An end-to-end example for linear regression with SSP and AdaSSP (including actual implementation of the algorithm and benchmarking on an actual dataset).
A tutorial on how to represent differentially private deep learning algorithms in autodp. It covers four popular algorithms: NoisyGD, NoisySGD, PATE and PrivateKNN.
A separate tutorial for representing PATE with autodp together with how to use the numerical calibrator.
An end-to-end example for linear regression with SSP and AdaSSP (including actual implementation of the algorithm and benchmarking on an actual dataset).
A tutorial on how to represent differentially private deep learning algorithms in autodp. It covers four popular algorithms: NoisyGD, NoisySGD, PATE and PrivateKNN.
A separate tutorial for representing PATE with autodp together with how to use the numerical calibrator.