yuukiw / StardewValleyMM

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Error on update #8

Closed cristian43 closed 7 years ago

cristian43 commented 8 years ago

When open SDVMM and it tries to update it says: update failed...

Something went wrong with the update.

and let my chose in retry or cancel but even if i press retry the same error pops..

i could update the SDVMM closing him and opening the update.bat, then after a few sec it pops the SDVMM 1.6c

and now i have another problem:

When i open the SDVMM v1.6c and it tries to update the smapi it says: "cannot read file from disk! Errorlevel: 0"

(sorry if i wrote something wrong...)

yuukiw commented 8 years ago

try to delete the update folder

yuukiw commented 8 years ago

could you test that file SDVMM.zip

AndreG21 commented 8 years ago

it started to work but then it gives me this screen screenshot 6

yuukiw commented 8 years ago

Could you describe if something happened between it working and it now not working?

AndreG21 commented 8 years ago

while it was working the commands would show just green text, but now i get a mixture of green and red text when i start it

(First) screenshot 9

(Second) screenshot 7

(Third) screenshot 11

yuukiw commented 8 years ago

the momvement mod seems to be corupted or missing the manifest

yuukiw commented 8 years ago

btw if you down own the game yet and are using an cracked version you could in theory switch over to gog = true. Which eliminates Steam out of the equation when launching.

AndreG21 commented 8 years ago

Ok ,also while trying to deactivate certain mods to see if i can solve the problem, I found that .storm won't allow me to reactivate them.

cristian43 commented 8 years ago

well, i've tryed with that link of 1.6c and when i started it, pops a extration windows that says it couldn't delete SDVMM, after closing it i opened the "update.bat", all works correctly and then sdvmm 1.6e opened, all settings were set atomaticaly and i was able to delete mods (modname.dll) from the list. now, if i press "add SMAPI/XNB mod", select a xnb file and i cancel the "XNB selection" it pops an error that says it couldn't find the archive (i don't know if that is intentional but sounds like a bug) and... apparently... that is all, it doesn't autoupdate but it download the update, so u can manually update it, and a little XNB bug (nothing important) edit: i've tested that all in SDV ver 1.7 edit2: i found something else: if i add a mod (dll) i cant remove it until i close and re-open the SDVMM, and if i add an XNB i can't delete it and restore it's backup and i have to go to .ini folder, remove the line in the SDVMM.ini with that specific mod and restore the backup manually

yuukiw commented 8 years ago

The message that appears when canceling out of the xnb Selektion is somewhat Intentionen but i need to Differentiat it more.

The xnb deleting bug is known and i would fix it Asap the DLL one is new.

But it could take a while since University just started again.

cristian43 commented 8 years ago

yeah, no problem, if i found something else i'll let u know