Closed JohnsonZZZ closed 7 years ago
大佬你好,我现在引用了你最新的库文件之后,修改表字段,出现了这个问题。 【Failed to restore data from temp table 】BlackList_TEMP android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: UNIQUE constraint failed: BlackList.PKBlackList (code 1555)
@Entity(nameInDb = "BlackList", createInDb = false) public class BlackListEntity {
@Property(nameInDb = "PKBlackList") @Convert(converter = UUID2BytesConverter.class, columnType = byte[].class) public UUID PKBlackList; @Property(nameInDb = "PKCompany") @Convert(converter = UUID2BytesConverter.class, columnType = byte[].class) public UUID PKCompany; @Property(nameInDb = "Cellphone") public String Cellphone; @Property(nameInDb = "Description") public String Description; @Property(nameInDb = "DeleteStatus") public int DeleteStatus; @Property(nameInDb = "PKUser") @Convert(converter = UUID2BytesConverter.class, columnType = byte[].class) public UUID PKUser; @Property(nameInDb = "CreateTime") public String CreateTime; @Property(nameInDb = "TestValu") public String TestValu; @Generated(hash = 465873519) public BlackListEntity(UUID PKBlackList, UUID PKCompany, String Cellphone, String Description, int DeleteStatus, UUID PKUser, String CreateTime, String TestValu) { this.PKBlackList = PKBlackList; this.PKCompany = PKCompany; this.Cellphone = Cellphone; this.Description = Description; this.DeleteStatus = DeleteStatus; this.PKUser = PKUser; this.CreateTime = CreateTime; this.TestValu = TestValu; } @Generated(hash = 1391692307) public BlackListEntity() { }
下面是我的OpenHelper @Override public void onUpgrade(Database db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { LogUtil.e("MigrationHelper", "from oldVersion:" + oldVersion + "to newVersion:" + newVersion); MigrationHelper.migrate(db, new MigrationHelper.ReCreateAllTableListener() { @Override public void onCreateAllTables(Database db, boolean ifNotExists) { DaoMaster.createAllTables(db, ifNotExists); } @Override public void onDropAllTables(Database db, boolean ifExists) { DaoMaster.dropAllTables(db, ifExists); } }, BlackListEntityDao.class); }
如果是之前的项目添加了唯一键约束,然后新版本里面使用了这个框架,并且移除了唯一键约束,也会出现该问题,请问大佬有什么解决思路吗? 我这边先把用户的数据库删除了,然后新建 就好了 但是这样的操作显得有点不够友好。
大佬你好,我现在引用了你最新的库文件之后,修改表字段,出现了这个问题。 【Failed to restore data from temp table 】BlackList_TEMP android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: UNIQUE constraint failed: BlackList.PKBlackList (code 1555)
@Entity(nameInDb = "BlackList", createInDb = false) public class BlackListEntity {
下面是我的OpenHelper @Override public void onUpgrade(Database db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { LogUtil.e("MigrationHelper", "from oldVersion:" + oldVersion + "to newVersion:" + newVersion); MigrationHelper.migrate(db, new MigrationHelper.ReCreateAllTableListener() { @Override public void onCreateAllTables(Database db, boolean ifNotExists) { DaoMaster.createAllTables(db, ifNotExists); } @Override public void onDropAllTables(Database db, boolean ifExists) { DaoMaster.dropAllTables(db, ifExists); } }, BlackListEntityDao.class); }