yutopp / rill

Statically typed system programming language for 文鳥
Boost Software License 1.0
94 stars 7 forks source link

gitタグを打ちませんか? #22

Open nekketsuuu opened 7 years ago

nekketsuuu commented 7 years ago

Wandboxで試したりビルドしたりして思ったのですが、バージョン番号をつけてgitタグを打ちませんか? 今動かしているRillにどこまで機能が実装されているのか把握するのにレポジトリのコミットを見るくらいしか方法が無いので、タグがあると助かります。


yutopp commented 7 years ago


確かにどの機能がどのバージョンにあるというのは現状分かりにくいと思うので、近々機能をまとめてタグを打ちたいと思います。 wandboxではHEADを自動的にビルドして頂いているので、そのバージョンわけは難しく、こちらで明示的にタグを切る必要がありそうです。なので、機能ごとの整理のために少々お時間を頂けると… :pray:

nekketsuuu commented 7 years ago


実は、現状のHEADでコンパイルできるテストケースの test/pass/type_func.rill が今のWandbox上ではコンパイルできないため、Wandboxの方はどこかのコミットで固定しているのだと勝手に思っていたのですが、そうでないならこれはWandbox側での設定か何かの問題なようですね。


melpon commented 7 years ago

Wandbox 上では、以下のエラーが出てビルドに失敗していました。

Fatal error: exception Sys_error("/opt/wandbox/rill-head/include/rill/core/basic_types.rill: No such file or directory")

"/opt/wandbox/rill-head" はインストール先のディレクトリで、まだインストールされていないファイルを読もうとしてエラーが起きているように見えます。 何か分かることはありますか?


root@ik1-312-16151:/var/work/rill-head# ./install.sh
++++ dirname ./install.sh
+++ cd .
+++ pwd
++ BASE_DIR=/var/work/rill-head
+ PREFIX=/opt/wandbox/rill-head
+ set -ex
++ opam config env
[WARNING] Running as root is not recommended
+ eval 'CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/root/.opam/4.04.0/lib/stublibs";' export 'CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH;' 'MANPATH="/root/.opam/4.04.0/man:";' export 'MANPATH;' 'PERL5LIB="/root/.opam/4.04.0/lib/perl5";' export 'PERL5LIB;' 'OCAML_TOPLEVEL_PATH="/root/.opam/4.04.0/lib/toplevel";' export 'OCAML_TOPLEVEL_PATH;' 'PATH="/root/.opam/4.04.0/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin";' export 'PATH;'
++ CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/.opam/4.04.0/lib/stublibs
++ MANPATH=/root/.opam/4.04.0/man:
++ export MANPATH
++ PERL5LIB=/root/.opam/4.04.0/lib/perl5
++ export PERL5LIB
++ OCAML_TOPLEVEL_PATH=/root/.opam/4.04.0/lib/toplevel
++ PATH=/root/.opam/4.04.0/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
++ export PATH
+ PATH=/opt/llvm/bin:/root/.opam/4.04.0/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
+ cp /opt/llvm/bin/llc /opt/wandbox/rill-head/bin/.
+ cp /opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config /opt/wandbox/rill-head/bin/.
+ cd /root/
+ mkdir rill-head
+ cd rill-head
+ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/yutopp/rill.git
Cloning into 'rill'...
remote: Counting objects: 233, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (208/208), done.
remote: Total 233 (delta 13), reused 137 (delta 6), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (233/233), 161.39 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (13/13), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
+ cd rill
+ RILL_LLC_PATH=/opt/wandbox/rill-head/bin/llc
+ LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/wandbox/rill-head/lib
+ omake RELEASE=true PREFIX=/opt/wandbox/rill-head
*** omake: reading OMakefiles
--- Checking for ocamlfind... (found /root/.opam/4.04.0/bin/ocamlfind)
--- Checking for ocamlc.opt... (found /root/.opam/4.04.0/bin/ocamlc.opt)
--- Checking for ocamlopt.opt... (found /root/.opam/4.04.0/bin/ocamlopt.opt)
--- Checking for ocamldep.opt... (found /root/.opam/4.04.0/bin/ocamldep.opt)
--- Checking for ocamllex.opt... (found /root/.opam/4.04.0/bin/ocamllex.opt)
--- Checking whether ocamlc understands the "z" warnings... (yes)
--- Checking whether ocamlopt can create cmxs plugins... (yes)
--- Checking release mode... (true)
--- Checking use local dev lib... (false)
--- Checking take coverage... (false)
--- Checking prefix... (/opt/wandbox/rill-head)
--- Checking bin dir... (/opt/wandbox/rill-head/bin)
--- Checking lib dir... (/opt/wandbox/rill-head/lib)
--- Checking include dir... (/opt/wandbox/rill-head/include)
--- Checking for menhir... (found /root/.opam/4.04.0/bin/menhir)
--- Checking if menhir supports the --raw-depend option... (yes)
--- Checking if ocamldep understands -modules... (yes)
*** omake: finished reading OMakefiles (0.18 sec)
--- Checking for gcc... (found /usr/bin/gcc)======                                                                                                         ] 00117 / 00368
--- Checking for g++... (found /usr/bin/g++)
--- Checking for gcc... (found /usr/bin/gcc)
--- Checking for g++... (found /usr/bin/g++)
--- Checking for gcc... (found /usr/bin/gcc)
--- Checking for ld... (found /usr/bin/ld)
--- Checking for as... (found /usr/bin/as)
- build stdlib/src_ext runtime.o
+ gcc -fPIC -nostdlib -std=c11 -c runtime.c -o runtime.o
runtime.c: In function 'rill_print_bool':
runtime.c:21:12: warning: unknown conversion type character 'b' in format [-Wformat=]===========                                                           ] 00229 / 00368
     printf("%b", v);
runtime.c:21:12: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args]
- build rillc/src parser.mli
+ menhir --infer -v --external-tokens Tokens --ocamlc 'ocamlfind ocamlc -package batteries,llvm,llvm.analysis,llvm.executionengine,llvm_X86,ctypes,stdint,ocamlgraph -warn-error A -g -I .' --base parser tokens.mly parser.mly
Warning: one state has shift/reduce conflicts.
Warning: one shift/reduce conflict was arbitrarily resolved.===================================================                                            ] 00264 / 00368
- build corelib/src/core basic_types.o
+ rillc/src/rillc -c basic_types.rill --no-corelib --no-stdlib --system-lib .. -o basic_types.o
= LOAD_MODULE(/root/rill-head/rill/corelib/src/core/basic_types.rill)
= LOAD_MODULE(/root/rill-head/rill/corelib/src/core/basic_types.rill) 0.060000s
= GENERATE_CODE(basic_types.o)
= GENERATE_CODE(basic_types.o) 0.000000s
= GENERATE_OBJECT(basic_types.o)
= GENERATE_OBJECT(basic_types.o) 0.008000s
- build corelib/src/core builtin.o
+ rillc/src/rillc -c builtin.rill --no-corelib --no-stdlib --system-lib .. -o builtin.o
= LOAD_MODULE(/root/rill-head/rill/corelib/src/core/builtin.rill)
- build corelib/src/core memory.o
+ rillc/src/rillc -c memory.rill --no-corelib --no-stdlib --system-lib .. -o memory.o
= LOAD_MODULE(/root/rill-head/rill/corelib/src/core/memory.rill)
Fatal error: exception Sys_error("/opt/wandbox/rill-head/include/rill/core/basic_types.rill: No such file or directory")
Raised by primitive operation at file "pervasives.ml", line 366, characters 28-54
Called from file "src/batFile.ml", line 144, characters 49-82
Called from file "src/batFile.ml", line 148, characters 13-21
Called from file "sema_forward_ref.ml", line 251, characters 4-157
Called from file "sema_forward_ref.ml", line 47, characters 21-67
Called from file "src/batList.mlv", line 169, characters 28-33
Called from file "src/batList.mlv", line 172, characters 4-12
Called from file "sema_forward_ref.ml", line 23, characters 11-86
Called from file "sema_forward_ref.ml", line 294, characters 19-50
Called from file "sema.ml", line 122, characters 14-55
Called from file "compiler.ml", line 74, characters 10-43
Called from file "main.ml", line 108, characters 22-55
Fatal error: exception Sys_error("/opt/wandbox/rill-head/include/rill/core/basic_types.rill: No such file or directory")
Raised by primitive operation at file "pervasives.ml", line 366, characters 28-54
Called from file "src/batFile.ml", line 144, characters 49-82
Called from file "src/batFile.ml", line 148, characters 13-21
Called from file "sema_forward_ref.ml", line 251, characters 4-157
Called from file "sema_forward_ref.ml", line 47, characters 21-67
Called from file "src/batList.mlv", line 169, characters 28-33
Called from file "src/batList.mlv", line 172, characters 4-12
Called from file "sema_forward_ref.ml", line 23, characters 11-86
Called from file "sema_forward_ref.ml", line 294, characters 19-50
Called from file "sema.ml", line 122, characters 14-55
Called from file "compiler.ml", line 74, characters 10-43
Called from file "main.ml", line 108, characters 22-55
*** omake: 351/368 targets are up to date
*** omake: failed (13.06 sec, 58/58 scans, 71/179 rules, 252/288 digests)
*** omake: targets were not rebuilt because of errors:
      depends on: corelib/src/core/builtin.rill
      depends on: corelib/src/core/memory.rill
yutopp commented 7 years ago


melpon commented 7 years ago

あ、↑のエラーが出るまでにいくつか修正したので、こういうコードになっています https://github.com/melpon/wandbox-builder/tree/tmp/rill

yutopp commented 7 years ago


yutopp commented 7 years ago

/root/rill-head/rill/corelib/src/core/というディレクトリは既に存在している状態でしょうか。 そうであれば、そのディレクトリを削除することで解決するかもしれません。 (importパスの解決ロジックで、ディレクトリが見つかったらそれを採用というようになっており、コンパイラのPREFIXが探索パスにビルド時に埋め込まれているので…)

melpon commented 7 years ago

ありがとうございます。PREFIX のディレクトリを丸ごと削除してビルドし直したら無事動きました。 (インストール先ディレクトリを検索パスに含めるのは良くないのではという気が…)

melpon commented 7 years ago


yutopp commented 7 years ago

ありがとうございます! (/opt/wandbox/rill-head/include/rill/core/の間違いでしたね…)


ですよね。今回のトラブルは直感的でないので改良したい気持ちがあります。 コンパイラオプションでブートストラップのライブラリビルド時にはシステムのパスを無視するのが良いかな、と思っています。