Closed LtSnuggie closed 7 years ago
I think I can deploy it using only HTML.
How are you thinking about doing that?
Also, what class is your main function in?
I was trying to wrap your app in a .jnlp file but it looked like Java was having issues finding your main method. I was trying javagame.Game as it appeared main(args) was in there.
The class is javagame.Game.class. It is an applet so it uses init(), start(), and run() instead of main()
I am using the applet tag in HTML to run it.
Have you gotten the applet tag to work? Currently the only supported browsers are IE/Safari according to the Orcale documentation
If you cannot get the applet tag to work you will need to convert it to an application.
Look at the section titled 'Re-writing a Java Applet as a Java Web Start Application'
Steven, which version of Java did you use when you wrote this?
I used 1.8
Steven if you cannot get your applet running in pure HTML that is launched outside of the eclipse IDE I will need you to build the game as application as outline in the article I posted above.
If you do get it to launch please add the HTML to your project and commit the files.
Steven, Ms Walker said you got her a jar. Was this jar built as an application with a main() wrapper around your run() and init() functions to get the game running?
Perfect, I will try to get this deployable this weekend.
Hey Lindsay said you thought you had a way to deploy your app. What did you find.