yuweihao / MambaOut

MambaOut: Do We Really Need Mamba for Vision?
Apache License 2.0
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Release MambaOut-Kobe model with 24 Gated CNN blocks #219

Open yuweihao opened 1 month ago

yuweihao commented 1 month ago

As #5 's suggestion, we released MambaOut-Kobe model, a Kobe Memorial version with 24 Gated CNN blocks. MambaOut-Kobe achieves really competitive performance, surpassing ResNet-50 and ViT-S with much fewer parameters and FLOPs. For example, MambaOut-Kobe outperforms ViT-S by 0.2% accuracy with only 41% parameters and 33% FLOPs.

Model Resolution Params MACs Top1 Acc
(ResNet strikes back)
224 25.5M 4.1G 79.8
ViT-S 224 22.1M 4.6G 79.8
MambaOut-Kobe 224 9.1M 1.5G 80.0
castorwong commented 1 month ago

大家都在整活就你来玩真的 XD

Celestial-Bai commented 1 month ago


FengyuGuo commented 1 month ago
