ywgATustcbbs / ustcthesis

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Tex Live 2015 兼容性 #25

Closed zepinglee closed 8 years ago

zepinglee commented 9 years ago

我的系统是OS X 10.10 + MacTeX 2015,本来想修改一下macfonts选项的字体的,却发现似乎有些兼容性问题。


附录 A
! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again> 
l.2 ...术大学研究生学位论文撰写规范}


! Arithmetic overflow.
\dim_eval:n ...N \__dim_eval:w #1\__dim_eval_end: 

l.15 \end


seisman commented 9 years ago

CentOS 7.1 + TeXLive 2015,同样的错误。

ywgATustcbbs commented 9 years ago


zepinglee commented 9 years ago


ywgATustcbbs commented 9 years ago


redsky0802 commented 9 years ago

Archlinux + TeXLive2015,同样的错误

seisman commented 9 years ago

@redsky0802 试试这个:https://github.com/ustctug/ustcthesis

redsky0802 commented 9 years ago

@seisman 多谢,这个能用

ustcxmwu commented 8 years ago

无论是更新ctex 或者是texlive 2015都会出现这个问题,第一次报错 (./chapter/chap-req.tex 附录 A ! Missing number, treated as zero.

之后修改ustcthesis.sty 最后一段,给那个if fi 加上大括号问题解决 \renewenvironment{appendix} { {\if@mainmatter \@appendixinbackmatterfalse\OLDappendix \else \@appendixinbackmattertrue\@mainmattertrue\OLDappendix \fi} \renewcommand\chaptername{\appendixname~\thechapter}} {\if@appendixinbackmatter\@mainmatterfalse\fi } 出现新的问题是编出来的附录的章节的标题没有“附录A” ,貌似是backmatter搞的鬼,求问各位如何解决?
ustcxmwu commented 8 years ago

问题解决了,更新ctex 或者升级到texlive 2015之后更改模板最后一段为: \renewenvironment{appendix} { {\if@mainmatter \@appendixinbackmatterfalse\OLDappendix \else \@appendixinbackmattertrue\@mainmattertrue\OLDappendix \fi} %\renewcommand\chaptername{\appendixname~\thechapter}} \renewcommand\appendixname{} \CTEXsetup[name={附录 \space,}]{chapter} \CTEXsetup[number={\Alph{chapter}}]{chapter} } {\if@appendixinbackmatter\@mainmatterfalse\fi } 问题解决

AprilCheny commented 8 years ago

Arithmetic overflow. 这个错误也出现了-_-||

zepinglee commented 8 years ago

@ustcxmwu 在 mactex 2015 下,按照你的方法还不行。 我pull了你的repo测试的,也是Arithmetic overflow.