yzbx / ZoomTest

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QR Code #5

Open yzbx opened 7 years ago

yzbx commented 7 years ago
yzbx commented 7 years ago

~https://github.com/nayuki/QR-Code-generator~ 错误 1 error C2582: “operator =”函数在“qrcodegen::QrSegment”中不可用 D:\Programing Tools\VS2013\VC\include\utility 53 1 CLR001_empty ~https://github.com/fukuchi/libqrencode~ no cmakelist.txt, must use make to compile it.

yzbx commented 7 years ago

https://github.com/nayuki/QR-Code-generator 编译和引用很成功,但目前只能输出 svg 的字符串,或者字符表示,需要结合Libpng 进行作图。

错误 1 error C2582: “operator =”函数在“qrcodegen::QrSegment”中不可用 D:\Programing Tools\VS2013\VC\include\utility 53 1 CLR001_empty

std::vector<QrSegment> segs3;
//const QrCode qr3 = QrCode::encodeSegments(
//{ QrSegment::makeBytes(bytes), QrSegment::makeNumeric(golden1), QrSegment::makeAlphanumeric(golden2) },
yzbx commented 7 years ago


  1. 需要重新编译zlib,libpng
  2. 需要统一公共语言运行时支持(/clr)
  3. 需要将C编译为C++(/TP)
  4. 需要运行库改为(/MDd)
  5. snprinft 需要重定义为_snprintf
  6. getopt.h 是需要的
  7. 需要cmake-gui进行伪造getopt.dll,然后在vs 工程中移除
  8. 调用约定需要统一设置为__cdecl (/Gd)


F:\YZBX\CPP\CLR001\CLR001_empty\gnu\libqrencode-master\build\Release>qrencode.ex e -o hello.png -v 1 helloworld -v 选择1,2,3 都比较容易识别。

yzbx commented 7 years ago

QRcode Test Online https://www.nayuki.io/page/qr-code-generator-library

yzbx commented 6 years ago

严重性 代码 说明 项目 文件 行 错误 C2365 “std::FrameFiller_next”: 重定义;以前的定义是“数据变量” zoomdemo D:\tmp\coding\zoomdemo\zoomdemo\QRcode.cpp 240

using namespace std;

yzbx commented 6 years ago

" 未处理 System.AccessViolationException Message="尝试读取或写入受保护的内存。这通常指示其他内存已损坏。" image

yzbx commented 6 years ago

~https://github.com/zxing/zxing~ https://github.com/glassechidna/zxing-cpp ~https://github.com/nu-book/zxing-cpp~


错误 1 error C2065: “val”: 未声明的标识符 (F:\YZBX\CPP\zxing-cpp-glassechidna\opencv\src\zxing\MatSource.cpp) D:\Programing Tools\OpenCV\opencv\build\include\opencv2\core\operations.hpp 1458 1 libzxing 错误 13 error LNK1181: 无法打开输入文件“Release\libzxing.lib” F:\YZBX\CPP\zxing-cpp-glassechidna\build\LINK zxing

nayuki commented 6 years ago

错误 1 error C2582: “operator =”函数在“qrcodegen::QrSegment”中不可用 D:\Programing Tools\VS2013\VC\include\utility 53 1 CLR001_empty

I made some recent improvements to my library. I believe I have fixed this compile-time error. Please feel free to try the new code now.