yyyar / gobetween

:cloud: Modern & minimalistic load balancer for the Сloud era
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Gobetween main URL is not working #331

Open tojai01 opened 1 year ago

tojai01 commented 1 year ago

Hi I have installed 3 solr instances in my machine as "https://solr1:9000", "https://solr2:9002" and "https://solr3:9003" when I hit any of these URL's it's loading fine.

I have installed "gobetween" as a service in my windows laptop using NSSM. It's installed as a service successfully and service is running also. Below are the lines I changed into "gobetween.toml" file. `# ---------- tcp example ----------- # [servers.solrcloud] protocol = "tcp" bind = "localhost:3010"

[servers.solrcloud.discovery] kind = "static" static_list = ["localhost:9000","localhost:9002","localhost:9003"]`


  1. When I hit the URL "http://localhost:3010" I am getting the error "The page isn't working" what i am doing wrong here?
  2. I am not able to find any logs created.
  3. Do I need to make any other changes in the "gobetween.toml" file?
  4. I have tried the "static_list = ["solr1:9000", "solr2:9002", "solr3:9003"} as well.

Can you help me on this?