z------------- / CPod

(UNMAINTAINED) A simple, beautiful podcast app for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Apache License 2.0
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Unknown media error after pauses #186

Open EricRKLS opened 4 years ago

EricRKLS commented 4 years ago

CPod version: v1.27.1

Platform: Ubuntu 18.04

Installation type (.deb, Snap, etc.): .deb

Description: With some podcasts (for example this one: http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud%3Ausers%3A34774199/sounds.rss) longer pauses cause the error "An unknown media error occured". After the error it's impossible to restart the podcast but other ones work fine. Given the error in the console it seems like it's caused by an authorization error from a Soundcloud server which doesn't seem to be necessary because the episode is already completely downloaded.

Steps to reproduce: Add this feed: http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud%3Ausers%3A34774199/sounds.rss Start one of the episodes from the feed Pause it Wait for a minute or longer Start playback again

Other information (e.g. Developer Tools console log, screenshots) if possible: Console error in developer tools: GET https://cf-media.sndcdn.com/H7h4I9zur5gN?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiKjovL2NmLW1lZGlhLnNuZGNkbi5jb20vSDdoNEk5enVyNWdOIiwiQ29uZGl0aW9uIjp7IkRhdGVMZXNzVGhhbiI6eyJBV1M6RXBvY2hUaW1lIjoxNTc5NjEzMDYyfX19XX0_&Signature=JzpW~QrR~ftrVz1i~yrr52Tgmqcbk1Nmu-nk8Kg4Yrhl2ycIihMc3EUMkTTVKJKvlYo6J6Rp-05AGt-FGWbuV~8CnnRxRErqX6CGlWWQsGyOdi~sdIQVCJQICXtXeJSO1RmJUumhtNrhV4zXsM3snEpHloCfVMHNQtC4srI0vk0slLMszTHOnTDKsUhPJODrf5pNVyt0FQcUggE7me1vAhu-WR2NCJOgqvVpLbnqYabb-HN5g-cFNNXt8~spBXEhP0gxsUMvaS4a3uiyAFzsVjABzZzixL8htCYxkeKnLPwP8EZDr3QIn26R45Tp35HM7kZT6WZTfKwC3mnNM7Qs3g__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAI6TU7MMXM5DG6EPQ 403 (Forbidden)