Open stonedMoose opened 3 years ago
Hi, thank you.
Unfortunately I'm facing the exact same problem and I have to manually delete things.
That's what I personally do:
I'm know that's a bit hacky and needs manual intervention but I'm using this technique for 2 years now without much problem.
I hope that will help you.
If anyone know of to properly handle the Lambda@Edge deletion within the custom resource, please feel free to contribute 😉
Thanks for your answer.
I was doing the same actually... until I wanted to deploy an ephemeral environment to test against. These tests would have been launched for every commit pushed on my project. So It would have been impossible for me to delete these environments manually.
I ended up trying something else. I add Retain
as deletion policy for the Custom::LambdaEdge
ressources. Doing so my main stack deletion won't failed.
But I still have to delete stack created by the custom resource in us-east-1
, so I added the stack name as an output of the custom resource. With this output, I can, in my main stack output the stack name created by the custom resource.
And my deletion workflow become:
Delete Failed
With these steps, I'm able to delete automatically my stack and mark the custom resources stack as Delete failed
. So now, I just have to, once in a while, go to cloudformation ui in us-east-1
and delete the stack that failed to delete.
You can see that I tried my best to add a deletion retry strategy within the CloudFormation custom resource but this isn't enough 😞
See also:
, so I added the stack name as an output of the custom resource. With this output, I can, in my main stack output the stack name created by the custom resource.
@stonedMoose, how are you doing that? A GetAttr
on the Custom::LambdaEdge
@NickDarvey Sorry I've just seen your question... I think, I did modify this repository to add the output I needed:
index 4b6419a..a4945f5 100644
--- a/stacks/custom-resource-lambda-edge/cloudformation.yml
+++ b/stacks/custom-resource-lambda-edge/cloudformation.yml
@@ -129,3 +129,6 @@ Outputs:
Value: !GetAtt Function.Arn
Name: CustomResourceLambdaEdgeServiceToken
+ StackName:
+ Description: Stack name
+ Value: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}
diff --git a/stacks/custom-resource-lambda-edge/src/cloudformation.yml b/stacks/custom-resource-lambda-edge/src/cloudformation.yml
index 7fd342b..0ff1dd6 100644
--- a/stacks/custom-resource-lambda-edge/src/cloudformation.yml
+++ b/stacks/custom-resource-lambda-edge/src/cloudformation.yml
@@ -114,3 +114,6 @@ Outputs:
- UseDefaultFunctionRole
- !GetAtt LambdaRole.Arn
- !Ref FunctionRole
+ StackName:
+ Description: Stack name
+ Value: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}
In the end I ended switching to aws cdk instead of cloudformation :D and I'm using this package to handle lambda@edge:
The deletion is handle gracefully in it, so maybe there is something to look for ^^
EDIT: the deletion is not handle gracefully after all... I have a home made script to handle deployment and undeployment, that basically use cdk command to deploy my stacks. When deleting my stack, I first destroy the lambda@edge stack, it fails because of function replicas. Then I destroy the stack retaining the replicas and waiting a bit between the two operations.
It looks like the following using aws cli:
function delete_stack() {
log "Deleting stack $1..."
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name "$1" --region "$region" --no-cli-pager
function delete_stack_and_wait() {
delete_stack "$1" "$2"
aws cloudformation wait stack-delete-complete --stack-name "$1" --no-cli-pager
function list_edge_functions() {
aws lambda list-functions --region us-east-1 --no-cli-pager | jq '.Functions | .[].FunctionName ' | grep Edge | tr -d '"'
function edge_function_cleanup {
log "Edge functions cleanup"
while read line;do
echo "> Trying to delete $line"
aws lambda delete-function --region us-east-1 --function-name $line --no-cli-pager
done< <(list_edge_functions)
function deleteEdgeStack() {
delete_stack_and_wait $edge_support_stack us-east-1
sleep 20
function deleteEdgeStackRetainingFunctions() {
stackEvents=$(aws cloudformation describe-stack-events --region $edge_region --stack-name $edge_support_stack)
lastStatus=$(echo $stackEvents| jq ' .StackEvents |.[0] | .ResourceStatus' | tr -d '"')
if [ "$lastStatus" = 'DELETE_FAILED' ];then
resource=$(echo $stackEvents| jq ' .StackEvents |.[0] | .ResourceStatusReason' | cut -d'[' -f2 | cut -d']' -f1 | tr -d ',' )
aws cloudformation delete-stack --region us-east-1 --stack-name $edge_support_stack --retain $resource --no-cli-pager
First I would to like thank you for this project, you did a great job and it helped me set up cloudfront lambda@edge on my current project.
I have a little problem regarding graceful deletion of my stack when using your custom resources. The stack always fails to delete itself because the lambda@edge function cannot be deleted.
Do you have any tips on how we could manage a graceful stack deletion using your custom resource ?
Thanks for your help !