yylgoodlucky / HDTR-Net

A Real-Time High-Definition Teeth Restoration Network for ArbitraryTalking Face Generation Methods
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AttributeError: _3D #4

Open komilaria opened 12 months ago

komilaria commented 12 months ago

how to solve issue

komilaria commented 12 months ago

is it work on windows?

yylgoodlucky commented 12 months ago

The code is tested on linux ubuntu 18.04. It seems like your problem is about your python environment. Since we don't have your running log, this issue could not be solve. Either paste your error log here or try it on linux.

komilaria commented 12 months ago

(hdtr-net1) PS C:\Users\USER\Desktop\aria\HDTR-Net> python inference.py --input_video sample/arialast.mp4 C:\Users\USER\miniconda3\envs\hdtr-net1\lib\site-packages\torchvision\io\image.py:13: UserWarning: Failed to load image Python extension: warn(f"Failed to load image Python extension: {e}") Traceback (most recent call last): File "inference.py", line 20, in fa_3d = face_alignment.FaceAlignment(face_alignment.LandmarksType._3D, flip_input=False, device='cuda:0') File "C:\Users\USER\miniconda3\envs\hdtr-net1\lib\enum.py", line 354, in getattr raise AttributeError(name) from None AttributeError: _3D

komilaria commented 12 months ago

i am using Windows 11. maybe this issue depend on it?

yylgoodlucky commented 12 months ago

I think there may be an error in the version of face_alignment. You can refer to this answer

alxsel commented 12 months ago

You need to change _3D to THREE_D, and if you got same error but with _2D you need to change it to TWO_D.

rebotnix commented 12 months ago

Have the same issue on linux. Any idea?

- raceback (most recent call last): File "inference.py", line 20, in fa_3d = face_alignment.FaceAlignment(face_alignment.LandmarksType._3D, flip_input=False, device='cuda:0') File "/opt/8tbdrive1/experiments/HDTR-Net/venv/lib/python3.7/enum.py", line 349, in getattr raise AttributeError(name) from None AttributeError: _3D

kormalev commented 11 months ago

A possible fix for this is to pip install face-alignment==1.3.4 (or change it in requirements.txt).