yuv418 / emotes

Upload and use custom emotes on Discord without Nitro and Telegram without hassle using memorable URLs
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Provide feedback in Discord. #13

Open cdknight opened 4 years ago

cdknight commented 4 years ago

We should find out how to check if Discord is accessing our image (eg. custom useragent/IP address) and return a different response with <meta> so Discord generates an embed telling us the status of our emote, if it is not accessible (eg. emote not found, emote processing, etc.)

cdknight commented 4 years ago

Update: it seems as if the user-agent for the Discord crawler is Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Discordbot/2.0; +https://discordapp.com, so this should be fairly easy to implement.

cdknight commented 4 years ago

This is basically asking for OpenGraph support. See this for more details. On the other hand, Discord likes Twitter tags more.

cdknight commented 4 years ago

Update: OpenGraph support is bad (we have to do a video, not a GIF). It will only for GIFs without alpha channels (and even then, not well). We will force the user to append .gif through OpenGraph support so Discord will render a preview.