yuzu-mirror / yuzu-downloads

Archived releases of yuzu (not part of the original organization)
The Unlicense
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Android Release #4

Open MattKayDev opened 1 month ago

MattKayDev commented 1 month ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

What feature are you suggesting?

Android Release

Why would this feature be useful?

It will allow people to use the emu on android devices.

MillionsToOne commented 1 month ago

I believe you could build it yourself.

Jinansh230705 commented 1 month ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • [X] I have searched the existing issues

What feature are you suggesting?

Android Release

Why would this feature be useful?

It will allow people to use the emu on android devices.

It already released Also this is a mirror of yuzu Yuzu is discontinued due to Nintendo

westhecool commented 1 month ago

5 I am trying to add them