yzqin / s4g-release

S4G: Amodal Single-view Single-Shot SE(3) Grasp Detection in Cluttered Scene
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pretrained model #13

Open SeyedHamidreza opened 1 month ago

SeyedHamidreza commented 1 month ago

Hi, Thank you for sharing the code.

For the newer version of CUDA, we need to replace THCudaCheck with AT_CUDA_CHECK

//THCudaCheck(cudaGetLastError()); AT_CUDA_CHECK(cudaGetLastError());

and we need to comment //THArgCheck(at::cuda::getApplyGrid(totalElements, grid, curDevice), 1, "Too many elements to calculate");

in sampling_kernel.cu and ball_query_kernel.cu we need to do the following

//#include <THC/THC.h>

include <ATen/cuda/CUDAContext.h>

include <ATen/cuda/CUDAEvent.h>

for more info, please check https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/72807

best regards, Hamidreza

yzqin commented 1 month ago

Hi @SeyedHamidreza

The pretrained model is provided directly inside the GitHub repo here.

yzqin commented 1 month ago

Thanks for sharing the CUDA fix! It's really helpful.

This project was created back in 2019, and there have been quite a few changes to the Torch and CUDA interface since then. It would be amazing if you could share your fix with the rest of the community by submitting a pull request. This would help ensure compatibility for everyone.

Thanks again for your contribution!

SeyedHamidreza commented 1 month ago

sure, I will do it as soon as I find time. hopefully at some point next week.