z-classic / z-nomp

z-nomp is mining pool software for Zcash and Zclassic so you can create internet money in your home!
MIT License
287 stars 441 forks source link

I started it But mine is not connected pool #136

Closed wuhuaping closed 7 years ago

wuhuaping commented 7 years ago

root@iZ2zegquegjgaxid7pimbwZ:~/z-nomp# npm start

z-nomp@0.0.4 start /root/z-nomp LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$PWD/node_modules/stratum-pool/node_modules/equihashverify/build/Release/:$PWD/node_modules/equihashverify/build/Release/ node init.js

2017-05-08 19:44:56 [POSIX] [Connection Limit] (Safe to ignore) POSIX module not installed and resource (connection) limit was not raised 2017-05-08 19:44:56 [Master] [CLI] CLI listening on port 17117 2017-05-08 19:44:56 [Master] [PoolSpawner] Spawned 1 pool(s) on 2 thread(s) 2017-05-08 19:44:56 [Payments] [zclassic] zclassic requireShielding: true 2017-05-08 19:44:56 [Payments] [zclassic] zclassic payments txfee reserve: 0.0004 2017-05-08 19:44:56 [Payments] [zclassic] zclassic maxBlocksPerPayment: 3 2017-05-08 19:44:56 [Website] [Server] Website started on 2017-05-08 19:44:56 [Payments] [zclassic] Payment processing setup to run every 20 second(s) with daemon (friend@ and redis ( 2017-05-08 19:44:57 [Payments] [zclassic] Finished interval - time spent: 23ms total, 15ms redis, 18ms daemon RPC 2017-05-08 19:44:57 [Switching] [Setup] (Thread 1) Loading last proxy state from redis 2017-05-08 19:44:57 [Pool] [zclassic] (Thread 1) Share processing setup with redis ( 2017-05-08 19:44:57 [Pool] [zclassic] (Thread 1) No rewardRecipients have been setup which means no fees will be taken 2017-05-08 19:44:57 [Pool] [zclassic] (Thread 1) p2p connection successful 2017-05-08 19:44:57 [Pool] [zclassic] (Thread 1) Stratum Pool Server Started for zclassic [ZCL] {equihash} Network Connected: Mainnet Detected Reward Type: POW Current Block Height: 104147 Current Block Diff: 110708.229937203 Current Connect Peers: 47 Network Difficulty: 109934.4189257936 Network Hash Rate: 5.44 MH Stratum Port(s): 8888 Pool Fee Percent: 0% Block polling every: 500 ms 2017-05-08 19:44:57 [Switching] [Setup] (equihash) Setting proxy difficulties after pool start 2017-05-08 19:44:57 [Switching] [Setup] (Thread 2) Loading last proxy state from redis 2017-05-08 19:44:57 [Pool] [zclassic] (Thread 2) Share processing setup with redis ( 2017-05-08 19:44:57 [Pool] [zclassic] (Thread 2) No rewardRecipients have been setup which means no fees will be taken 2017-05-08 19:44:57 [Pool] [zclassic] (Thread 2) Stratum Pool Server Started for zclassic [ZCL] {equihash} 2017-05-08 19:44:57 [Switching] [Setup] (equihash) Setting proxy difficulties after pool start 2017-05-08 19:44:57 [Pool] [zclassic] (Thread 2) p2p connection successful 2017-05-08 19:44:57 [Pool] [zclassic] (Thread 2) Block notification via p2p 2017-05-08 19:44:57 [Pool] [zclassic] (Thread 1) Block notification via p2p 2017-05-08 19:44:57 [Pool] [zclassic] (Thread 1) Block notification via blocknotify script 2017-05-08 19:44:57 [Pool] [zclassic] (Thread 2) Block notification via blocknotify script

Who can help me solve it 290756156@qq.com

wuhuaping commented 7 years ago

root@iZ2zegquegjgaxid7pimbwZ:~/z-nomp# ls CHANGELOG.md coins config_example.json config.json init.js libs LICENSE node_modules package.json pool_configs README.md scripts website root@iZ2zegquegjgaxid7pimbwZ:~/z-nomp# cd node_modules/ root@iZ2zegquegjgaxid7pimbwZ:~/z-nomp/node_modules# ls abbrev bs58 destroy hoek minimatch proxy-addr stringstream accepts bs58check dot http-errors minimist punycode string-width ajv buffer-shims double-ended-queue http-signature mkdirp pushdata-bitcoin strip-ansi ansi-regex bytes ecc-jsbn iconv-lite ms qs strip-json-comments aproba caseless ecurve inflight mysql randombytes tar are-we-there-yet cipher-base ee-first inherits nan range-parser tar-pack array-flatten co encodeurl ini negotiator raw-body tough-cookie asap code-point-at equihashverify ipaddr.js node-gyp rc tunnel-agent asn1 colors escape-html isarray node-json-minify readable-stream tweetnacl assert-plus combined-stream etag isexe node-pre-gyp redis typeforce async compressible express is-fullwidth-code-point node-watch redis-commands type-is asynckit compression extend isstream nonce redis-parser uid-number aws4 concat-map extsprintf is-typedarray nopt request unpipe aws-sign2 console-control-strings finalhandler jodid25519 npmlog rimraf util-deprecate balanced-match content-disposition forever-agent jsbn number-is-nan ripemd160 utils-merge base58-native content-type form-data jsonify oauth-sign safe-buffer uuid base-x cookie forwarded json-schema object-assign semver varuint-bitcoin bcrypt-pbkdf cookie-signature fresh json-stable-stringify once send vary bigi core-util-is fs.realpath json-stringify-safe on-finished serve-static verror bignum create-hash fstream jsprim on-headers set-blocking which bignumber.js create-hmac fstream-ignore lodash osenv setprototypeof wide-align bindings cryptiles gauge media-typer os-homedir sha.js wif bip66 dashdash getpass merge-descriptors os-tmpdir signal-exit wrappy bitcoinjs-lib-zcash dateformat glob merkle-bitcoin parseurl sntp bitcoin-ops debug graceful-fs merkle-lib path-is-absolute sqlstring block-stream deep-extend har-schema methods path-to-regexp sshpk body-parser delayed-stream har-validator mime performance-now statuses boom delegates has-unicode mime-db process-nextick-args stratum-pool brace-expansion depd hawk mime-types promise string_decoder root@iZ2zegquegjgaxid7pimbwZ:~/z-nomp/node_modules# cd stratum-pool/ root@iZ2zegquegjgaxid7pimbwZ:~/z-nomp/node_modules/stratum-pool# ls lib LICENSE node_modules package.json README.md root@iZ2zegquegjgaxid7pimbwZ:~/z-nomp/node_modules/stratum-pool#

hellcatz commented 7 years ago is working here....

If the pool server is running on the same source of Internet as your PC, you may need to use your local IP vs public IP. It has something to do with NAT Loopback not working in your LAN (not a big deal).

You can always test from a second source of Internet.

wuhuaping commented 7 years ago

@hellcatz I use public IP

wuhuaping commented 7 years ago

root@iZ2zegquegjgaxid7pimbwZ:~/z-nomp/pool_configs# vi zclassic.json

{ "enabled": true, "coin": "zclassic.json",

"address": "t1PxThHFVwJtf7uMty5z2Xw1hhKoqFy28QV",
"_comment_address": "a transparent address to send coinbase rewards to and to transfer to zAddress.",

"zAddress": "zcHS134HQmbQXABLKBjBZnvThWYHBf7d2b534z7sYizPGtBfCWakYhpsbUx6mWL6JvXET57qR1H7QF1NTHoNYcAsEGp6f6g",
"_comment_zAddress": "a private address used to send coins to tAddress.",

"tAddress": "t1PdK9S65hs79Q8vKWN1JNGkWsECtTqYzNa",
"_comment_tAddress": "transparent address used to send payments, make this a different address, otherwise payments will not send",

"walletInterval": 2.5,

"rewardRecipients": {

"tlsOptions": {
    "enabled": false,

"paymentProcessing": {
    "enabled": true,
    "paymentInterval": 20,
    "minimumPayment": 0.1,
    "maxBlocksPerPayment": 3,
    "daemon": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 18133,
        "user": "friend",
        "password": "chang"

"ports": {
    "8888": {
        "diff": 0.05,
        "varDiff": {
            "minDiff": 0.04,
            "maxDiff": 16,
            "targetTime": 15,
            "retargetTime": 60,
            "variancePercent": 30

"daemons": [
        "host": "",
        "port": 18133,
        "user": "friend",
        "password": "chang"

"p2p": {
    "enabled": true,
    "host": "",
    "port": 8133,
    "disableTransactions": true

"mposMode": {
    "enabled": false,
    "host": "",
    "port": 3306,
    "user": "me",
    "password": "mypass",
    "database": "zcl",
    "checkPassword": true,
    "autoCreateWorker": false


wuhuaping commented 7 years ago

root@iZ2zegquegjgaxid7pimbwZ:~/z-nomp# vi config.json

{ "logLevel": "debug", "logColors": true,

"cliPort": 17117,

"clustering": {
    "enabled": true,
    "forks": "auto"

"defaultPoolConfigs": {
    "blockRefreshInterval": 500,
    "jobRebroadcastTimeout": 55,
    "connectionTimeout": 600,
    "emitInvalidBlockHashes": false,
    "validateWorkerUsername": true,
    "tcpProxyProtocol": false,
    "banning": {
        "enabled": true,
        "time": 600,
        "invalidPercent": 50,
        "checkThreshold": 500,
        "purgeInterval": 300
    "redis": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 6379

"website": {
    "enabled": true,
    "host": "",
    "port": 5959,
    "stratumHost": "",
    "stats": {
        "updateInterval": 30,
        "historicalRetention": 14400,
        "hashrateWindow": 300
    "adminCenter": {
        "enabled": false,
        "password": "password"
    "tlsOptions" : {
        "enabled": false,
        "cert": "",
        "key": ""

"redis": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 6379

"switching": {
    "switch1": {
        "enabled": false,
        "algorithm": "sha256",
        "ports": {
            "3333": {
                "diff": 10,
                "varDiff": {
                    "minDiff": 16,
                    "maxDiff": 512,
                    "targetTime": 15,
                    "retargetTime": 90,
                    "variancePercent": 30
    "switch2": {
        "enabled": false,
        "algorithm": "scrypt",
        "ports": {
            "4444": {
                "diff": 10,
                "varDiff": {
                    "minDiff": 16,
                    "maxDiff": 512,
                    "targetTime": 15,
                    "retargetTime": 90,
                    "variancePercent": 30
    "switch3": {
        "enabled": false,
        "algorithm": "x11",
        "ports": {
            "5555": {
                "diff": 0.001,
                "varDiff": {
                    "minDiff": 0.001,
                    "maxDiff": 1,
                    "targetTime": 15,
                    "retargetTime": 60,
                    "variancePercent": 30

"profitSwitch": {
    "enabled": false,
    "updateInterval": 600,
    "depth": 0.90,
    "usePoloniex": true,
    "useCryptsy": true,
    "useMintpal": true,
    "useBittrex": true


wuhuaping commented 7 years ago

{ "name": "zclassic", "symbol": "zcl", "algorithm": "equihash", "requireShielding": true, "peerMagic": "24e92764", "txfee": 0.0004 }

wuhuaping commented 7 years ago

root@iZ2zegquegjgaxid7pimbwZ:~/z-nomp/node_modules/stratum-pool# ls lib LICENSE node_modules package.json README.md

I npm update it

wuhuaping commented 7 years ago

tcp6 0 0 :::8333 ::: LISTEN 24353/litecoind tcp6 0 0 :::9999 ::: LISTEN 3631/node
tcp6 0 0 :::8080 ::: LISTEN 3631/node
tcp6 0 0 :::8888 :::
LISTEN 5906/node
tcp6 0 0 :::25 ::: LISTEN 1093/master
tcp6 0 0 :::8133 :::
LISTEN 1003/zcashd
udp 0 0 576/memcached
udp 0 0
udp 0 0 704/ntpd
udp 0 0
udp 0 0 704/ntpd
udp6 0 0 :::123 :::



Port 9999 has been started

however The machine is not connected to pool @hellcatz How can I do it? What should I do to solve it Thanks

WaveringAna commented 7 years ago

Seems to be an issue with the machine and not z-nomp, closing but I'm happy to help

WaveringAna commented 7 years ago

make sure the stratum ports aren't firewalled

wuhuaping commented 7 years ago

Yes, no firewall has been opened It is closed

wuhuaping commented 7 years ago

@aayanl Thank you Please take a look at it if you solve it It should be the same if you try to build Or because of algorithmic errors?

wuhuaping commented 7 years ago

如果您能协助或帮我我解决它我将捐赠您2 LTC    邮箱 290756156@qq.com 

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