yxu0611 / Tensorflow-implementation-of-LCNN

A Tensorflow implementation of "A Light CNN for Deep Face Representation with Noisy Labels"
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Is MFM_fc1 missing? #10

Open Ignotus opened 5 years ago

Ignotus commented 5 years ago


Thank you for the effort to port it to Tensorflow.

In the original paper fc1 is followed by MFM_fc1. I see you implemented MFMfc but it's not used anywhere. Is it a bug or intentionally made decision?

yxu0611 commented 5 years ago

Hi, The LCNN29 network implementation is not exactly same as the paper. For MFM_fc1, we have implemented it and used it for training, but the result was slight worse that not using. You can try to compare the different by adding MFM_fc layer after mod.fcnn_layer(512) layer.