yuzawa-san / googolplex-theater

Persistently maintain multiple Chromecasts as digital signage without a browser.
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Getting docker to work? #517

Open Trentan opened 2 months ago

Trentan commented 2 months ago

Hi there - all but working (docker install) getting error:

Trying this step from cmd prompt: docker run --net=host -v /path/to/your/conf:/opt/googolplex-theater/conf ghcr.io/yuzawa-san/googolplex-theater:VERSION

rebranded for my machine- (eg trying to point the C:Temp drive)

C:\Temp>docker run --net=host -v C:/temp yuzawa/googolplex-theater:latest

Returns error: ParseException: cast-config file does not exist: /opt/googolplex-theater/src/dist/conf/cast_config.json usage: googolplex-theater [-a ] [-c ] [-h] [-i

] [-p ] -a,--app-id cast application ID -c,--cast-config cast config json file -h,--help show usage -i,--interface network interface name or IP address to use for service discovery -p,--port server port number I can see the missing file created in the docker volumes - image - but no luck! Any help greatly appreciated - thank you.
yuzawa-san commented 2 months ago

i think the volume arg needs to take the form /path/on/local/volume:/opt/googolplex-theater/conf but windows uses that : so that may throw it off. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35315996/how-do-i-mount-a-docker-volume-while-using-a-windows-host. so maybe something like this:

docker run --net=host -v /c/temp:/opt/googolplex-theater/conf yuzawa/googolplex-theater:latest

i do not have a windows test environment, so maybe something is broken with the file path discovery within the app itself.

unrelated, but i put off version 2 of this project during the pandemic, but i think maybe given the increased interest i may start testing and preparing for a new release. NOTE: if/when that happens, the config is now a yaml instead of JSON, but no change is needed on your end right now.

Trentan commented 2 months ago

Thanks for your help I'll give it a go and let you know (and if I can't get it to work for windows will go to Linux or something else, or look at how the volume is mounted in the code).

I can't believe Google have not done something themselves for this, your concept and code will be so convenient.

Thank you.

Trentan commented 2 months ago

Yeah tried that and a few other combos, still no luck - I don't think mounting the file store correctly (where the volume is mapped). Need someone who is a windows expert to get it to work - Looks like i'll invest in a Raspberry Pi. Mind you, I checked and google have allowed streaming from multiple tabs now to separate devices (still can't stream same content to both! need separate tabs!)