Closed ghost closed 2 years ago
@hqnicolas Since this is not an issue with this repository, I recommend creating a fork of this repository and making all your changes there. You can make all the changes you want there independent of this repository. Thanks
@yuval-alaluf Please unblock the Hotnikq on github account so that I can make a FORK and put the codes available to those who are interested in running these functions like bootstrap and landmarks transforms multithreading
hello, I missed the encoder_bootstrapping_inference in this sg3 application I don't know if it's in the standard you work with, but for anyone interested it should work I tried to publish a code that I've been working on Computing landmarks transforms multithreading on CPU but my account is blocked Hotnikq on github
/stylegan3-editing/ /stylegan3-editing/utils/ /stylegan3-editing/inversion/models/ /stylegan3-editing/inversion/options/ /stylegan3-editing/inversion/options/