yuukiw / StardewValleyMM

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Not recognizing dll files #3

Closed Jiggynant closed 8 years ago

Jiggynant commented 8 years ago

I'm trying to add a smapi dll but when I click the button it doesn't recognize the dll file.

yuukiw commented 8 years ago

what did you mean with recognize? that he doesnt show them? If so just change xnb to smapi

Jiggynant commented 8 years ago

I mean that when I try to add a smapi mod by clicking the "Add smapi/xnb Mod" I can't find the dll file at its file location.

yuukiw commented 8 years ago

like i said just change the mode in the field right over open/cancel.

(dont know why it default to xnb through)

Jiggynant commented 8 years ago

Ah, thanks. Sorry for the confusion

yuukiw commented 8 years ago

no problem