7.1 kB/s | 3.6 kB     00:00    
RPM Fusion for Fedora 36 - Nonfree - NVIDIA Driver                                                                                                                                                             17 kB/s |  15 kB     00:00    
RPM Fusion for Fedora 36 - Nonfree - Steam                                                                                                                                                                    2.4 kB/s | 2.1 kB     00:00    
Package findutils-1:4.9.0-1.fc36.x86_64 is already installed.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
backup old dotfiles...
create backup directory: /home/laspavel/.cache/dotbackup/220706-084627

Creating symlinks
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.bin -> /home/laspavel
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/alacritty -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/anyenv -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/asdf -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/autokey -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/bat -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/chrome-flags.conf -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/chromium-flags.conf -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/Code - Insiders -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/compton -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/conky -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/cspell -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/dunst -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/efm-langserver -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/environment.d -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/espanso -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/fcitx -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/fcitx5 -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/fontconfig -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/gdb -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/gh -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/git -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/gitui -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/hawck -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/i3 -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/i3-resurrect -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/i3status-rust -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/ideavim -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/keymaps -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/luacheck -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/luaformatter -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/luakit -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/mimeapps.list -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/nvim -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/pet -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/pmy -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/polybar -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/prs -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/readline -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/rofi -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/sway -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/systemd -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/termite -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/tmux -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/vivaldi-stable.conf -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/wezterm -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/X11 -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/xbindkeys -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/xkb -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/zeno -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/zk -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.config/zsh -> /home/laspavel/.config
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.nvim -> /home/laspavel
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.xinitrc -> /home/laspavel
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.xprofile -> /home/laspavel
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.xsessionrc -> /home/laspavel
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.zshenv -> /home/laspavel
Creating symlink for /home/laspavel/dotfiles/.zshrc -> /home/laspavel

dotsinstaller.sh link success!!!

64 files removed
Copr repo for PyCharm owned by phracek                                                                                                                                                                         34 kB/s |  43 kB     00:01    
Fedora 36 - x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                            9.9 MB/s |  81 MB     00:08    
Fedora 36 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64                                                                                                                                                                      1.5 kB/s | 2.5 kB     00:01    
Fedora Modular 36 - x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                    2.0 MB/s | 2.4 MB     00:01    
Fedora 36 - x86_64 - Updates                                                                                                                                                                                  5.4 MB/s |  21 MB     00:03    
Fedora Modular 36 - x86_64 - Updates                                                                                                                                                                          1.2 MB/s | 2.2 MB     00:01    
google-chrome                                                                                                                                                                                                 4.6 kB/s | 3.6 kB     00:00    
RPM Fusion for Fedora 36 - Nonfree - NVIDIA Driver                                                                                                                                                             17 kB/s |  15 kB     00:00    
RPM Fusion for Fedora 36 - Nonfree - Steam                                                                                                                                                                    2.3 kB/s | 2.1 kB     00:00    
Package zsh-5.8.1-1.fc36.x86_64 is already installed.
Package git-2.35.1-1.fc36.x86_64 is already installed.
Package tmux-3.2a-3.fc36.x86_64 is already installed.
Package bc-1.07.1-15.fc36.x86_64 is already installed.
Package curl-7.82.0-2.fc36.x86_64 is already installed.
Package wget-1.21.3-1.fc36.x86_64 is already installed.
Package gawk-5.1.1-2.fc36.x86_64 is already installed.
Package python3-pip-21.3.1-2.fc36.noarch is already installed.
Package unzip-6.0-57.fc36.x86_64 is already installed.
Package sqlite-3.36.0-5.fc36.x86_64 is already installed.
Package sqlite-devel-3.36.0-5.fc36.x86_64 is already installed.
Package gettext-0.21-9.fc36.x86_64 is already installed.
Package procps-ng-3.3.17-4.fc36.x86_64 is already installed.
Package jq-1.6-13.fc36.x86_64 is already installed.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
  0 14.4M    0  7587    0     0   5546      0  0:45:31  0:00:01  0:45:30  5546tar: share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/nvim.png: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/icons/hicolor/128x128: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/icons/hicolor: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/icons: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/man/man1/nvim.1: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/man/man1: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/man: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/applications/nvim.desktop: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/applications: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/oldturkic-yenisei_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/pinyin.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/russian-dvorak.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/persian.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/turkish-q.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/czech_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/french-azerty.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/hebrewp_iso-8859-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/greek_cp737.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/hebrew_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/serbian.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/armenian-eastern_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/arabic_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/croatian_cp1250.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/accents.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/hebrew_cp1255.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/polish-slash_cp852.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/greek_iso-8859-7.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/croatian_iso-8859-2.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/mongolian_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/arabic.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/russian-yawerty.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/kazakh-jcuken.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/canfr-win.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/polish-slash_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/slovak_iso-8859-2.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/bulgarian-phonetic.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/greek.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/ukrainian-dvorak.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/russian-jcuken.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/serbian-latin_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/oldturkic-orkhon_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/korean-dubeolsik_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/russian-jcukenmac.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/serbian-latin.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/magyar_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/dvorak.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/polish-slash_cp1250.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/tamil_tscii.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/serbian_iso-8859-2.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/bulgarian-bds.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/serbian_cp1251.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/armenian-western_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/greek_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/polish-slash_iso-8859-2.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/turkish-f.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/serbian_cp1250.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/thaana.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/croatian.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/russian-jcukenwin.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/kana.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/hebrewp_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/sinhala.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/vietnamese-vni_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/hebrewp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/slovak_cp1250.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/serbian_iso-8859-5.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/serbian_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/thaana-phonetic_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/esperanto_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/belarusian-jcuken.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/polish-slash.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/slovak.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/vietnamese-telex_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/ukrainian-jcuken.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/russian-jcukenwintype.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/german-qwertz.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/russian-typograph.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/croatian_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/czech.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/lithuanian-baltic.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/hebrewp_cp1255.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/hebrew_iso-8859-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/korean.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/slovak_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/sinhala-phonetic_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/vietnamese-viqr_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/esperanto.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/persian-iranian_utf-8.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/hebrew.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap/greek_cp1253.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/keymap: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/vimball/autoload/vimball.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/vimball/autoload: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/vimball/plugin/vimballPlugin.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/vimball/plugin: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/vimball/doc/tags: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/vimball/doc/vimball.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/vimball/doc: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/vimball: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/shellmenu/plugin/shellmenu.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/shellmenu/plugin: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/shellmenu: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/swapmouse/plugin/swapmouse.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/swapmouse/plugin: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/swapmouse: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/termdebug/plugin/termdebug.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/termdebug/plugin: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/termdebug: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/cfilter/plugin/cfilter.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/cfilter/plugin: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/cfilter: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/justify/plugin/justify.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/justify/plugin: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/justify: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/matchit/autoload/matchit.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/matchit/autoload: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/matchit/plugin/matchit.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/matchit/plugin: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/matchit/doc/tags: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/matchit/doc/matchit.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/matchit/doc: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt/matchit: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist/opt: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack/dist: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/pack: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/bugreport.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/makemenu.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/mips_c.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/icon.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/fbc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/dart.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/irix5_cpp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/jikes.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/xbuild.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/pbx.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/rspec.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/xmllint.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/gjs.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/dart2native.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/mipspro_cpp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/rubyunit.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/context.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/fortran_g77.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/icc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/gcc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/fpc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/modelsim_vcom.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/xmlwf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/dartdevc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/cm3.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/shellcheck.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/php.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/spectral.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/se.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/gfortran.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/sass.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/jsonlint.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/bdf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/cucumber.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/dart2js.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/rustc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/gawk.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/rhino.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/sml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/ghc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/go.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/rst.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/perl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/pylint.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/csslint.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/jest.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/ant.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/cargo.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/ruby.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/yamllint.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/tex.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/zsh.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/onsgmls.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/fortran_elf90.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/eruby.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/javac.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/neato.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/xo.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/intel.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/g95.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/stylelint.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/haml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/fortran_lf95.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/rubocop.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/bcc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/checkstyle.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/tidy.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/ts-node.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/dartdoc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/mipspro_c89.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/msvc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/dartfmt.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/jjs.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/splint.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/erlang.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/ocaml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/hp_acc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/podchecker.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/jshint.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/standard.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/decada.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/pyunit.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/fortran_cv.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/msbuild.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/powershell.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/stack.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/eslint.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/gnat.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/irix5_c.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/rake.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/typedoc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/dot.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/mcs.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/cs.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/dartanalyser.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/fortran_F.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/perlcritic.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/tcl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/ifort.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/scdoc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler/tsc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/compiler: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/ccomplete.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/tar.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/rustfmt.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/syntaxcomplete.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/netrwSettings.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/health.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/tutor.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/contextcomplete.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/man.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/pythoncomplete.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/remote/define.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/remote/host.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/remote: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/context.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/rust.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/provider.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/netrw_gitignore.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/paste.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/xmlformat.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/zip.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/adacomplete.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/gzip.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/javascriptcomplete.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/phpcomplete.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/sqlcomplete.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/netrw.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/provider/python3.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/provider/clipboard.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/provider/perl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/provider/ruby.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/provider/node.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/provider/script_host.rb: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/provider/pythonx.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/provider: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/netrwFileHandlers.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/spellfile.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/clojurecomplete.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/dist/ft.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/dist: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/xml/xhtml10f.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/xml/xhtml10s.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/xml/html401t.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/xml/html40s.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/xml/html40t.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/xml/html401s.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/xml/xhtml10t.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/xml/xhtml11.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/xml/xsl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/xml/html401f.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/xml/html32.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/xml/html40f.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/xml/xsd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/xml: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/csscomplete.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/shada.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/RstFold.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/vimexpect.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/python3complete.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/haskellcomplete.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/freebasic.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/health/provider.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/health/nvim.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/health: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/tohtml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/decada.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/ada.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/xmlcomplete.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/gnat.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/msgpack.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/rubycomplete.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload/htmlcomplete.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/autoload: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tar.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/xhtml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/wsml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/abaqus.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/hitest.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/fvwm2m4.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cynlib.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/xinetd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/typescriptcommon.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/help_ru.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/squirrel.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/kix.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/radiance.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/icon.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/povini.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/falcon.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/template.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sgmldecl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/foxpro.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/pyrex.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sgmllnx.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/teraterm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/named.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/lace.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dtml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/lite.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/messages.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/verilog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dart.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tsscl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dylanlid.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/maxima.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/euphoria3.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/fortran.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dockerfile.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/plm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/takcmp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/icemenu.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/xml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/htmlcheetah.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/make.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cdl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/docbkxml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sinda.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/murphi.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/pfmain.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/elf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cdrdaoconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/csh.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/indent.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mgp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/slang.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/help.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/smil.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/aap.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/wget2.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/objcpp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dtrace.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/aptconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/chordpro.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/vgrindefs.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/hog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/privoxy.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/nasm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/chicken.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/autodoc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/apache.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tutor.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sshdconfig.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/liquid.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/awk.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/msmessages.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/limits.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/doxygen.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/redif.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/svg.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/registry.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ipfilter.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/smarty.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/swift.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/abc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/abap.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/fetchmail.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/fan.vim: Cannot open: File exists
  7 14.4M    7 1135k    0     0   475k      0  0:00:31  0:00:02  0:00:29 1105ktar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/acedb.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/groff.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mib.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/eiffel.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/taskedit.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/eviews.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/readline.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/wast.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/confini.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/man.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/denyhosts.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tpp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sh.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/asn.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/baan.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dylan.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ampl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/upstreamrpt.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/colortest.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/promela.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/model.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ratpoison.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/chaiscript.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/remind.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/rpl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dsl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/fstab.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mail.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ps1xml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/esmtprc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/asciidoc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dns.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/verilogams.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dtd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/nosyntax.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/scheme.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/javascript.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mgl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/usserverlog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ayacc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mailaliases.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/clipper.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/hostsaccess.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gpg.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sicad.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/esterel.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dylanintr.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/z8a.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/virata.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/iss.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/fdcc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sendpr.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/logtalk.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/psf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sexplib.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tilde.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/blank.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/elmfilt.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/udevconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/clojure.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/logindefs.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/structurizr.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/purifylog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gnuplot.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/lua.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/context.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/amiga.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mupad.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/modconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sather.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sqlanywhere.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/opam.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dictdconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/rust.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/usw2kagtlog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/markdown.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/slrnsc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/pf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gprof.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ldapconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dracula.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/latte.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/whitespace.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/msql.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sas.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tcsh.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/spup.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/pine.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mysql.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cfg.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/antlr.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/desktop.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/slrnrc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/lynx.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/scala.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/basic.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/catalog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mplayerconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cmusrc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/coco.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/vmasm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/csdl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/n1ql.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sed.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/proto.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/slpspi.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/godoc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/vroom.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/vim/generated.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/vim: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/query.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/master.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cterm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/asterisk.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/strace.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/pov.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/css.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/aidl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/xpm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/kivy.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/diff.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/udevrules.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/csc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/php.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/modula3.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/natural.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/lilo.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/aspperl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/reva.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mallard.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/jsp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sqlhana.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/rnoweb.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cdrtoc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/pascal.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sass.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gsp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/debcontrol.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/htmlos.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/xs.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ist.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/bdf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ptcap.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/exim.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gedcom.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cucumber.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/xmodmap.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/svn.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sdc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/wsh.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/kconfig.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gretl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/esqlc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/snnsnet.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/pbtxt.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/slpconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/vsejcl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/m3build.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/jsonc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/django.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/manual.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/chaskell.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/idlang.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/j.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/expect.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/debcopyright.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/trustees.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/asm68k.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tssgm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/raml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/arch.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/upstreamlog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/desc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sil.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/papp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/masm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/passwd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/quake.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/jgraph.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/inittab.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/texmf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/skill.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sindaout.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sudoers.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/wget.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/nastran.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/spec.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ppwiz.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ia64.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/go.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/jal.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/rcs.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/apachestyle.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/omnimark.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/jproperties.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/xdefaults.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dircolors.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/csp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/rpcgen.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/rst.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/libao.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/rebol.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/xslt.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/debsources.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/hb.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/perl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/setserial.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gdb.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/javascriptreact.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/i3config.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sqlforms.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sieve.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/automake.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/bzl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/vim.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sshconfig.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/config.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/protocols.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tsalt.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ant.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/rrst.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/snnsres.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/rhelp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cynpp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gtkrc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sensors.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/rnc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/krl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/stata.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/git.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dosbatch.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/lhaskell.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/crm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/docbk.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tads.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tak.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/occam.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/upstreamdat.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/autoit.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/vrml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ruby.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/takout.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/xkb.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/diva.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/focexec.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ibasic.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tex.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gitsendemail.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/arduino.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/grads.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/lss.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/hercules.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/voscm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tt2.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/netrw.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/po.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/typescriptreact.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/inform.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/hastepreproc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ps1.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/rexx.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/wdiff.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/xpm2.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/snnspat.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/bc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/st.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sqlj.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tags.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/spice.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/swiftgyb.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/zsh.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/plaintex.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/taskdata.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/objc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/euphoria4.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mix.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/hamster.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/prolog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/msidl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/pccts.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/jovial.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/pinfo.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ahdl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/vimnormal.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/checkhealth.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/flexwiki.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/lout.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/trasys.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sqloracle.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mmp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/rcslog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tap.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/eruby.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/pike.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/m3quake.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/less.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cupl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/m4.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/fgl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/modula2.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/change.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cuda.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/debchangelog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/services.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dcd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dep3patch.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cmod.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/rtf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/r.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mrxvtrc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/bindzone.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mmix.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/initng.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/docbksgml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/conaryrecipe.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/moo.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/zimbu.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gift.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/uil.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/texinfo.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/pamconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mailcap.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/lpc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/meson.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gitolite.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/screen.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tt2html.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/art.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/scilab.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ave.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/xquery.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/routeros.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/haml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/xbl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/8th.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tmux.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/toml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/webmacro.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/fasm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/btm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/pic.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/smith.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cweb.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/stp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/htmldjango.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/pod.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sdl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/xmath.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/form.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/neomuttrc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/litestep.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/aflex.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mel.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cabalconfig.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mason.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/eterm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sindacmp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/pli.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/opl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/java.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/fvwm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/plsql.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/d.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sqlinformix.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/qf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/rmd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/forth.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tidy.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/raku.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ldif.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sql.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/edif.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gitconfig.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sgml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/shada.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/lsl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/pdf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/matlab.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/terminfo.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/resolv.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/pcap.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/alsaconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/robots.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/vera.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/vue.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/elm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/clean.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/openroad.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cvsrc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sysctl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/splint.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sbt.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/hostconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/javacc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/b.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/postscr.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cvs.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/erlang.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/datascript.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ocaml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dcl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/hex.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/jargon.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/freebasic.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/hollywood.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cobol.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/udevperm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/yaml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/lftp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/racc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/pamenv.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/modsim3.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/monk.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/netrc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/jam.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gnash.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/manconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gemtext.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/aspvbs.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/lsp_markdown.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sisu.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/prescribe.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/systemd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/viminfo.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/phtml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/asm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/slpreg.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/conf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/bst.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ada.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/web.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/wml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/lprolog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/progress.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/procmail.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cabalproject.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ppd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/bash.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/simula.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gdmo.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/kwt.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gkrellmrc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/smcl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/avra.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/treetop.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/qb64.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sqr.vim: Cannot open: File exists
 14 14.4M   14 2095k    0     0   556k      0  0:00:26  0:00:03  0:00:23  870ktar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/2html.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ecd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/yacc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/upstart.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gitrebase.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/json.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/wvdial.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ncf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/pilrc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/a65.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/uc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/vb.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/asmh8300.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cheetah.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/maple.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/specman.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ld.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gitcommit.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/julia.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/valgrind.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/nqc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/rego.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/rc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/syntax.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dosini.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/html.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tt2js.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/lotos.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/lisp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dnsmasq.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/framescript.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/updatedb.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/c.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/scss.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ishd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/atlas.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/chill.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/lifelines.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/muttrc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dot.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/htmlm4.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/rib.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/vhdl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/upstreaminstalllog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/fpcmake.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/squid.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tli.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cabal.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/jess.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/nginx.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/rng.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/nroff.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/synload.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/spyce.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/slice.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dune.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ora.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/srec.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/group.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/hgcommit.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/groovy.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tssop.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/autohotkey.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/xxd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/psl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/nanorc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/nsis.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/winbatch.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/haskell.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/bzr.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cs.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/a2ps.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dirpager.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/haste.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/systemverilog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/asteriskvm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dictconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/dts.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/kscript.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/obj.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/initex.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ctrlh.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/loginaccess.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/bib.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ninja.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/sm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/calendar.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/plp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/exports.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/abel.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/ch.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/changelog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cpp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/crontab.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/xsd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tcl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/lscript.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/grub.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cmake.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/samba.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/typescript.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/openscad.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/aml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/scdoc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cuplsim.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mma.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/mush.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/xf86conf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/snobol4.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/lex.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/bsdl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/gvpr.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/def.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/elinks.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/tasm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/poke.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/python.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax/idl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/syntax: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/compat.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/treesitter.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/keymap.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/protocol.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/tagfunc.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/log.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/buf.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/health.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/diagnostic.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/codelens.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/sync.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/util.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/handlers.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/rpc.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/_snippet.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/_init_packages.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/_editor.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/fs.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/_meta.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/shared.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/filetype/detect.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/filetype: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/health.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/diagnostic.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/highlight.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/ui.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/filetype.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/uri.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/F.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/inspect.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/treesitter/language.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/treesitter/query.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/treesitter/health.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/treesitter/languagetree.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/treesitter/highlighter.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/treesitter: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/health.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua/man.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/lua: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/scripts.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indoff.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/plugin/health.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/plugin/tutor.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/plugin/man.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/plugin/matchit.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/plugin/gzip.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/plugin/tarPlugin.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/plugin/rplugin.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/plugin/zipPlugin.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/plugin/spellfile.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/plugin/shada.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/plugin/tohtml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/plugin: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/cp1254.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/iso-8859-5.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/cns_roman.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/iso-8859-4.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/koi8-r.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/latin1.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/iso-8859-7.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/koi8-u.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/cidfont.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/cp1257.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/iso-8859-15.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/gb_roman.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/ks_roman.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/cp1250.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/cp1255.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/iso-8859-14.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/mac-roman.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/cp1251.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/jis_roman.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/hp-roman8.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/iso-8859-8.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/iso-8859-11.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/cp1253.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/iso-8859-3.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/ascii.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/cp1252.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/iso-8859-10.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/iso-8859-9.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/iso-8859-13.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/prolog.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print/iso-8859-2.ps: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/print: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/delmenu.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/optwin.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/macmap.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/spell/en.utf-8.spl: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/spell/cleanadd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/spell: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftoff.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/mswin.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/tagsrch.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/gui.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/if_ruby.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/pi_msgpack.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/index.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/remote.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/lsp-extension.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/scroll.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/quickfix.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/if_cscop.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/vim_diff.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/indent.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_11.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_26.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/channel.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/diagnostic.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/fold.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/rileft.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/repeat.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/recover.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/spell.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/visual.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/lua.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/tabpage.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/testing.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/russian.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/change.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/options.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/nvim.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/ft_rust.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/ft_raku.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/uganda.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/pi_tutor.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/syntax.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/editing.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/autocmd.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_28.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/undo.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/mbyte.txt: Cannot open: File exists
 22 14.4M   22 3400k    0     0   730k      0  0:00:20  0:00:04  0:00:16 1032ktar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/cmdline.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_31.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_27.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/message.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/builtin.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_43.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/lsp.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/tags: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_06.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/dev_style.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/diff.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_01.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/if_perl.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/pi_paren.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/quickref.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_29.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_41.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/motion.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/windows.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/map.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/remote_plugin.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/starting.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/tips.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_24.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_25.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/pi_spec.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_40.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/print.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_42.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/makehtml.awk: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_03.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_10.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/various.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/ft_ada.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/debug.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/pi_zip.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_45.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_05.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/ui.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_04.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_12.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/ft_ps1.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/insert.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/arabic.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/nvim_terminal_emulator.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/pi_netrw.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_44.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_07.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/vi_diff.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/job_control.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/mlang.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_23.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/api.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_toc.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/term.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_22.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/pi_tar.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/pi_gzip.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_32.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_30.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_21.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_20.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/develop.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_02.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/provider.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/ft_sql.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_08.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/hebrew.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/digraph.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/sign.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/eval.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/treesitter.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/intro.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/maketags.awk: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/deprecated.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/helphelp.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/usr_09.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/pattern.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/pi_health.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/filetype.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc/help.txt: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/doc: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugof.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/synmenu.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/xhtml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/abaqus.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/xinetd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/icon.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/falcon.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/pyrex.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/verilog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/fortran.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/dockerfile.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/xml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/make.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/cdrdaoconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/csh.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/indent.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/help.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/aap.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/wget2.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/dtrace.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/hog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/chicken.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/tutor.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/liquid.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/awk.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/msmessages.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/limits.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/svg.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/registry.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/elixir.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/swift.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/abap.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/fetchmail.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/fennel.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/eiffel.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/readline.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/wast.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/confini.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/man.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/denyhosts.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/sh.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/rpl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/fstab.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/mail.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/ps1xml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/dtd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/scheme.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/javascript.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/mailaliases.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/hostsaccess.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/gpg.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/logtalk.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/sexplib.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/udevconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/clojure.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/logindefs.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/lua.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/context.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/modconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/dictdconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/rust.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/markdown.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/gprof.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/tcsh.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/cfg.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/scala.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/basic.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/mplayerconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/slpspi.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/vroom.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/solution.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/query.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/css.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/diff.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/udevrules.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/csc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/php.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/modula3.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/reva.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/jsp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/rnoweb.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/pascal.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/sass.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/debcontrol.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/xs.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/bdf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/cucumber.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/xmodmap.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/kconfig.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/pbtxt.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/slpconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/m3build.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/jsonc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/j.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/arch.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/masm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/passwd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/logtalk.dict: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/quake.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/sudoers.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/wget.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/spec.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/go.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/jproperties.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/xdefaults.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/dircolors.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/mp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/rst.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/libao.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/xslt.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/perl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/setserial.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/gdb.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/javascriptreact.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/i3config.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/sieve.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/automake.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/bzl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/vim.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/sshconfig.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/config.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/protocols.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/ant.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/rrst.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/rhelp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/sensors.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/rnc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/dosbatch.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/crm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/docbk.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/mf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/occam.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/ruby.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/tex.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/gitsendemail.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/typescriptreact.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/ps1.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/swiftgyb.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/zsh.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/plaintex.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/objc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/hamster.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/prolog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/pinfo.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/checkhealth.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/flexwiki.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/tap.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/eruby.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/m3quake.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/less.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/m4.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/modula2.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/debchangelog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/services.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/r.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/mrxvtrc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/zimbu.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/pamconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/mailcap.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/meson.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/screen.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/tt2html.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/art.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/routeros.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/haml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/8th.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/tmux.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/toml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/octave.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/btm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/htmldjango.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/pod.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/neomuttrc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/eterm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/java.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/fvwm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/qf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/rmd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/tidy.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/raku.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/sql.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/gitconfig.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/sgml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/shada.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/pdf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/matlab.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/terminfo.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/alsaconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/vue.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/elm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/cvsrc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/sysctl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/sbt.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/hostconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/postscr.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/erlang.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/ocaml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/freebasic.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/cobol.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/udevperm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/yaml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/lftp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/racc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/netrc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/manconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/aspvbs.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/systemd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/asm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/slpreg.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/conf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/bst.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/ada.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/lprolog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/procmail.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/bash.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/logcheck.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/kwt.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/treetop.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/qb64.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/gitrebase.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/json.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/vb.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/ld.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/gitcommit.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/julia.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/dosini.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/html.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/lisp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/framescript.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/updatedb.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/c.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/scss.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/ishd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/muttrc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/vhdl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/fpcmake.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/nginx.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/nroff.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/dune.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/group.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/hgcommit.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/groovy.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/nanorc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/nsis.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/haskell.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/cs.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/a2ps.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/systemverilog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/dictconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/initex.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/loginaccess.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/calendar.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/ch.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/changelog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/cpp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/xsd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/tcl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/grub.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/cmake.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/typescript.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/scdoc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/mma.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/xf86conf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/text.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/elinks.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/poke.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/python.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/macros/justify.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/macros/matchit.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/macros/swapmous.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/macros/less.bat: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/macros/editexisting.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/macros/less.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/macros/shellmenu.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/macros/less.sh: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/macros: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/filetype.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/filetype.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/tutor/tutor.tutor: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/tutor/en/vim-01-beginner.tutor: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/tutor/en/vim-01-beginner.tutor.json: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/tutor/en: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/tutor/tutor.tutor.json: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/tutor: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/colors/slate.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/colors/darkblue.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/colors/default.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/colors/pablo.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/colors/torte.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/colors/industry.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/colors/blue.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/colors/peachpuff.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/colors/ron.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/colors/murphy.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/colors/zellner.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/colors/morning.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/colors/koehler.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/colors/elflord.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/colors/desert.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/colors/evening.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/colors/delek.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/colors/shine.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/colors: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/menu.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/xhtml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/xinetd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/falcon.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/pyrex.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/teraterm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/verilog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/fortran.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/xml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/make.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/cdl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/aap.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/dtrace.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/hog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/liquid.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/awk.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/fennel.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/eiffel.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/readline.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/wast.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/sh.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/dylan.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/chaiscript.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/rpl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/mail.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/dtd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/scheme.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/javascript.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/logtalk.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/tilde.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/clojure.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/lua.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/context.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/sqlanywhere.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/dictdconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/rust.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/sas.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/tcsh.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/scala.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/basic.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/vroom.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/query.lua: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/pov.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/css.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/php.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/jsp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/rnoweb.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/pascal.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/sass.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/cucumber.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/jsonc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/idlang.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/j.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/raml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/sml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/go.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/mp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/rst.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/xslt.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/perl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/javascriptreact.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/automake.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/bzl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/vim.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/sshconfig.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/config.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/ant.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/rrst.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/rhelp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/krl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/dosbatch.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/docbk.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/mf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/occam.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/ruby.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/tex.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/ps1.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/zsh.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/objc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/hamster.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/prolog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/eruby.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/less.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/cuda.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/r.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/zimbu.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/meson.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/gitolite.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/haml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/htmldjango.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/sdl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/eterm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/java.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/d.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/rmd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/raku.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/sql.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/gitconfig.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/matlab.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/elm.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/postscr.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/erlang.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/ocaml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/freebasic.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/cobol.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/yaml.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/bst.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/ada.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/bash.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/treetop.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/qb64.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/yacc.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/json.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/vb.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/ld.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/julia.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/html.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/lisp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/framescript.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/c.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/scss.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/ishd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/lifelines.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/vhdl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/nginx.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/dune.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/nsis.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/cs.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/systemverilog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/dictconf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/tf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/bib.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/ch.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/changelog.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/cpp.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/xsd.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/tcl.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/testdir/runtest.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/testdir: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/cmake.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/typescript.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/mma.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/xf86conf.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent/python.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/indent: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime/tools/check_colors.vim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/nvim/runtime/tools: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim/runtime: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/nvim: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
 31 14.4M   31 4696k    0     0   735k      0  0:00:20  0:00:06  0:00:14  934ktar: share/locale/ko.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/ko.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/ko.UTF-8: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/no/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/no/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/no: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/sv: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/zh_CN.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/zh_CN.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/zh_CN.UTF-8: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/en_GB: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/cs.cp1250/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/cs.cp1250/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/cs.cp1250: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/it: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/ja.euc-jp/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/ja.euc-jp/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/ja.euc-jp: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/pt_BR: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/pl.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/pl.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/pl.UTF-8: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/sk.cp1250/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/sk.cp1250/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/sk.cp1250: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/de: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/ga/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/ga/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/ga: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/ca: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/nl: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/af: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/fr: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/da: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/sk: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/zh_TW.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/zh_TW.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/zh_TW.UTF-8: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/nb/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/nb/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/nb: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/cs: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/vi: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/uk: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/ja: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/ru: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/fi: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/es: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/eo/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/eo/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/eo: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/nvim.mo: Cannot open: File exists
tar: share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale/tr: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share/locale: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: share: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: lib/nvim/parser/c.so: Cannot open: File exists
tar: lib/nvim/parser: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: lib/nvim: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: lib: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
100 14.4M  100 14.4M    0     0  1891k      0  0:00:07  0:00:07 --:--:-- 2513k
tar: bin/nvim: Cannot open: File exists
tar: bin: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
yutkat commented 2 years ago

I think the permissions are bad due to the previous bug.

You should execute this command. sudo chown -R your_username:your_usergroup ~/.local/*

Convert your_username and your_usergroup to your own.

laspavel commented 2 years ago

All OK. Thank's

yutkat commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your report!