yuya373 / emacs-slack

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Thread replies going missing #508

Closed ieure closed 4 years ago

ieure commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug

Replies to threads stopped working today. They were fine this morning, but have developed problems as of this afternoon:

I see that the Slack web UI has been overhauled ("A simpler, more organized Slack"), perhaps they changed the backend at the same time.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Have someone send a message.
  2. Have someone create a thread.
  3. Have one or more people reply to that thread.
  4. Observe that the messages


[2020-04-01 15:54:58] [trace] REQUEST FINISHED. URL: "https://slack.com/api/conversations.replies", PARAMS: (("channel" . "C05140GMX") ("ts" . "1585781326.022500") ("oldest" . "1585781326.022500")), DATA: (:messages ((:type "message" :text "Sometimes Slack collapses threads in ways that are funnier than the threads themselves <@UEGCBFT7E> <@UM64TS6UB>" :files ((:id "F0118BD5NLC" :created 1585781322 :timestamp 1585781322 :name "image.png" :title "image.png" :mimetype "image/png" :filetype "png" :pretty_type "PNG" :user "U02F98M26" :editable :json-false :size 43219 :mode "hosted" :is_external :json-false :external_type "" :is_public t :public_url_shared :json-false :display_as_bot :json-false :username "" :url_private "https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T02F87F55-F0118BD5NLC/image.png" :url_private_download "https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T02F87F55-F0118BD5NLC/download/image.png" :thumb_64 "https://files.slack.com/files-tmb/T02F87F55-F0118BD5NLC-6226f7f920/image_64.png" :thumb_80 "https://files.slack.com/files-tmb/T02F87F55-F0118BD5NLC-6226f7f920/image_80.png" :thumb_360 "https://files.slack.com/files-tmb/T02F87F55-F0118BD5NLC-6226f7f920/image_360.png" :thumb_360_w 360 :thumb_360_h 151 :thumb_480 "https://files.slack.com/files-tmb/T02F87F55-F0118BD5NLC-6226f7f920/image_480.png" :thumb_480_w 480 :thumb_480_h 202 :thumb_160 "https://files.slack.com/files-tmb/T02F87F55-F0118BD5NLC-6226f7f920/image_160.png" :image_exif_rotation 1 :original_w 714 :original_h 300 :thumb_tiny "AwAUADC8HBkZcNlfyp+R61GHJlZdwwO2DxUooAMj1oyPWlooATI9aBg9DS0UAJgelA4oooAM0ZoooAM0ZoooA//Z" :permalink "https://eveners.slack.com/files/U02F98M26/F0118BD5NLC/image.png" :permalink_public "https://slack-files.com/T02F87F55-F0118BD5NLC-cd1da9b9f5" :is_starred :json-false :has_rich_preview :json-false)) :upload t :blocks ((:type "rich_text" :block_id "IHQ" :elements ((:type "rich_text_section" :elements ((:type "text" :text "Sometimes Slack collapses threads in ways that are funnier than the threads themselves ") (:type "user" :user_id "UEGCBFT7E") (:type "text" :text " ") (:type "user" :user_id "UM64TS6UB")))))) :user "U02F98M26" :display_as_bot :json-false :ts "1585781326.022500" :client_msg_id "f03bc52c-623c-497c-a8bf-4211f79b849d" :thread_ts "1585781326.022500" :reply_count 2 :reply_users_count 2 :latest_reply "1585781500.023300" :reply_users ("UM64TS6UB" "UEGCBFT7E") :subscribed t :last_read "1585781351.023000" :reactions ((:name "lol" :users ("UDXGN0D5L" "UEGCBFT7E" "UBPK6G2F4" "UFBGRHU3Y") :count 4)) :attachments nil :pinned_to nil :channel "C05140GMX") (:type "message" :text "terrific" :user "UM64TS6UB" :ts "1585781351.023000" :team "T02F87F55" :thread_ts "1585781326.022500" :parent_user_id "U02F98M26" :reactions nil :attachments nil :pinned_to nil :channel "C05140GMX") (:client_msg_id "3c6248d6-9546-444a-9bda-07e336493f48" :type "message" :text "this is tight" :user "UEGCBFT7E" :ts "1585781500.023300" :team "T02F87F55" :blocks ((:type "rich_text" :block_id "TDQnR" :elements ((:type "rich_text_section" :elements ((:type "text" :text "this is tight")))))) :thread_ts "1585781326.022500" :parent_user_id "U02F98M26" :reactions nil :attachments nil :pinned_to nil :channel "C05140GMX")) :has_more :json-false :ok t) - Even

Expected behavior

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