yuzd / Hangfire.HttpJob

httpjob for Hangfire,restful api for Hangfire,job调度与业务分离
MIT License
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AddRecurringJob 添加QueueName无法保存 #200

Open zhanght919 opened 9 months ago

zhanght919 commented 9 months ago

AddRecurringJob 功能 { "JobName": "test", "Method": "POST", "ContentType": "application/json", "Url": "http://localhost:5001/api/User/Add", "Data": { "Type":1 }, "QueueName":"test", "Timeout": 5000, "Cron": " 0/2 ", "EnableRetry": false, "RetryTimes": 3, "RetryDelaysInSeconds": "20,30,60", "SendSuccess": false } 上面"QueueName":"test",这里QueueName配置为test,提示添加成功。 然后点击job名称,弹出框中QueueName还是default,并且再进行编辑,保存后还是default,恳请解答

yuzd commented 9 months ago

你确认下真正执行的时候是在Queue:test吗? 如果是的话,可能再次点击job名称的这里展示的有问题。

daz-codersoft commented 3 months ago

Hello. I am loving this project you have created! But I do have a problem in that I can't seem to set the queue for a job. I enter a queue name (which already exists), but once I submit the job, and then view it, it has gone to the "default" queue. This happens both when creating a new job, or editing an existing one. I only speak English but I suspect that is what this ticket is about? I'm using Hangfire.HttpJob 3.8.1. I have confirmed that the jobs are also added to the "default" queue when the job fires (and so my job never runs as I don't have a "default" queue).

Thank you.

daz-codersoft commented 3 months ago

A bit more information...it seems that if I set the DefaultBackgroundJobQueueName and DefaultRecurringQueueName in the call to UseHangfireHttpJob, then it will allow me to change the queue. ie:

.UseHangfireHttpJob(new HangfireHttpJobOptions
    MailOption = hangfireConfig.EmailSettings,
    DefaultBackGroundJobQueueName = hangfireConfig.QueueName,
    DefaultRecurringQueueName = hangfireConfig.QueueName,