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Missing syllables in different datasets. #6

Open MBAnslow opened 4 years ago

MBAnslow commented 4 years ago

sentence_level_31 and syllable_level_npy_39 datasets have all syllables includes but sentenceWord_level_6 and word_level_29 don't.

Examples of syllables in the same record. Notice inclusion of "it's" here:

sentence_level_31 list([['Must', 'have', 'been', 'love'], ['but', "it's", 'o', 'ver', 'now'], syllable_level_npy_39 list(['Must', 'have', 'been', 'love', 'but', "it's", 'o', 'ver', 'now',

and exclusion of "it's" here:

sentenceWord_level_6 list([[['Must'], ['have'], ['been'], ['love']], [['but'], ['o', 'ver'], word_level_29 list([['Must'], ['have'], ['been'], ['love'], ['but'], ['o', 'ver'],

This probably affects the note durations too but I haven't checked that.