z-classic / z-nomp

z-nomp is mining pool software for Zcash and Zclassic so you can create internet money in your home!
MIT License
291 stars 437 forks source link

npm update error #336

Open NINGPOOL1 opened 6 years ago

NINGPOOL1 commented 6 years ago

gyp ERR! build error gyp ERR! stack Error: make failed with exit code: 2 gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.onExit (/root/.nvm/v7.10.1/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/build.js:276:23) gyp ERR! stack at emitTwo (events.js:106:13) gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:194:7) gyp ERR! stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:215:12) gyp ERR! System Linux 4.4.0-93-generic gyp ERR! command "/root/.nvm/v7.10.1/bin/node" "/root/.nvm/v7.10.1/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js" "rebuild" gyp ERR! cwd /root/z-nomp/node_modules/equihashverify gyp ERR! node -v v7.10.1 gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v3.5.0 gyp ERR! not ok

npm ERR! Linux 4.4.0-93-generic npm ERR! argv "/root/.nvm/v7.10.1/bin/node" "/root/.nvm/v7.10.1/bin/npm" "update" npm ERR! node v7.10.1 npm ERR! npm v4.2.0 npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1

npm ERR! equihashverify@0.0.2 install: env V=1 node-gyp rebuild npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the equihashverify@0.0.2 install script 'env V=1 node-gyp rebuild'. npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed. npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the equihashverify package, npm ERR! not with npm itself. npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system: npm ERR! env V=1 node-gyp rebuild npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with: npm ERR! npm bugs equihashverify npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via: npm ERR! npm owner ls equihashverify npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2018-05-04T07_21_54_558Z-debug.log

please help me,I use system is ubuntu 14.04

igorvoltaic commented 6 years ago

show the rest of the output npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

NINGPOOL1 commented 6 years ago

12006 silly decomposeActions preinstall node-watch@0.5.2 12007 silly decomposeActions build node-watch@0.5.2 12008 silly decomposeActions install node-watch@0.5.2 12009 silly decomposeActions postinstall node-watch@0.5.2 12010 silly decomposeActions finalize node-watch@0.5.2 12011 silly decomposeActions fetch nonce@1.0.4 12012 silly decomposeActions extract nonce@1.0.4 12013 silly decomposeActions test nonce@1.0.4 12014 silly decomposeActions preinstall nonce@1.0.4 12015 silly decomposeActions build nonce@1.0.4 12016 silly decomposeActions install nonce@1.0.4 12017 silly decomposeActions postinstall nonce@1.0.4 12018 silly decomposeActions finalize nonce@1.0.4 12019 silly decomposeActions fetch oauth-sign@0.8.2 12020 silly decomposeActions extract oauth-sign@0.8.2 12021 silly decomposeActions test oauth-sign@0.8.2 12022 silly decomposeActions preinstall oauth-sign@0.8.2 12023 silly decomposeActions build oauth-sign@0.8.2 12024 silly decomposeActions install oauth-sign@0.8.2 12025 silly decomposeActions postinstall oauth-sign@0.8.2 12026 silly decomposeActions finalize oauth-sign@0.8.2 12027 silly decomposeActions fetch on-headers@1.0.1 12028 silly decomposeActions extract on-headers@1.0.1 12029 silly decomposeActions test on-headers@1.0.1 12030 silly decomposeActions preinstall on-headers@1.0.1 12031 silly decomposeActions build on-headers@1.0.1 12032 silly decomposeActions install on-headers@1.0.1 12033 silly decomposeActions postinstall on-headers@1.0.1 12034 silly decomposeActions finalize on-headers@1.0.1 12035 silly decomposeActions fetch path-to-regexp@0.1.7 12036 silly decomposeActions extract path-to-regexp@0.1.7

help me

NINGPOOL1 commented 6 years ago

OK! need to under cmd. $sudo curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.16.1/install.sh | sh $source ~/.profile $nvm install v7.10.0 $nvm use v7.10.0 $sudo apt-get install build-essential libsodium-dev libboost-system-dev $cd z-nomp/ $sudo npm install -g mocha $npm install

igorvoltaic commented 6 years ago

sorry, but i do not really get what you are doing.

you need to get Node.js v8.11.1 from either their official page or nvm install v8.11.1 && nvm use v8.11.1

sudo apt-get install redis
sudo apt-get install build-essential libsodium-dev npm
sudo npm install n -g
sudo n stable


git clone https://github.com/z-classic/z-nomp
cd z-nomp
git checkout master
npm update
npm install

follow these exact steps if npm update gives you an error paste all the output here including the command

EvilRedHorse commented 6 years ago

npm update

equihashverify@0.0.2 install /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/equihashverify env V=1 node-gyp rebuild

make: Entering directory '/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/equihashverify/build' g++ '-DNODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME=equihashverify' '-DUSING_UV_SHARED=1' '-DUSING_V8_SHARED=1' '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1' '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' '-DHAVE_DECL_STRNLEN=1' '-DHAVE_BYTESWAP_H=1' '-DBUILDING_NODE_EXTENSION' -I/root/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node -I/root/.node-gyp/10.0.0/src -I/root/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/uv/include -I/root/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/v8/include -I../../nan -I../. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/boost -fPIC -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -m64 -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++1y -std=c++11 -Wl,--whole-archive -fPIC -fexceptions -MMD -MF ./Release/.deps/Release/obj.target/equihashverify/support/cleanse.o.d.raw -c -o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/support/cleanse.o ../support/cleanse.cpp g++ '-DNODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME=equihashverify' '-DUSING_UV_SHARED=1' '-DUSING_V8_SHARED=1' '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1' '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' '-DHAVE_DECL_STRNLEN=1' '-DHAVE_BYTESWAP_H=1' '-DBUILDING_NODE_EXTENSION' -I/root/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node -I/root/.node-gyp/10.0.0/src -I/root/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/uv/include -I/root/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/v8/include -I../../nan -I../. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/boost -fPIC -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -m64 -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++1y -std=c++11 -Wl,--whole-archive -fPIC -fexceptions -MMD -MF ./Release/.deps/Release/obj.target/equihashverify/uint256.o.d.raw -c -o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/uint256.o ../uint256.cpp g++ '-DNODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME=equihashverify' '-DUSING_UV_SHARED=1' '-DUSING_V8_SHARED=1' '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1' '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' '-DHAVE_DECL_STRNLEN=1' '-DHAVE_BYTESWAP_H=1' '-DBUILDING_NODE_EXTENSION' -I/root/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node -I/root/.node-gyp/10.0.0/src -I/root/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/uv/include -I/root/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/v8/include -I../../nan -I../. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/boost -fPIC -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -m64 -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++1y -std=c++11 -Wl,--whole-archive -fPIC -fexceptions -MMD -MF ./Release/.deps/Release/obj.target/equihashverify/arith_uint256.o.d.raw -c -o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/arith_uint256.o ../arith_uint256.cpp g++ '-DNODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME=equihashverify' '-DUSING_UV_SHARED=1' '-DUSING_V8_SHARED=1' '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1' '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' '-DHAVE_DECL_STRNLEN=1' '-DHAVE_BYTESWAP_H=1' '-DBUILDING_NODE_EXTENSION' -I/root/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node -I/root/.node-gyp/10.0.0/src -I/root/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/uv/include -I/root/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/v8/include -I../../nan -I../. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/boost -fPIC -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -m64 -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++1y -std=c++11 -Wl,--whole-archive -fPIC -fexceptions -MMD -MF ./Release/.deps/Release/obj.target/equihashverify/random.o.d.raw -c -o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/random.o ../random.cpp In file included from ../random.cpp:9:0: ../serialize.h:23:27: fatal error: boost/array.hpp: No such file or directory compilation terminated. equihashverify.target.mk:129: recipe for target 'Release/obj.target/equihashverify/random.o' failed make: *** [Release/obj.target/equihashverify/random.o] Error 1 make: Leaving directory '/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/equihashverify/build' gyp ERR! build error gyp ERR! stack Error: make failed with exit code: 2 gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.onExit (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/build.js:258:23) gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:182:13) gyp ERR! stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:225:12) gyp ERR! System Linux 2.6.32-042stab113.11 gyp ERR! command "/usr/local/bin/node" "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js" "rebuild" gyp ERR! cwd /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/equihashverify gyp ERR! node -v v10.0.0 gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v3.6.2 gyp ERR! not ok npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 npm ERR! equihashverify@0.0.2 install: env V=1 node-gyp rebuild npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the equihashverify@0.0.2 install script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2018-05-14T02_56_32_387Z-debug.log

cat /root/.npm/_logs/2018-05-14T02_56_32_387Z-debug.log

0 info it worked if it ends with ok 1 verbose cli [ '/usr/local/bin/node', '/usr/local/bin/npm', 'update' ] 2 info using npm@5.3.0 3 info using node@v10.0.0 4 verbose npm-session 1359565a0178c586 5 silly mapToRegistry name async 6 silly mapToRegistry using default registry 7 silly mapToRegistry registry https://registry.npmjs.org/ 8 silly mapToRegistry data { type: 'tag', 8 silly mapToRegistry registry: true, 8 silly mapToRegistry where: undefined, 8 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'async', 8 silly mapToRegistry name: 'async', 8 silly mapToRegistry escapedName: 'async', 8 silly mapToRegistry scope: undefined, 8 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '', 8 silly mapToRegistry saveSpec: null, 8 silly mapToRegistry fetchSpec: 'latest', 8 silly mapToRegistry gitRange: undefined, 8 silly mapToRegistry gitCommittish: undefined, 8 silly mapToRegistry hosted: undefined } 9 silly mapToRegistry uri https://registry.npmjs.org/async 10 verbose request uri https://registry.npmjs.org/async 11 verbose request no auth needed 12 info attempt registry request try #1 at 02:56:27 13 verbose request id 99d78e38018f4ad2 14 http request GET https://registry.npmjs.org/async 15 silly mapToRegistry name bignum 16 silly mapToRegistry using default registry 17 silly mapToRegistry registry https://registry.npmjs.org/ 18 silly mapToRegistry data { type: 'tag', 18 silly mapToRegistry registry: true, 18 silly mapToRegistry where: undefined, 18 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'bignum', 18 silly mapToRegistry name: 'bignum', 18 silly mapToRegistry escapedName: 'bignum', 18 silly mapToRegistry scope: undefined, 18 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '', 18 silly mapToRegistry saveSpec: null, 18 silly mapToRegistry fetchSpec: 'latest', 18 silly mapToRegistry gitRange: undefined, 18 silly mapToRegistry gitCommittish: undefined, 18 silly mapToRegistry hosted: undefined } 19 silly mapToRegistry uri https://registry.npmjs.org/bignum 20 verbose request uri https://registry.npmjs.org/bignum 21 verbose request no auth needed 22 info attempt registry request try #1 at 02:56:27 23 http request GET https://registry.npmjs.org/bignum 24 silly mapToRegistry name body-parser 25 silly mapToRegistry using default registry 26 silly mapToRegistry registry https://registry.npmjs.org/ 27 silly mapToRegistry data { type: 'tag', 27 silly mapToRegistry registry: true, 27 silly mapToRegistry where: undefined, 27 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'body-parser', 27 silly mapToRegistry name: 'body-parser', 27 silly mapToRegistry escapedName: 'body-parser', 27 silly mapToRegistry scope: undefined, 27 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '', 27 silly mapToRegistry saveSpec: null, 27 silly mapToRegistry fetchSpec: 'latest', 27 silly mapToRegistry gitRange: undefined, 27 silly mapToRegistry gitCommittish: undefined, 27 silly mapToRegistry hosted: undefined } 28 silly mapToRegistry uri https://registry.npmjs.org/body-parser 29 verbose request uri https://registry.npmjs.org/body-parser 30 verbose request no auth needed 31 info attempt registry request try #1 at 02:56:27 32 http request GET https://registry.npmjs.org/body-parser 33 silly mapToRegistry name colors 34 silly mapToRegistry using default registry 35 silly mapToRegistry registry https://registry.npmjs.org/ 36 silly mapToRegistry data { type: 'tag', 36 silly mapToRegistry registry: true, 36 silly mapToRegistry where: undefined, 36 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'colors', 36 silly mapToRegistry name: 'colors', 36 silly mapToRegistry escapedName: 'colors', 36 silly mapToRegistry scope: undefined, 36 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '', 36 silly mapToRegistry saveSpec: null, 36 silly mapToRegistry fetchSpec: 'latest', 36 silly mapToRegistry gitRange: undefined, 36 silly mapToRegistry gitCommittish: undefined, 36 silly mapToRegistry hosted: undefined } 37 silly mapToRegistry uri https://registry.npmjs.org/colors 38 verbose request uri https://registry.npmjs.org/colors 39 verbose request no auth needed 40 info attempt registry request try #1 at 02:56:27 41 http request GET https://registry.npmjs.org/colors 42 silly mapToRegistry name compression 43 silly mapToRegistry using default registry 44 silly mapToRegistry registry https://registry.npmjs.org/ 45 silly mapToRegistry data { type: 'tag', 45 silly mapToRegistry registry: true, 45 silly mapToRegistry where: undefined, 45 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'compression', 45 silly mapToRegistry name: 'compression', 45 silly mapToRegistry escapedName: 'compression', 45 silly mapToRegistry scope: undefined, 45 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '', 45 silly mapToRegistry saveSpec: null, 45 silly mapToRegistry fetchSpec: 'latest', 45 silly mapToRegistry gitRange: undefined, 45 silly mapToRegistry gitCommittish: undefined, 45 silly mapToRegistry hosted: undefined } 46 silly mapToRegistry uri https://registry.npmjs.org/compression 47 verbose request uri https://registry.npmjs.org/compression 48 verbose request no auth needed 49 info attempt registry request try #1 at 02:56:27 50 http request GET https://registry.npmjs.org/compression 51 silly mapToRegistry name dateformat 52 silly mapToRegistry using default registry 53 silly mapToRegistry registry https://registry.npmjs.org/ 54 silly mapToRegistry data { type: 'tag', 54 silly mapToRegistry registry: true, 54 silly mapToRegistry where: undefined, 54 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'dateformat', 54 silly mapToRegistry name: 'dateformat', 54 silly mapToRegistry escapedName: 'dateformat', 54 silly mapToRegistry scope: undefined, 54 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '', 54 silly mapToRegistry saveSpec: null, 54 silly mapToRegistry fetchSpec: 'latest', 54 silly mapToRegistry gitRange: undefined, 54 silly mapToRegistry gitCommittish: undefined, 54 silly mapToRegistry hosted: undefined } 55 silly mapToRegistry uri https://registry.npmjs.org/dateformat 56 verbose request uri https://registry.npmjs.org/dateformat 57 verbose request no auth needed 58 info attempt registry request try #1 at 02:56:27 59 http request GET https://registry.npmjs.org/dateformat 60 silly mapToRegistry name dot 61 silly mapToRegistry using default registry 62 silly mapToRegistry registry https://registry.npmjs.org/ 63 silly mapToRegistry data { type: 'tag', 63 silly mapToRegistry registry: true, 63 silly mapToRegistry where: undefined, 63 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'dot', 63 silly mapToRegistry name: 'dot', 63 silly mapToRegistry escapedName: 'dot', 63 silly mapToRegistry scope: undefined, 63 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '', 63 silly mapToRegistry saveSpec: null, 63 silly mapToRegistry fetchSpec: 'latest', 63 silly mapToRegistry gitRange: undefined, 63 silly mapToRegistry gitCommittish: undefined, 63 silly mapToRegistry hosted: undefined } 64 silly mapToRegistry uri https://registry.npmjs.org/dot 65 verbose request uri https://registry.npmjs.org/dot 66 verbose request no auth needed 67 info attempt registry request try #1 at 02:56:27 68 http request GET https://registry.npmjs.org/dot 69 silly mapToRegistry name express 70 silly mapToRegistry using default registry 71 silly mapToRegistry registry https://registry.npmjs.org/ 72 silly mapToRegistry data { type: 'tag', 72 silly mapToRegistry registry: true, 72 silly mapToRegistry where: undefined, 72 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'express', 72 silly mapToRegistry name: 'express', 72 silly mapToRegistry escapedName: 'express', 72 silly mapToRegistry scope: undefined, 72 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '', 72 silly mapToRegistry saveSpec: null, 72 silly mapToRegistry fetchSpec: 'latest', 72 silly mapToRegistry gitRange: undefined, 72 silly mapToRegistry gitCommittish: undefined, 72 silly mapToRegistry hosted: undefined } 73 silly mapToRegistry uri https://registry.npmjs.org/express 74 verbose request uri https://registry.npmjs.org/express 75 verbose request no auth needed 76 info attempt registry request try #1 at 02:56:27 77 http request GET https://registry.npmjs.org/express 78 silly mapToRegistry name extend 79 silly mapToRegistry using default registry 80 silly mapToRegistry registry https://registry.npmjs.org/ 81 silly mapToRegistry data { type: 'tag', 81 silly mapToRegistry registry: true, 81 silly mapToRegistry where: undefined, 81 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'extend', 81 silly mapToRegistry name: 'extend', 81 silly mapToRegistry escapedName: 'extend', 81 silly mapToRegistry scope: undefined, 81 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '', 81 silly mapToRegistry saveSpec: null, 81 silly mapToRegistry fetchSpec: 'latest', 81 silly mapToRegistry gitRange: undefined, 81 silly mapToRegistry gitCommittish: undefined, 81 silly mapToRegistry hosted: undefined } 82 silly mapToRegistry uri https://registry.npmjs.org/extend 83 verbose request uri https://registry.npmjs.org/extend 84 verbose request no auth needed 85 info attempt registry request try #1 at 02:56:27 86 http request GET https://registry.npmjs.org/extend 87 silly mapToRegistry name mysql 88 silly mapToRegistry using default registry 89 silly mapToRegistry registry https://registry.npmjs.org/ 90 silly mapToRegistry data { type: 'tag', 90 silly mapToRegistry registry: true, 90 silly mapToRegistry where: undefined, 90 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'mysql', 90 silly mapToRegistry name: 'mysql', 90 silly mapToRegistry escapedName: 'mysql', 90 silly mapToRegistry scope: undefined, 90 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '', 90 silly mapToRegistry saveSpec: null, 90 silly mapToRegistry fetchSpec: 'latest', 90 silly mapToRegistry gitRange: undefined, 90 silly mapToRegistry gitCommittish: undefined, 90 silly mapToRegistry hosted: undefined } 91 silly mapToRegistry uri https://registry.npmjs.org/mysql 92 verbose request uri https://registry.npmjs.org/mysql 93 verbose request no auth needed 94 info attempt registry request try #1 at 02:56:27 95 http request GET https://registry.npmjs.org/mysql 96 silly mapToRegistry name node-json-minify 97 silly mapToRegistry using default registry 98 silly mapToRegistry registry https://registry.npmjs.org/ 99 silly mapToRegistry data { type: 'tag', 99 silly mapToRegistry registry: true, 99 silly mapToRegistry where: undefined, 99 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'node-json-minify', 99 silly mapToRegistry name: 'node-json-minify', 99 silly mapToRegistry escapedName: 'node-json-minify', 99 silly mapToRegistry scope: undefined, 99 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '', 99 silly mapToRegistry saveSpec: null, 99 silly mapToRegistry fetchSpec: 'latest', 99 silly mapToRegistry gitRange: undefined, 99 silly mapToRegistry gitCommittish: undefined, 99 silly mapToRegistry hosted: undefined } 100 silly mapToRegistry uri https://registry.npmjs.org/node-json-minify 101 verbose request uri https://registry.npmjs.org/node-json-minify 102 verbose request no auth needed 103 info attempt registry request try #1 at 02:56:27 104 http request GET https://registry.npmjs.org/node-json-minify 105 silly mapToRegistry name node-watch 106 silly mapToRegistry using default registry 107 silly mapToRegistry registry https://registry.npmjs.org/ 108 silly mapToRegistry data { type: 'tag', 108 silly mapToRegistry registry: true, 108 silly mapToRegistry where: undefined, 108 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'node-watch', 108 silly mapToRegistry name: 'node-watch', 108 silly mapToRegistry escapedName: 'node-watch', 108 silly mapToRegistry scope: undefined, 108 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '', 108 silly mapToRegistry saveSpec: null, 108 silly mapToRegistry fetchSpec: 'latest', 108 silly mapToRegistry gitRange: undefined, 108 silly mapToRegistry gitCommittish: undefined, 108 silly mapToRegistry hosted: undefined } 109 silly mapToRegistry uri https://registry.npmjs.org/node-watch 110 verbose request uri https://registry.npmjs.org/node-watch 111 verbose request no auth needed 112 info attempt registry request try #1 at 02:56:27 113 http request GET https://registry.npmjs.org/node-watch 114 silly mapToRegistry name nonce 115 silly mapToRegistry using default registry 116 silly mapToRegistry registry https://registry.npmjs.org/ 117 silly mapToRegistry data { type: 'tag', 117 silly mapToRegistry registry: true, 117 silly mapToRegistry where: undefined, 117 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'nonce', 117 silly mapToRegistry name: 'nonce', 117 silly mapToRegistry escapedName: 'nonce', 117 silly mapToRegistry scope: undefined, 117 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '', 117 silly mapToRegistry saveSpec: null, 117 silly mapToRegistry fetchSpec: 'latest', 117 silly mapToRegistry gitRange: undefined, 117 silly mapToRegistry gitCommittish: undefined, 117 silly mapToRegistry hosted: undefined } 118 silly mapToRegistry uri https://registry.npmjs.org/nonce 119 verbose request uri https://registry.npmjs.org/nonce 120 verbose request no auth needed 121 info attempt registry request try #1 at 02:56:27 122 http request GET https://registry.npmjs.org/nonce 123 silly mapToRegistry name redis 124 silly mapToRegistry using default registry 125 silly mapToRegistry registry https://registry.npmjs.org/ 126 silly mapToRegistry data { type: 'tag', 126 silly mapToRegistry registry: true, 126 silly mapToRegistry where: undefined, 126 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'redis', 126 silly mapToRegistry name: 'redis', 126 silly mapToRegistry escapedName: 'redis', 126 silly mapToRegistry scope: undefined, 126 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '', 126 silly mapToRegistry saveSpec: null, 126 silly mapToRegistry fetchSpec: 'latest', 126 silly mapToRegistry gitRange: undefined, 126 silly mapToRegistry gitCommittish: undefined, 126 silly mapToRegistry hosted: undefined } 127 silly mapToRegistry uri https://registry.npmjs.org/redis 128 verbose request uri https://registry.npmjs.org/redis 129 verbose request no auth needed 130 info attempt registry request try #1 at 02:56:27 131 http request GET https://registry.npmjs.org/redis 132 silly mapToRegistry name request 133 silly mapToRegistry using default registry 134 silly mapToRegistry registry https://registry.npmjs.org/ 135 silly mapToRegistry data { type: 'tag', 135 silly mapToRegistry registry: true, 135 silly mapToRegistry where: undefined, 135 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'request', 135 silly mapToRegistry name: 'request', 135 silly mapToRegistry escapedName: 'request', 135 silly mapToRegistry scope: undefined, 135 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '', 135 silly mapToRegistry saveSpec: null, 135 silly mapToRegistry fetchSpec: 'latest', 135 silly mapToRegistry gitRange: undefined, 135 silly mapToRegistry gitCommittish: undefined, 135 silly mapToRegistry hosted: undefined } 136 silly mapToRegistry uri https://registry.npmjs.org/request 137 verbose request uri https://registry.npmjs.org/request 138 verbose request no auth needed 139 info attempt registry request try #1 at 02:56:27 140 http request GET https://registry.npmjs.org/request 141 http 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/dot 142 verbose headers { 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', 142 verbose headers server: 'UploadServer', 142 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300', 142 verbose headers 'last-modified': 'Sun, 25 Feb 2018 19:40:26 GMT', 142 verbose headers etag: '"5a93112a-6a6d"', 142 verbose headers 'x-npm-region': 'North-America', 142 verbose headers 'content-encoding': 'gzip', 142 verbose headers 'content-length': '4637', 142 verbose headers 'accept-ranges': 'bytes', 142 verbose headers date: 'Mon, 14 May 2018 02:56:27 GMT', 142 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish', 142 verbose headers age: '11810', 142 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive', 142 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-yyz8332-YYZ', 142 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT', 142 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '2', 142 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1526266587.348949,VS0,VE0', 142 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding, Accept' } 143 http 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/extend 144 verbose headers { 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', 144 verbose headers server: 'UploadServer', 144 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300', 144 verbose headers 'last-modified': 'Wed, 7 Mar 2018 10:01:56 GMT', 144 verbose headers etag: '"5a9fb894-4205"', 144 verbose headers 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silly currentTree +-- nopt@4.0.1 222 silly currentTree +-- npmlog@4.1.2 222 silly currentTree +-- number-is-nan@1.0.1 222 silly currentTree +-- oauth-sign@0.8.2 222 silly currentTree +-- object-assign@4.1.1 222 silly currentTree +-- on-finished@2.3.0 222 silly currentTree +-- on-headers@1.0.1 222 silly currentTree +-- once@1.4.0 222 silly currentTree +-- os-homedir@1.0.2 222 silly currentTree +-- os-tmpdir@1.0.2 222 silly currentTree +-- osenv@0.1.5 222 silly currentTree +-- parseurl@1.3.2 222 silly currentTree +-- path-is-absolute@1.0.1 222 silly currentTree +-- path-to-regexp@0.1.7 222 silly currentTree +-- performance-now@0.2.0 222 silly currentTree +-- process-nextick-args@2.0.0 222 silly currentTree +-- promise@8.0.1 222 silly currentTree +-- proxy-addr@1.1.5 222 silly currentTree +-- punycode@1.4.1 222 silly currentTree +-- pushdata-bitcoin@1.0.1 222 silly currentTree +-- qs@6.4.0 222 silly currentTree +-- randombytes@2.0.6 222 silly currentTree +-- range-parser@1.2.0 222 silly currentTree +-- raw-body@2.2.0 222 silly currentTree +-- rc@1.2.7 222 silly currentTree |-- minimist@1.2.0 222 silly currentTree +-- readable-stream@2.3.6 222 silly currentTree +-- redis-commands@1.3.5 222 silly currentTree +-- redis-parser@2.6.0 222 silly currentTree +-- redis@2.7.1 222 silly currentTree +-- request@2.81.0 222 silly currentTree +-- rimraf@2.6.2 222 silly currentTree +-- ripemd160@2.0.2 222 silly currentTree +-- safe-buffer@5.1.2 222 silly currentTree +-- semver@5.5.0 222 silly currentTree +-- send@0.15.1 222 silly currentTree | +-- debug@2.6.1 222 silly currentTree | +-- ms@0.7.2 222 silly currentTree | -- statuses@1.3.1 222 silly currentTree +-- serve-static@1.12.1 222 silly currentTree +-- set-blocking@2.0.0 222 silly currentTree +-- setprototypeof@1.1.0 222 silly currentTree +-- sha.js@2.4.11 222 silly currentTree +-- signal-exit@3.0.2 222 silly currentTree +-- sntp@1.0.9 222 silly currentTree +-- sqlstring@2.2.0 222 silly currentTree +-- sshpk@1.14.1 222 silly currentTree |-- assert-plus@1.0.0 222 silly currentTree +-- statuses@1.5.0 222 silly currentTree +-- string_decoder@1.1.1 222 silly currentTree +-- string-width@1.0.2 222 silly currentTree +-- stringstream@0.0.5 222 silly currentTree +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1 222 silly currentTree +-- strip-json-comments@2.0.1 222 silly currentTree +-- tar-pack@3.4.1 222 silly currentTree +-- tar@2.2.1 222 silly currentTree +-- tough-cookie@2.3.4 222 silly currentTree +-- tunnel-agent@0.6.0 222 silly currentTree +-- tweetnacl@0.14.5 222 silly currentTree +-- type-is@1.6.16 222 silly currentTree +-- typeforce@1.12.0 222 silly currentTree +-- uid-number@0.0.6 222 silly currentTree +-- unpipe@1.0.0 222 silly currentTree +-- util-deprecate@1.0.2 222 silly currentTree +-- utils-merge@1.0.0 222 silly currentTree +-- uuid@3.2.1 222 silly currentTree +-- varuint-bitcoin@1.1.0 222 silly currentTree +-- vary@1.1.2 222 silly currentTree +-- verror@1.10.0 222 silly currentTree | -- assert-plus@1.0.0 222 silly currentTree +-- wide-align@1.1.2 222 silly currentTree +-- wif@2.0.6 222 silly currentTree-- wrappy@1.0.2 223 silly idealTree z-nomp@0.0.4 223 silly idealTree +-- abbrev@1.1.1 223 silly idealTree +-- accepts@1.3.5 223 silly idealTree +-- ajv@4.11.8 223 silly idealTree +-- ansi-regex@2.1.1 223 silly idealTree +-- aproba@1.2.0 223 silly idealTree +-- are-we-there-yet@1.1.4 223 silly idealTree +-- array-flatten@1.1.1 223 silly idealTree +-- asap@2.0.6 223 silly idealTree +-- asn1@0.2.3 223 silly idealTree +-- assert-plus@0.2.0 223 silly idealTree +-- async@2.3.0 223 silly idealTree +-- asynckit@0.4.0 223 silly idealTree +-- aws-sign2@0.6.0 223 silly idealTree +-- aws4@1.7.0 223 silly idealTree +-- balanced-match@1.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- base-x@3.0.4 223 silly idealTree +-- base58-native@0.1.4 223 silly idealTree +-- bcrypt-pbkdf@1.0.1 223 silly idealTree +-- bech32@1.1.3 223 silly idealTree +-- bigi@1.4.2 223 silly idealTree +-- bignum@0.12.5 223 silly idealTree +-- bignumber.js@3.1.2 223 silly idealTree +-- bindings@1.3.0 223 silly idealTree +-- bip66@1.1.5 223 silly idealTree +-- bitcoin-ops@1.4.1 223 silly idealTree +-- bitcoinjs-lib-zcash@3.3.2 223 silly idealTree +-- block-stream@0.0.9 223 silly idealTree +-- body-parser@1.17.1 223 silly idealTree | +-- debug@2.6.1 223 silly idealTree | -- ms@0.7.2 223 silly idealTree +-- boom@2.10.1 223 silly idealTree +-- brace-expansion@1.1.11 223 silly idealTree +-- bs58@4.0.1 223 silly idealTree +-- bs58check@2.1.1 223 silly idealTree +-- bytes@2.4.0 223 silly idealTree +-- caseless@0.12.0 223 silly idealTree +-- cipher-base@1.0.4 223 silly idealTree +-- co@4.6.0 223 silly idealTree +-- code-point-at@1.1.0 223 silly idealTree +-- colors@1.1.2 223 silly idealTree +-- combined-stream@1.0.6 223 silly idealTree +-- compressible@2.0.13 223 silly idealTree +-- compression@1.6.2 223 silly idealTree | +-- bytes@2.3.0 223 silly idealTree | +-- debug@2.2.0 223 silly idealTree |-- ms@0.7.1 223 silly idealTree +-- concat-map@0.0.1 223 silly idealTree +-- console-control-strings@1.1.0 223 silly idealTree +-- content-disposition@0.5.2 223 silly idealTree +-- content-type@1.0.4 223 silly idealTree +-- cookie-signature@1.0.6 223 silly idealTree +-- cookie@0.3.1 223 silly idealTree +-- core-util-is@1.0.2 223 silly idealTree +-- create-hash@1.2.0 223 silly idealTree +-- create-hmac@1.1.7 223 silly idealTree +-- cryptiles@2.0.5 223 silly idealTree +-- dashdash@1.14.1 223 silly idealTree | -- assert-plus@1.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- dateformat@2.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- debug@2.6.9 223 silly idealTree +-- deep-extend@0.5.1 223 silly idealTree +-- delayed-stream@1.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- delegates@1.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- depd@1.1.2 223 silly idealTree +-- destroy@1.0.4 223 silly idealTree +-- detect-libc@1.0.3 223 silly idealTree +-- dot@1.1.1 223 silly idealTree +-- double-ended-queue@2.1.0-0 223 silly idealTree +-- ecc-jsbn@0.1.1 223 silly idealTree +-- ecurve@1.0.6 223 silly idealTree +-- ee-first@1.1.1 223 silly idealTree +-- encodeurl@1.0.2 223 silly idealTree +-- equihashverify@0.0.2 223 silly idealTree +-- escape-html@1.0.3 223 silly idealTree +-- etag@1.8.1 223 silly idealTree +-- express@4.15.2 223 silly idealTree | +-- debug@2.6.1 223 silly idealTree | +-- ms@0.7.2 223 silly idealTree | +-- setprototypeof@1.0.3 223 silly idealTree |-- statuses@1.3.1 223 silly idealTree +-- extend@3.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- extsprintf@1.3.0 223 silly idealTree +-- finalhandler@1.0.6 223 silly idealTree | -- statuses@1.3.1 223 silly idealTree +-- forever-agent@0.6.1 223 silly idealTree +-- form-data@2.1.4 223 silly idealTree +-- forwarded@0.1.2 223 silly idealTree +-- fresh@0.5.0 223 silly idealTree +-- fs.realpath@1.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- fstream-ignore@1.0.5 223 silly idealTree +-- fstream@1.0.11 223 silly idealTree +-- gauge@2.7.4 223 silly idealTree +-- getpass@0.1.7 223 silly idealTree |-- assert-plus@1.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- glob@7.1.2 223 silly idealTree +-- graceful-fs@4.1.11 223 silly idealTree +-- har-schema@1.0.5 223 silly idealTree +-- har-validator@4.2.1 223 silly idealTree +-- has-unicode@2.0.1 223 silly idealTree +-- hash-base@3.0.4 223 silly idealTree +-- hawk@3.1.3 223 silly idealTree +-- hoek@2.16.3 223 silly idealTree +-- http-errors@1.6.3 223 silly idealTree +-- http-signature@1.1.1 223 silly idealTree +-- iconv-lite@0.4.15 223 silly idealTree +-- inflight@1.0.6 223 silly idealTree +-- inherits@2.0.3 223 silly idealTree +-- ini@1.3.5 223 silly idealTree +-- ipaddr.js@1.4.0 223 silly idealTree +-- is-fullwidth-code-point@1.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- is-typedarray@1.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- isarray@1.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- isexe@2.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- isstream@0.1.2 223 silly idealTree +-- jsbn@0.1.1 223 silly idealTree +-- json-schema@0.2.3 223 silly idealTree +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1 223 silly idealTree +-- json-stringify-safe@5.0.1 223 silly idealTree +-- jsonify@0.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- jsprim@1.4.1 223 silly idealTree | -- assert-plus@1.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- libsodium@0.7.3 223 silly idealTree +-- lodash@4.17.10 223 silly idealTree +-- md5.js@1.3.4 223 silly idealTree +-- media-typer@0.3.0 223 silly idealTree +-- merge-descriptors@1.0.1 223 silly idealTree +-- merkle-bitcoin@1.0.0 223 silly idealTree |-- async@1.5.2 223 silly idealTree +-- merkle-lib@2.0.10 223 silly idealTree +-- methods@1.1.2 223 silly idealTree +-- mime-db@1.33.0 223 silly idealTree +-- mime-types@2.1.18 223 silly idealTree +-- mime@1.3.4 223 silly idealTree +-- minimatch@3.0.4 223 silly idealTree +-- minimist@0.0.8 223 silly idealTree +-- mkdirp@0.5.1 223 silly idealTree +-- ms@2.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- mysql@2.13.0 223 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@0.0.1 223 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@1.1.14 223 silly idealTree | -- string_decoder@0.10.31 223 silly idealTree +-- nan@2.10.0 223 silly idealTree +-- negotiator@0.6.1 223 silly idealTree +-- node-gyp@3.6.2 223 silly idealTree | +-- nopt@3.0.6 223 silly idealTree |-- semver@5.3.0 223 silly idealTree +-- node-json-minify@1.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- node-pre-gyp@0.6.39 223 silly idealTree +-- node-watch@0.5.2 223 silly idealTree +-- nonce@1.0.4 223 silly idealTree +-- nopt@4.0.1 223 silly idealTree +-- npmlog@4.1.2 223 silly idealTree +-- number-is-nan@1.0.1 223 silly idealTree +-- oauth-sign@0.8.2 223 silly idealTree +-- object-assign@4.1.1 223 silly idealTree +-- on-finished@2.3.0 223 silly idealTree +-- on-headers@1.0.1 223 silly idealTree +-- once@1.4.0 223 silly idealTree +-- os-homedir@1.0.2 223 silly idealTree +-- os-tmpdir@1.0.2 223 silly idealTree +-- osenv@0.1.5 223 silly idealTree +-- parseurl@1.3.2 223 silly idealTree +-- path-is-absolute@1.0.1 223 silly idealTree +-- path-to-regexp@0.1.7 223 silly idealTree +-- performance-now@0.2.0 223 silly idealTree +-- process-nextick-args@2.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- promise@8.0.1 223 silly idealTree +-- proxy-addr@1.1.5 223 silly idealTree +-- punycode@1.4.1 223 silly idealTree +-- pushdata-bitcoin@1.0.1 223 silly idealTree +-- qs@6.4.0 223 silly idealTree +-- randombytes@2.0.6 223 silly idealTree +-- range-parser@1.2.0 223 silly idealTree +-- raw-body@2.2.0 223 silly idealTree +-- rc@1.2.7 223 silly idealTree | -- minimist@1.2.0 223 silly idealTree +-- readable-stream@2.3.6 223 silly idealTree +-- redis-commands@1.3.5 223 silly idealTree +-- redis-parser@2.6.0 223 silly idealTree +-- redis@2.7.1 223 silly idealTree +-- request@2.81.0 223 silly idealTree +-- rimraf@2.6.2 223 silly idealTree +-- ripemd160@2.0.2 223 silly idealTree +-- safe-buffer@5.1.2 223 silly idealTree +-- semver@5.5.0 223 silly idealTree +-- send@0.15.1 223 silly idealTree | +-- debug@2.6.1 223 silly idealTree | +-- ms@0.7.2 223 silly idealTree |-- statuses@1.3.1 223 silly idealTree +-- serve-static@1.12.1 223 silly idealTree +-- set-blocking@2.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- setprototypeof@1.1.0 223 silly idealTree +-- sha.js@2.4.11 223 silly idealTree +-- signal-exit@3.0.2 223 silly idealTree +-- sntp@1.0.9 223 silly idealTree +-- sqlstring@2.2.0 223 silly idealTree +-- sshpk@1.14.1 223 silly idealTree | -- assert-plus@1.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- statuses@1.5.0 223 silly idealTree +-- stratum-pool@0.1.6 223 silly idealTree +-- string_decoder@1.1.1 223 silly idealTree +-- string-width@1.0.2 223 silly idealTree +-- stringstream@0.0.5 223 silly idealTree +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1 223 silly idealTree +-- strip-json-comments@2.0.1 223 silly idealTree +-- tar-pack@3.4.1 223 silly idealTree +-- tar@2.2.1 223 silly idealTree +-- tough-cookie@2.3.4 223 silly idealTree +-- tunnel-agent@0.6.0 223 silly idealTree +-- tweetnacl@0.14.5 223 silly idealTree +-- type-is@1.6.16 223 silly idealTree +-- typeforce@1.12.0 223 silly idealTree +-- uid-number@0.0.6 223 silly idealTree +-- unpipe@1.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- util-deprecate@1.0.2 223 silly idealTree +-- utils-merge@1.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- uuid@3.2.1 223 silly idealTree +-- varuint-bitcoin@1.1.0 223 silly idealTree +-- vary@1.1.2 223 silly idealTree +-- verror@1.10.0 223 silly idealTree |-- assert-plus@1.0.0 223 silly idealTree +-- which@1.3.0 223 silly idealTree +-- wide-align@1.1.2 223 silly idealTree +-- wif@2.0.6 223 silly idealTree -- wrappy@1.0.2 224 silly install generateActionsToTake 225 silly diffTrees action count 9 226 silly diffTrees add bindings@1.3.0 227 silly diffTrees add isexe@2.0.0 228 silly diffTrees add libsodium@0.7.3 229 silly diffTrees add nopt@3.0.6 230 silly diffTrees add semver@5.3.0 231 silly diffTrees add which@1.3.0 232 silly diffTrees add node-gyp@3.6.2 233 silly diffTrees add equihashverify@0.0.2 234 silly diffTrees add stratum-pool@0.1.6 235 silly decomposeActions action count 72 236 silly decomposeActions fetch bindings@1.3.0 237 silly decomposeActions extract bindings@1.3.0 238 silly decomposeActions preinstall bindings@1.3.0 239 silly decomposeActions build bindings@1.3.0 240 silly decomposeActions install bindings@1.3.0 241 silly decomposeActions postinstall bindings@1.3.0 242 silly decomposeActions finalize bindings@1.3.0 243 silly decomposeActions refresh-package-json bindings@1.3.0 244 silly decomposeActions fetch isexe@2.0.0 245 silly decomposeActions extract isexe@2.0.0 246 silly decomposeActions preinstall isexe@2.0.0 247 silly decomposeActions build isexe@2.0.0 248 silly decomposeActions install isexe@2.0.0 249 silly decomposeActions postinstall isexe@2.0.0 250 silly decomposeActions finalize isexe@2.0.0 251 silly decomposeActions refresh-package-json isexe@2.0.0 252 silly decomposeActions fetch libsodium@0.7.3 253 silly decomposeActions extract libsodium@0.7.3 254 silly decomposeActions preinstall libsodium@0.7.3 255 silly decomposeActions build libsodium@0.7.3 256 silly decomposeActions install libsodium@0.7.3 257 silly decomposeActions postinstall libsodium@0.7.3 258 silly decomposeActions finalize libsodium@0.7.3 259 silly decomposeActions refresh-package-json libsodium@0.7.3 260 silly decomposeActions fetch nopt@3.0.6 261 silly decomposeActions extract nopt@3.0.6 262 silly decomposeActions preinstall nopt@3.0.6 263 silly decomposeActions build nopt@3.0.6 264 silly decomposeActions install nopt@3.0.6 265 silly decomposeActions postinstall nopt@3.0.6 266 silly decomposeActions finalize nopt@3.0.6 267 silly decomposeActions refresh-package-json nopt@3.0.6 268 silly decomposeActions fetch semver@5.3.0 269 silly decomposeActions extract semver@5.3.0 270 silly decomposeActions preinstall semver@5.3.0 271 silly decomposeActions build semver@5.3.0 272 silly decomposeActions install semver@5.3.0 273 silly decomposeActions postinstall semver@5.3.0 274 silly decomposeActions finalize semver@5.3.0 275 silly decomposeActions refresh-package-json semver@5.3.0 276 silly decomposeActions fetch which@1.3.0 277 silly decomposeActions extract which@1.3.0 278 silly decomposeActions preinstall which@1.3.0 279 silly decomposeActions build which@1.3.0 280 silly decomposeActions install which@1.3.0 281 silly decomposeActions postinstall which@1.3.0 282 silly decomposeActions finalize which@1.3.0 283 silly decomposeActions refresh-package-json which@1.3.0 284 silly decomposeActions fetch node-gyp@3.6.2 285 silly decomposeActions extract node-gyp@3.6.2 286 silly decomposeActions preinstall node-gyp@3.6.2 287 silly decomposeActions build node-gyp@3.6.2 288 silly decomposeActions install node-gyp@3.6.2 289 silly decomposeActions postinstall node-gyp@3.6.2 290 silly decomposeActions finalize node-gyp@3.6.2 291 silly decomposeActions refresh-package-json node-gyp@3.6.2 292 silly decomposeActions fetch equihashverify@0.0.2 293 silly decomposeActions extract equihashverify@0.0.2 294 silly decomposeActions preinstall equihashverify@0.0.2 295 silly decomposeActions build equihashverify@0.0.2 296 silly decomposeActions install equihashverify@0.0.2 297 silly decomposeActions postinstall equihashverify@0.0.2 298 silly decomposeActions finalize equihashverify@0.0.2 299 silly decomposeActions refresh-package-json equihashverify@0.0.2 300 silly decomposeActions fetch stratum-pool@0.1.6 301 silly decomposeActions extract stratum-pool@0.1.6 302 silly decomposeActions preinstall stratum-pool@0.1.6 303 silly decomposeActions build stratum-pool@0.1.6 304 silly decomposeActions install stratum-pool@0.1.6 305 silly decomposeActions postinstall stratum-pool@0.1.6 306 silly decomposeActions finalize stratum-pool@0.1.6 307 silly decomposeActions refresh-package-json stratum-pool@0.1.6 308 silly install executeActions 309 silly doSerial global-install 72 310 verbose correctMkdir /root/.npm/_locks correctMkdir not in flight; initializing 311 verbose lock using /root/.npm/_locks/staging-f39ad7b9929a5600.lock for /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/.staging 312 silly doParallel extract 72 313 silly extract bindings@1.3.0 314 silly extract isexe@2.0.0 315 silly extract libsodium@0.7.3 316 silly extract nopt@3.0.6 317 silly extract semver@5.3.0 318 silly extract which@1.3.0 319 silly extract node-gyp@3.6.2 320 silly extract equihashverify@0.0.2 321 silly pacote trying equihashverify@git+https://github.com/zencashofficial/equihashverify.git#ff94c97e39e8bdd62b29567b249d7e136bbb1328 by hash: sha1-zEG+n1gZk9RPm/YhFIjpnbRAiHw= 322 silly extract stratum-pool@0.1.6 323 silly pacote trying stratum-pool@git+https://github.com/z-classic/node-stratum-pool.git#7ca77757122c74738ecd3c0e3ba6e58e6a4922e4 by hash: sha1-5ya7cDFpLjzypKTtvqCf5TJvNQw= 324 silly pacote data for sha1-zEG+n1gZk9RPm/YhFIjpnbRAiHw= not present. Using manifest. 325 silly pacote data for sha1-5ya7cDFpLjzypKTtvqCf5TJvNQw= not present. Using manifest. 326 silly pacote stratum-pool@git+https://github.com/z-classic/node-stratum-pool.git#7ca77757122c74738ecd3c0e3ba6e58e6a4922e4 extracted in 157ms 327 silly pacote equihashverify@git+https://github.com/zencashofficial/equihashverify.git#ff94c97e39e8bdd62b29567b249d7e136bbb1328 extracted in 232ms 328 silly doReverseSerial unbuild 72 329 silly doSerial remove 72 330 silly doSerial move 72 331 silly doSerial finalize 72 332 silly finalize /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/bindings 333 silly finalize /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/isexe 334 silly finalize /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/libsodium 335 silly finalize /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/node-gyp/node_modules/nopt 336 silly finalize /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/node-gyp/node_modules/semver 337 silly finalize /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/which 338 silly finalize /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/node-gyp 339 silly finalize /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/equihashverify 340 silly finalize /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/stratum-pool 341 silly doParallel refresh-package-json 72 342 silly refresh-package-json /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/bindings 343 silly refresh-package-json /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/isexe 344 silly refresh-package-json /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/libsodium 345 silly refresh-package-json /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/node-gyp/node_modules/nopt 346 silly refresh-package-json /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/node-gyp/node_modules/semver 347 silly refresh-package-json /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/which 348 silly refresh-package-json /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/node-gyp 349 silly refresh-package-json /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/equihashverify 350 silly refresh-package-json /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/stratum-pool 351 silly doParallel preinstall 72 352 silly preinstall bindings@1.3.0 353 info lifecycle bindings@1.3.0~preinstall: bindings@1.3.0 354 silly preinstall isexe@2.0.0 355 info lifecycle isexe@2.0.0~preinstall: isexe@2.0.0 356 silly preinstall libsodium@0.7.3 357 info lifecycle libsodium@0.7.3~preinstall: libsodium@0.7.3 358 silly preinstall nopt@3.0.6 359 info lifecycle nopt@3.0.6~preinstall: nopt@3.0.6 360 silly preinstall semver@5.3.0 361 info lifecycle semver@5.3.0~preinstall: semver@5.3.0 362 silly preinstall which@1.3.0 363 info lifecycle which@1.3.0~preinstall: which@1.3.0 364 silly preinstall node-gyp@3.6.2 365 info lifecycle node-gyp@3.6.2~preinstall: node-gyp@3.6.2 366 silly preinstall equihashverify@0.0.2 367 info lifecycle equihashverify@0.0.2~preinstall: equihashverify@0.0.2 368 silly preinstall stratum-pool@0.1.6 369 info lifecycle stratum-pool@0.1.6~preinstall: stratum-pool@0.1.6 370 silly doSerial build 72 371 silly build bindings@1.3.0 372 info linkStuff bindings@1.3.0 373 silly linkStuff bindings@1.3.0 has /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules as its parent node_modules 374 verbose linkBins bindings@1.3.0 375 verbose linkMans bindings@1.3.0 376 silly build isexe@2.0.0 377 info linkStuff isexe@2.0.0 378 silly linkStuff isexe@2.0.0 has /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules as its parent node_modules 379 verbose linkBins isexe@2.0.0 380 verbose linkMans isexe@2.0.0 381 silly build libsodium@0.7.3 382 info linkStuff libsodium@0.7.3 383 silly linkStuff libsodium@0.7.3 has /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules as its parent node_modules 384 verbose linkBins libsodium@0.7.3 385 verbose linkMans libsodium@0.7.3 386 silly build nopt@3.0.6 387 info linkStuff nopt@3.0.6 388 silly linkStuff nopt@3.0.6 has /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/node-gyp/node_modules as its parent node_modules 389 verbose linkBins nopt@3.0.6 390 verbose linkBins [ { nopt: './bin/nopt.js' }, 390 verbose linkBins '/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/node-gyp/node_modules/.bin', 390 verbose linkBins false ] 391 verbose linkMans nopt@3.0.6 392 silly build semver@5.3.0 393 info linkStuff semver@5.3.0 394 silly linkStuff semver@5.3.0 has /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/node-gyp/node_modules as its parent node_modules 395 verbose linkBins semver@5.3.0 396 verbose linkBins [ { semver: './bin/semver' }, 396 verbose linkBins '/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/node-gyp/node_modules/.bin', 396 verbose linkBins false ] 397 verbose linkMans semver@5.3.0 398 silly build which@1.3.0 399 info linkStuff which@1.3.0 400 silly linkStuff which@1.3.0 has /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules as its parent node_modules 401 verbose linkBins which@1.3.0 402 verbose linkBins [ { which: './bin/which' }, 402 verbose linkBins '/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/.bin', 402 verbose linkBins false ] 403 verbose linkMans which@1.3.0 404 silly build node-gyp@3.6.2 405 info linkStuff node-gyp@3.6.2 406 silly linkStuff node-gyp@3.6.2 has /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules as its parent node_modules 407 verbose linkBins node-gyp@3.6.2 408 verbose linkBins [ { 'node-gyp': './bin/node-gyp.js' }, 408 verbose linkBins '/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/.bin', 408 verbose linkBins false ] 409 verbose linkMans node-gyp@3.6.2 410 silly build equihashverify@0.0.2 411 info linkStuff equihashverify@0.0.2 412 silly linkStuff equihashverify@0.0.2 has /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules as its parent node_modules 413 verbose linkBins equihashverify@0.0.2 414 verbose linkMans equihashverify@0.0.2 415 silly build stratum-pool@0.1.6 416 info linkStuff stratum-pool@0.1.6 417 silly linkStuff stratum-pool@0.1.6 has /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules as its parent node_modules 418 verbose linkBins stratum-pool@0.1.6 419 verbose linkMans stratum-pool@0.1.6 420 silly doSerial global-link 72 421 silly doParallel update-linked 72 422 silly doSerial install 72 423 silly install bindings@1.3.0 424 info lifecycle bindings@1.3.0~install: bindings@1.3.0 425 silly install isexe@2.0.0 426 info lifecycle isexe@2.0.0~install: isexe@2.0.0 427 silly install libsodium@0.7.3 428 info lifecycle libsodium@0.7.3~install: libsodium@0.7.3 429 silly install nopt@3.0.6 430 info lifecycle nopt@3.0.6~install: nopt@3.0.6 431 silly install semver@5.3.0 432 info lifecycle semver@5.3.0~install: semver@5.3.0 433 silly install which@1.3.0 434 info lifecycle which@1.3.0~install: which@1.3.0 435 silly install node-gyp@3.6.2 436 info lifecycle node-gyp@3.6.2~install: node-gyp@3.6.2 437 silly install equihashverify@0.0.2 438 info lifecycle equihashverify@0.0.2~install: equihashverify@0.0.2 439 verbose lifecycle equihashverify@0.0.2~install: unsafe-perm in lifecycle false 440 verbose lifecycle equihashverify@0.0.2~install: PATH: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/node-gyp-bin:/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/equihashverify/node_modules/.bin:/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/.bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin 441 verbose lifecycle equihashverify@0.0.2~install: CWD: /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/equihashverify 442 silly lifecycle equihashverify@0.0.2~install: Args: [ '-c', 'env V=1 node-gyp rebuild' ] 443 silly lifecycle equihashverify@0.0.2~install: Returned: code: 1 signal: null 444 info lifecycle equihashverify@0.0.2~install: Failed to exec install script 445 verbose unlock done using /root/.npm/_locks/staging-f39ad7b9929a5600.lock for /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5/node_modules/.staging 446 verbose stack Error: equihashverify@0.0.2 install:env V=1 node-gyp rebuild 446 verbose stack Exit status 1 446 verbose stack at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/lifecycle.js:289:16) 446 verbose stack at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:182:13) 446 verbose stack at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/spawn.js:40:14) 446 verbose stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:182:13) 446 verbose stack at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:947:16) 446 verbose stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:236:5) 447 verbose pkgid equihashverify@0.0.2 448 verbose cwd /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp-1.0.5 449 verbose Linux 2.6.32-042stab113.11 450 verbose argv "/usr/local/bin/node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "update" 451 verbose node v10.0.0 452 verbose npm v5.3.0 453 error code ELIFECYCLE 454 error errno 1 455 error equihashverify@0.0.2 install:env V=1 node-gyp rebuild` 455 error Exit status 1 456 error Failed at the equihashverify@0.0.2 install script. 456 error This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. 457 verbose exit [ 1, true ]

igorvoltaic commented 6 years ago

../serialize.h:23:27: fatal error: boost/array.hpp: No such file or directory

do you have boost installed?

EvilRedHorse commented 6 years ago

boost boost-devel is installed.

a download fails during:

node-pre-gyp ERR! Tried to download(403): https://rvagg-node.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/bignum/v0.12.5/bignum-v0.12.5-node-v64-linux-x64.tar.gz node-pre-gyp ERR! Pre-built binaries not found for bignum@0.12.5 and node@10.0.0 (node-v64 ABI, glibc) (falling back to source compile with node-gyp)

npm update

npm WARN notice [SECURITY] hoek has 1 moderate vulnerability. Go here for more details: https://nodesecurity.io/advisories?search=hoek&version=2.16.3 - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info. npm WARN notice [SECURITY] fresh has 1 high vulnerability. Go here for more details: https://nodesecurity.io/advisories?search=fresh&version=0.5.0 - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info. npm WARN notice [SECURITY] mysql has 1 moderate vulnerability. Go here for more details: https://nodesecurity.io/advisories?search=mysql&version=2.13.0 - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info. npm WARN notice [SECURITY] debug has 1 low vulnerability. Go here for more details: https://nodesecurity.io/advisories?search=debug&version=2.6.1 - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info. npm WARN notice [SECURITY] debug has 1 low vulnerability. Go here for more details: https://nodesecurity.io/advisories?search=debug&version=2.2.0 - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info. npm WARN notice [SECURITY] debug has 1 low vulnerability. Go here for more details: https://nodesecurity.io/advisories?search=debug&version=2.6.1 - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info. npm WARN notice [SECURITY] mime has 1 moderate vulnerability. Go here for more details: https://nodesecurity.io/advisories?search=mime&version=1.3.4 - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.

equihashverify@0.0.2 install /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp/node_modules/equihashverify env V=1 node-gyp rebuild

make: Entering directory '/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp/node_modules/equihashverify/build' g++ '-DNODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME=equihashverify' '-DUSING_UV_SHARED=1' '-DUSING_V8_SHARED=1' '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1' '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' '-DHAVE_DECL_STRNLEN=1' '-DHAVE_BYTESWAP_H=1' '-DBUILDING_NODE_EXTENSION' -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/src -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/uv/include -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/v8/include -I../../nan -I../. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/boost -fPIC -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -m64 -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++1y -std=c++11 -Wl,--whole-archive -fPIC -fexceptions -MMD -MF ./Release/.deps/Release/obj.target/equihashverify/support/cleanse.o.d.raw -c -o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/support/cleanse.o ../support/cleanse.cpp g++ '-DNODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME=equihashverify' '-DUSING_UV_SHARED=1' '-DUSING_V8_SHARED=1' '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1' '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' '-DHAVE_DECL_STRNLEN=1' '-DHAVE_BYTESWAP_H=1' '-DBUILDING_NODE_EXTENSION' -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/src -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/uv/include -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/v8/include -I../../nan -I../. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/boost -fPIC -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -m64 -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++1y -std=c++11 -Wl,--whole-archive -fPIC -fexceptions -MMD -MF ./Release/.deps/Release/obj.target/equihashverify/uint256.o.d.raw -c -o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/uint256.o ../uint256.cpp g++ '-DNODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME=equihashverify' '-DUSING_UV_SHARED=1' '-DUSING_V8_SHARED=1' '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1' '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' '-DHAVE_DECL_STRNLEN=1' '-DHAVE_BYTESWAP_H=1' '-DBUILDING_NODE_EXTENSION' -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/src -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/uv/include -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/v8/include -I../../nan -I../. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/boost -fPIC -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -m64 -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++1y -std=c++11 -Wl,--whole-archive -fPIC -fexceptions -MMD -MF ./Release/.deps/Release/obj.target/equihashverify/arith_uint256.o.d.raw -c -o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/arith_uint256.o ../arith_uint256.cpp g++ '-DNODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME=equihashverify' '-DUSING_UV_SHARED=1' '-DUSING_V8_SHARED=1' '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1' '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' '-DHAVE_DECL_STRNLEN=1' '-DHAVE_BYTESWAP_H=1' '-DBUILDING_NODE_EXTENSION' -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/src -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/uv/include -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/v8/include -I../../nan -I../. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/boost -fPIC -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -m64 -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++1y -std=c++11 -Wl,--whole-archive -fPIC -fexceptions -MMD -MF ./Release/.deps/Release/obj.target/equihashverify/random.o.d.raw -c -o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/random.o ../random.cpp g++ '-DNODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME=equihashverify' '-DUSING_UV_SHARED=1' '-DUSING_V8_SHARED=1' '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1' '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' '-DHAVE_DECL_STRNLEN=1' '-DHAVE_BYTESWAP_H=1' '-DBUILDING_NODE_EXTENSION' -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/src -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/uv/include -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/v8/include -I../../nan -I../. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/boost -fPIC -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -m64 -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++1y -std=c++11 -Wl,--whole-archive -fPIC -fexceptions -MMD -MF ./Release/.deps/Release/obj.target/equihashverify/util.o.d.raw -c -o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/util.o ../util.cpp g++ '-DNODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME=equihashverify' '-DUSING_UV_SHARED=1' '-DUSING_V8_SHARED=1' '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1' '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' '-DHAVE_DECL_STRNLEN=1' '-DHAVE_BYTESWAP_H=1' '-DBUILDING_NODE_EXTENSION' -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/src -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/uv/include -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/v8/include -I../../nan -I../. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/boost -fPIC -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -m64 -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++1y -std=c++11 -Wl,--whole-archive -fPIC -fexceptions -MMD -MF ./Release/.deps/Release/obj.target/equihashverify/utilstrencodings.o.d.raw -c -o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/utilstrencodings.o ../utilstrencodings.cpp g++ '-DNODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME=equihashverify' '-DUSING_UV_SHARED=1' '-DUSING_V8_SHARED=1' '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1' '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' '-DHAVE_DECL_STRNLEN=1' '-DHAVE_BYTESWAP_H=1' '-DBUILDING_NODE_EXTENSION' -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/src -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/uv/include -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/v8/include -I../../nan -I../. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/boost -fPIC -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -m64 -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++1y -std=c++11 -Wl,--whole-archive -fPIC -fexceptions -MMD -MF ./Release/.deps/Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/equihash.o.d.raw -c -o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/equihash.o ../crypto/equihash.cpp In file included from ../crypto/equihash.cpp:20:0: .././crypto/equihash.h:157:65: warning: type qualifiers ignored on function return type [-Wignored-qualifiers] inline constexpr const size_t max(const size_t A, const size_t B) { return A > B ? A : B; } ^ ../crypto/equihash.cpp: In function ‘std::vector GetIndicesFromMinimal(std::vector, size_t)’: ../crypto/equihash.cpp:181:23: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] for (int i = 0; i < lenIndices; i += sizeof(eh_index)) { ^ ../crypto/equihash.cpp: In function ‘std::vector GetMinimalFromIndices(std::vector, size_t)’: ../crypto/equihash.cpp:195:23: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] for (int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) { ^ ../crypto/equihash.cpp: In instantiation of ‘bool Equihash<N, K>::IsValidSolution(const eh_HashState&, std::vector) [with unsigned int N = 96u; unsigned int K = 3u; eh_HashState = crypto_generichash_blake2b_state]’: ../crypto/equihash.cpp:782:110: required from here ../crypto/equihash.cpp:746:27: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] for (int i = 0; i < X.size(); i += 2) { ^ ../crypto/equihash.cpp: In instantiation of ‘bool Equihash<N, K>::IsValidSolution(const eh_HashState&, std::vector) [with unsigned int N = 200u; unsigned int K = 9u; eh_HashState = crypto_generichash_blake2b_state]’: ../crypto/equihash.cpp:794:111: required from here ../crypto/equihash.cpp:746:27: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] ../crypto/equihash.cpp: In instantiation of ‘bool Equihash<N, K>::IsValidSolution(const eh_HashState&, std::vector) [with unsigned int N = 96u; unsigned int K = 5u; eh_HashState = crypto_generichash_blake2b_state]’: ../crypto/equihash.cpp:806:110: required from here ../crypto/equihash.cpp:746:27: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] ../crypto/equihash.cpp: In instantiation of ‘bool Equihash<N, K>::IsValidSolution(const eh_HashState&, std::vector) [with unsigned int N = 48u; unsigned int K = 5u; eh_HashState = crypto_generichash_blake2b_state]’: ../crypto/equihash.cpp:818:110: required from here ../crypto/equihash.cpp:746:27: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] ../crypto/equihash.cpp: In instantiation of ‘bool StepRow::IsZero(size_t) [with long unsigned int WIDTH = 38ul; size_t = long unsigned int]’: ../crypto/equihash.cpp:769:31: required from ‘bool Equihash<N, K>::IsValidSolution(const eh_HashState&, std::vector) [with unsigned int N = 96u; unsigned int K = 3u; eh_HashState = crypto_generichash_blake2b_state]’ ../crypto/equihash.cpp:782:110: required from here ../crypto/equihash.cpp:255:23: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { ^ ../crypto/equihash.cpp: In instantiation of ‘bool StepRow::IsZero(size_t) [with long unsigned int WIDTH = 2054ul; size_t = long unsigned int]’: ../crypto/equihash.cpp:769:31: required from ‘bool Equihash<N, K>::IsValidSolution(const eh_HashState&, std::vector) [with unsigned int N = 200u; unsigned int K = 9u; eh_HashState = crypto_generichash_blake2b_state]’ ../crypto/equihash.cpp:794:111: required from here ../crypto/equihash.cpp:255:23: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] ../crypto/equihash.cpp: In instantiation of ‘bool StepRow::IsZero(size_t) [with long unsigned int WIDTH = 132ul; size_t = long unsigned int]’: ../crypto/equihash.cpp:769:31: required from ‘bool Equihash<N, K>::IsValidSolution(const eh_HashState&, std::vector) [with unsigned int N = 96u; unsigned int K = 5u; eh_HashState = crypto_generichash_blake2b_state]’ ../crypto/equihash.cpp:806:110: required from here ../crypto/equihash.cpp:255:23: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] ../crypto/equihash.cpp: In instantiation of ‘bool StepRow::IsZero(size_t) [with long unsigned int WIDTH = 130ul; size_t = long unsigned int]’: ../crypto/equihash.cpp:769:31: required from ‘bool Equihash<N, K>::IsValidSolution(const eh_HashState&, std::vector) [with unsigned int N = 48u; unsigned int K = 5u; eh_HashState = crypto_generichash_blake2b_state]’ ../crypto/equihash.cpp:818:110: required from here ../crypto/equihash.cpp:255:23: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] ../crypto/equihash.cpp: In instantiation of ‘FullStepRow::FullStepRow(const FullStepRow&, const FullStepRow&, size_t, size_t, int) [with long unsigned int W = 38ul; long unsigned int WIDTH = 38ul; size_t = long unsigned int]’: /usr/include/c++/5.3.1/ext/new_allocator.h:120:4: required from ‘void gnu_cxx::new_allocator<_Tp>::construct(_Up, _Args&& ...) [with _Up = FullStepRow<38ul>; _Args = {FullStepRow<38ul>&, FullStepRow<38ul>&, long unsigned int&, long unsigned int&, Equihash<96u, 3u>::}; _Tp = FullStepRow<38ul>]’ /usr/include/c++/5.3.1/bits/alloc_traits.h:530:4: required from ‘static void std::allocator_traits<std::allocator<_CharT> >::construct(std::allocator_traits<std::allocator<_CharT> >::allocator_type&, _Up, _Args&& ...) [with _Up = FullStepRow<38ul>; _Args = {FullStepRow<38ul>&, FullStepRow<38ul>&, long unsigned int&, long unsigned int&, Equihash<96u, 3u>::}; _Tp = FullStepRow<38ul>; std::allocator_traits<std::allocator<_CharT> >::allocator_type = std::allocator<FullStepRow<38ul> >]’ /usr/include/c++/5.3.1/bits/vector.tcc:96:30: required from ‘void std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::emplace_back(_Args&& ...) [with _Args = {FullStepRow<38ul>&, FullStepRow<38ul>&, long unsigned int&, long unsigned int&, Equihash<96u, 3u>::}; _Tp = FullStepRow<38ul>; _Alloc = std::allocator<FullStepRow<38ul> >]’ ../crypto/equihash.cpp:761:13: required from ‘bool Equihash<N, K>::IsValidSolution(const eh_HashState&, std::vector) [with unsigned int N = 96u; unsigned int K = 3u; eh_HashState = crypto_generichash_blake2b_state]’ ../crypto/equihash.cpp:782:110: required from here ../crypto/equihash.cpp:233:26: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] for (int i = trim; i < len; i++) ^ ../crypto/equihash.cpp: In instantiation of ‘FullStepRow::FullStepRow(const FullStepRow&, const FullStepRow&, size_t, size_t, int) [with long unsigned int W = 2054ul; long unsigned int WIDTH = 2054ul; size_t = long unsigned int]’: /usr/include/c++/5.3.1/ext/new_allocator.h:120:4: required from ‘void gnu_cxx::new_allocator<_Tp>::construct(_Up, _Args&& ...) [with _Up = FullStepRow<2054ul>; _Args = {FullStepRow<2054ul>&, FullStepRow<2054ul>&, long unsigned int&, long unsigned int&, Equihash<200u, 9u>::}; _Tp = FullStepRow<2054ul>]’ /usr/include/c++/5.3.1/bits/alloc_traits.h:530:4: required from ‘static void std::allocator_traits<std::allocator<_CharT> >::construct(std::allocator_traits<std::allocator<_CharT> >::allocator_type&, _Up, _Args&& ...) [with _Up = FullStepRow<2054ul>; _Args = {FullStepRow<2054ul>&, FullStepRow<2054ul>&, long unsigned int&, long unsigned int&, Equihash<200u, 9u>::}; _Tp = FullStepRow<2054ul>; std::allocator_traits<std::allocator<_CharT> >::allocator_type = std::allocator<FullStepRow<2054ul> >]’ /usr/include/c++/5.3.1/bits/vector.tcc:96:30: required from ‘void std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::emplace_back(_Args&& ...) [with _Args = {FullStepRow<2054ul>&, FullStepRow<2054ul>&, long unsigned int&, long unsigned int&, Equihash<200u, 9u>::}; _Tp = FullStepRow<2054ul>; _Alloc = std::allocator<FullStepRow<2054ul> >]’ ../crypto/equihash.cpp:761:13: required from ‘bool Equihash<N, K>::IsValidSolution(const eh_HashState&, std::vector) [with unsigned int N = 200u; unsigned int K = 9u; eh_HashState = crypto_generichash_blake2b_state]’ ../crypto/equihash.cpp:794:111: required from here ../crypto/equihash.cpp:233:26: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] ../crypto/equihash.cpp: In instantiation of ‘FullStepRow::FullStepRow(const FullStepRow&, const FullStepRow&, size_t, size_t, int) [with long unsigned int W = 132ul; long unsigned int WIDTH = 132ul; size_t = long unsigned int]’: /usr/include/c++/5.3.1/ext/new_allocator.h:120:4: required from ‘void gnu_cxx::new_allocator<_Tp>::construct(_Up, _Args&& ...) [with _Up = FullStepRow<132ul>; _Args = {FullStepRow<132ul>&, FullStepRow<132ul>&, long unsigned int&, long unsigned int&, Equihash<96u, 5u>::}; _Tp = FullStepRow<132ul>]’ /usr/include/c++/5.3.1/bits/alloc_traits.h:530:4: required from ‘static void std::allocator_traits<std::allocator<_CharT> >::construct(std::allocator_traits<std::allocator<_CharT> >::allocator_type&, _Up, _Args&& ...) [with _Up = FullStepRow<132ul>; _Args = {FullStepRow<132ul>&, FullStepRow<132ul>&, long unsigned int&, long unsigned int&, Equihash<96u, 5u>::}; _Tp = FullStepRow<132ul>; std::allocator_traits<std::allocator<_CharT> >::allocator_type = std::allocator<FullStepRow<132ul> >]’ /usr/include/c++/5.3.1/bits/vector.tcc:96:30: required from ‘void std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::emplace_back(_Args&& ...) [with _Args = {FullStepRow<132ul>&, FullStepRow<132ul>&, long unsigned int&, long unsigned int&, Equihash<96u, 5u>::}; _Tp = FullStepRow<132ul>; _Alloc = std::allocator<FullStepRow<132ul> >]’ ../crypto/equihash.cpp:761:13: required from ‘bool Equihash<N, K>::IsValidSolution(const eh_HashState&, std::vector) [with unsigned int N = 96u; unsigned int K = 5u; eh_HashState = crypto_generichash_blake2b_state]’ ../crypto/equihash.cpp:806:110: required from here ../crypto/equihash.cpp:233:26: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] ../crypto/equihash.cpp: In instantiation of ‘FullStepRow::FullStepRow(const FullStepRow&, const FullStepRow&, size_t, size_t, int) [with long unsigned int W = 130ul; long unsigned int WIDTH = 130ul; size_t = long unsigned int]’: /usr/include/c++/5.3.1/ext/new_allocator.h:120:4: required from ‘void gnu_cxx::new_allocator<_Tp>::construct(_Up, _Args&& ...) [with _Up = FullStepRow<130ul>; _Args = {FullStepRow<130ul>&, FullStepRow<130ul>&, long unsigned int&, long unsigned int&, Equihash<48u, 5u>::}; _Tp = FullStepRow<130ul>]’ /usr/include/c++/5.3.1/bits/alloc_traits.h:530:4: required from ‘static void std::allocator_traits<std::allocator<_CharT> >::construct(std::allocator_traits<std::allocator<_CharT> >::allocator_type&, _Up, _Args&& ...) [with _Up = FullStepRow<130ul>; _Args = {FullStepRow<130ul>&, FullStepRow<130ul>&, long unsigned int&, long unsigned int&, Equihash<48u, 5u>::}; _Tp = FullStepRow<130ul>; std::allocator_traits<std::allocator<_CharT> >::allocator_type = std::allocator<FullStepRow<130ul> >]’ /usr/include/c++/5.3.1/bits/vector.tcc:96:30: required from ‘void std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::emplace_back(_Args&& ...) [with _Args = {FullStepRow<130ul>&, FullStepRow<130ul>&, long unsigned int&, long unsigned int&, Equihash<48u, 5u>::}; _Tp = FullStepRow<130ul>; _Alloc = std::allocator<FullStepRow<130ul> >]’ ../crypto/equihash.cpp:761:13: required from ‘bool Equihash<N, K>::IsValidSolution(const eh_HashState&, std::vector) [with unsigned int N = 48u; unsigned int K = 5u; eh_HashState = crypto_generichash_blake2b_state]’ ../crypto/equihash.cpp:818:110: required from here ../crypto/equihash.cpp:233:26: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] g++ '-DNODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME=equihashverify' '-DUSING_UV_SHARED=1' '-DUSING_V8_SHARED=1' '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1' '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' '-DHAVE_DECL_STRNLEN=1' '-DHAVE_BYTESWAP_H=1' '-DBUILDING_NODE_EXTENSION' -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/src -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/uv/include -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/v8/include -I../../nan -I../. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/boost -fPIC -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -m64 -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++1y -std=c++11 -Wl,--whole-archive -fPIC -fexceptions -MMD -MF ./Release/.deps/Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/hmac_sha256.o.d.raw -c -o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/hmac_sha256.o ../crypto/hmac_sha256.cpp g++ '-DNODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME=equihashverify' '-DUSING_UV_SHARED=1' '-DUSING_V8_SHARED=1' '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1' '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' '-DHAVE_DECL_STRNLEN=1' '-DHAVE_BYTESWAP_H=1' '-DBUILDING_NODE_EXTENSION' -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/src -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/uv/include -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/v8/include -I../../nan -I../. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/boost -fPIC -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -m64 -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++1y -std=c++11 -Wl,--whole-archive -fPIC -fexceptions -MMD -MF ./Release/.deps/Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/hmac_sha512.o.d.raw -c -o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/hmac_sha512.o ../crypto/hmac_sha512.cpp g++ '-DNODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME=equihashverify' '-DUSING_UV_SHARED=1' '-DUSING_V8_SHARED=1' '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1' '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' '-DHAVE_DECL_STRNLEN=1' '-DHAVE_BYTESWAP_H=1' '-DBUILDING_NODE_EXTENSION' -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/src -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/uv/include -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/v8/include -I../../nan -I../. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/boost -fPIC -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -m64 -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++1y -std=c++11 -Wl,--whole-archive -fPIC -fexceptions -MMD -MF ./Release/.deps/Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/ripemd160.o.d.raw -c -o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/ripemd160.o ../crypto/ripemd160.cpp g++ '-DNODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME=equihashverify' '-DUSING_UV_SHARED=1' '-DUSING_V8_SHARED=1' '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1' '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' '-DHAVE_DECL_STRNLEN=1' '-DHAVE_BYTESWAP_H=1' '-DBUILDING_NODE_EXTENSION' -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/src -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/uv/include -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/v8/include -I../../nan -I../. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/boost -fPIC -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -m64 -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++1y -std=c++11 -Wl,--whole-archive -fPIC -fexceptions -MMD -MF ./Release/.deps/Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/sha1.o.d.raw -c -o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/sha1.o ../crypto/sha1.cpp g++ '-DNODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME=equihashverify' '-DUSING_UV_SHARED=1' '-DUSING_V8_SHARED=1' '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1' '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' '-DHAVE_DECL_STRNLEN=1' '-DHAVE_BYTESWAP_H=1' '-DBUILDING_NODE_EXTENSION' -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/src -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/uv/include -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/v8/include -I../../nan -I../. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/boost -fPIC -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -m64 -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++1y -std=c++11 -Wl,--whole-archive -fPIC -fexceptions -MMD -MF ./Release/.deps/Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/sha256.o.d.raw -c -o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/sha256.o ../crypto/sha256.cpp g++ '-DNODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME=equihashverify' '-DUSING_UV_SHARED=1' '-DUSING_V8_SHARED=1' '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1' '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' '-DHAVE_DECL_STRNLEN=1' '-DHAVE_BYTESWAP_H=1' '-DBUILDING_NODE_EXTENSION' -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/src -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/uv/include -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/v8/include -I../../nan -I../. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/boost -fPIC -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -m64 -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++1y -std=c++11 -Wl,--whole-archive -fPIC -fexceptions -MMD -MF ./Release/.deps/Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/sha512.o.d.raw -c -o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/sha512.o ../crypto/sha512.cpp g++ '-DNODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME=equihashverify' '-DUSING_UV_SHARED=1' '-DUSING_V8_SHARED=1' '-DV8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1' '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' '-DHAVE_DECL_STRNLEN=1' '-DHAVE_BYTESWAP_H=1' '-DBUILDING_NODE_EXTENSION' -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/src -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/uv/include -I/home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/deps/v8/include -I../../nan -I../. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/boost -fPIC -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -m64 -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++1y -std=c++11 -Wl,--whole-archive -fPIC -fexceptions -MMD -MF ./Release/.deps/Release/obj.target/equihashverify/equihashverify.o.d.raw -c -o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/equihashverify.o ../equihashverify.cc In file included from ../equihashverify.cc:6:0: ../crypto/equihash.h:157:65: warning: type qualifiers ignored on function return type [-Wignored-qualifiers] inline constexpr const size_t max(const size_t A, const size_t B) { return A > B ? A : B; } ^ g++ -shared -pthread -rdynamic -m64 -Wl,-soname=equihashverify.node -o Release/obj.target/equihashverify.node -Wl,--start-group Release/obj.target/equihashverify/support/cleanse.o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/uint256.o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/arith_uint256.o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/random.o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/util.o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/utilstrencodings.o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/equihash.o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/hmac_sha256.o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/hmac_sha512.o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/ripemd160.o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/sha1.o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/sha256.o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/crypto/sha512.o Release/obj.target/equihashverify/equihashverify.o -Wl,--end-group -Wl,-rpath,./build/Release/ -lboost_system -lsodium rm -rf "Release/equihashverify.node" && cp -af "Release/obj.target/equihashverify.node" "Release/equihashverify.node" make: Leaving directory '/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp/node_modules/equihashverify/build'

bignum@0.12.5 install /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp/node_modules/bignum node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build

node-pre-gyp ERR! Tried to download(403): https://rvagg-node.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/bignum/v0.12.5/bignum-v0.12.5-node-v64-linux-x64.tar.gz node-pre-gyp ERR! Pre-built binaries not found for bignum@0.12.5 and node@10.0.0 (node-v64 ABI, glibc) (falling back to source compile with node-gyp) make: Entering directory '/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp/node_modules/bignum/build' CXX(target) Release/obj.target/bignum/bignum.o ../bignum.cc: In function ‘int BN_jacobi_priv(const BIGNUM, const BIGNUM, int, BN_CTX)’: ../bignum.cc:143:6: error: expected ‘(’ before ‘BN_is_zero’ if BN_is_zero(a1) / step 1 / ^ ../bignum.cc:145:6: error: expected ‘(’ before ‘BN_is_one’ if BN_isone(a1) / step 2 / ^ ../bignum.cc: At global scope: ../bignum.cc:183:10: error: field ‘bignum’ has incomplete type ‘BIGNUM {aka bignumst}’ BIGNUM bignum; ^ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/openssl/bn.h:32:0, from ../bignum.cc:9: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/openssl/ossl_typ.h:80:16: note: forward declaration of ‘BIGNUM {aka struct bignum_st}’ typedef struct bignum_st BIGNUM; ^ ../bignum.cc: In constructor ‘BigNum::BigNum(const v8::String::Utf8Value&, uint64_t)’: ../bignum.cc:296:19: error: ‘BN_init’ was not declared in this scope BNinit(&bignum); ^ ../bignum.cc: In constructor ‘BigNum::BigNum(uint64_t)’: ../bignum.cc:325:19: error: ‘BN_init’ was not declared in this scope BNinit(&bignum); ^ ../bignum.cc: In constructor ‘BigNum::BigNum(int64_t)’: ../bignum.cc:339:19: error: ‘BN_init’ was not declared in this scope BNinit(&bignum); ^ ../bignum.cc: In constructor ‘BigNum::BigNum(BIGNUM)’: ../bignum.cc:361:19: error: ‘BN_init’ was not declared in this scope BNinit(&bignum); ^ ../bignum.cc: In constructor ‘BigNum::BigNum()’: ../bignum.cc:367:19: error: ‘BN_init’ was not declared in this scope BNinit(&bignum); ^ ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::New(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:385:48: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int&, v8::Local&)’ GetFunction()->NewInstance(len, newArgs); ^ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc:412:93: warning: ‘v8::String::Utf8Value::Utf8Value(v8::Local)’ is deprecated: Use Isolate version [-Wdeprecated-declarations] String::Utf8Value str(obj->ToObject()->Get(Nan::New("num").ToLocalChecked())->ToString()); ^ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:2821:14: note: declared here V8_DEPRECATED("Use Isolate version", ^ ../bignum.cc:413:78: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Value::ToNumber()’ base = obj->ToObject()->Get(Nan::New("base").ToLocalChecked())->ToNumber()->Value(); ^ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:2366:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Value::ToNumber(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:2366:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:2382:17: note: candidate: v8::Local v8::Value::ToNumber(v8::Isolate) const V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use maybe version", ^ /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:2382:17: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Badd(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:461:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Bsub(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:474:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Bmul(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:488:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Bdiv(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:502:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Uadd(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:520:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Usub(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:538:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Umul(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:557:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Udiv(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:576:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Umul_2exp(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:585:154: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Value::ToUint32()’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:2376:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Value::ToUint32(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:2376:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided ../bignum.cc:589:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Udiv_2exp(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:598:154: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Value::ToUint32()’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:2376:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Value::ToUint32(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:2376:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided ../bignum.cc:602:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Babs(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:614:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Bneg(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:626:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Bmod(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:640:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Umod(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:659:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Bpowm(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:674:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Upowm(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:691:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Upow(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:707:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Brand0(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:720:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Uprime0(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:727:154: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Value::ToUint32()’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:2376:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Value::ToUint32(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:2376:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided ../bignum.cc:734:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Probprime(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:744:157: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Value::ToUint32()’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:2376:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Value::ToUint32(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:2376:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::IsBitSet(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:753:154: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Value::ToUint32()’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:2376:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Value::ToUint32(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:2376:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Ucompare(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:785:12: error: aggregate ‘BIGNUM bn’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined BIGNUM bn; ^ ../bignum.cc:786:16: error: ‘BN_init’ was not declared in this scope BN_init(&bn); ^ ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static v8::Local BigNum::Bop(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE, int)’: ../bignum.cc:994:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Binvertm(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:1026:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Bgcd(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:1061:183: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Function::NewInstance(int, v8::Local [1])’ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local, int, v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3848:58: note: candidate expects 3 arguments, 2 provided /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Function::NewInstance(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:3851:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided ../bignum.cc: In static member function ‘static Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE BigNum::Bsetcompact(Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)’: ../bignum.cc:1085:45: error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Value::ToUint32()’ unsigned int nCompact = info[0]->ToUint32()->Value(); ^ In file included from /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/node.h:63:0, from ../../nan/nan.h:51, from ../bignum.cc:8: /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:2376:58: note: candidate: v8::MaybeLocal v8::Value::ToUint32(v8::Local) const /home/smc/.node-gyp/10.0.0/include/node/v8.h:2376:58: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided bignum.target.mk:99: recipe for target 'Release/obj.target/bignum/bignum.o' failed make: *** [Release/obj.target/bignum/bignum.o] Error 1 make: Leaving directory '/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp/node_modules/bignum/build' gyp ERR! build error gyp ERR! stack Error: make failed with exit code: 2 gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.onExit (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/build.js:258:23) gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:182:13) gyp ERR! stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:225:12) gyp ERR! System Linux 2.6.32-042stab113.11 gyp ERR! command "/usr/local/bin/node" "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js" "build" "--fallback-to-build" "--module=/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp/node_modules/bignum/binding/bignum.node" "--module_name=bignum" "--module_path=/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp/node_modules/bignum/binding" gyp ERR! cwd /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp/node_modules/bignum gyp ERR! node -v v10.0.0 gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v3.6.2 gyp ERR! not ok node-pre-gyp ERR! build error node-pre-gyp ERR! stack Error: Failed to execute '/usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js build --fallback-to-build --module=/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp/node_modules/bignum/binding/bignum.node --module_name=bignum --module_path=/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp/node_modules/bignum/binding' (1) node-pre-gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess. (/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp/node_modules/node-pre-gyp/lib/util/compile.js:83:29) node-pre-gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:182:13) node-pre-gyp ERR! stack at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:947:16) node-pre-gyp ERR! stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:236:5) node-pre-gyp ERR! System Linux 2.6.32-042stab113.11 node-pre-gyp ERR! command "/usr/local/bin/node" "/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp/node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp" "install" "--fallback-to-build" node-pre-gyp ERR! cwd /home/smc/build/build/z-nomp/node_modules/bignum node-pre-gyp ERR! node -v v10.0.0 node-pre-gyp ERR! node-pre-gyp -v v0.6.39 node-pre-gyp ERR! not ok Failed to execute '/usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js build --fallback-to-build --module=/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp/node_modules/bignum/binding/bignum.node --module_name=bignum --module_path=/home/smc/build/build/z-nomp/node_modules/bignum/binding' (1) npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 npm ERR! bignum@0.12.5 install: node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the bignum@0.12.5 install script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /home/smc/.npm/_logs/2018-05-14T06_57_02_616Z-debug.log

EvilRedHorse commented 6 years ago

This worked for me

sudo dnf install boost boost-devel

sudo n 8.11.1

igorvoltaic commented 6 years ago

you had gyp ERR! node -v v10.0.0 bignum is not compatible with this version you are right, v8.11.1 solves this issue

genewitch commented 6 years ago

So, to summarize, on ubuntu 16.04:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt install libboost-dev libboost-system-dev libsodium-dev sudo n 8.11.2 #This is the latest version as of this comment, you can check with apt search nodejs cd ~/z-nomp #or so npm update

EvilRedHorse commented 4 years ago

I cannot confirm version 8.11.2 works, I get something similar to:

Error: Could not locate the bindings file. → verushash.node

this still currently works for me

sudo n 8.11.1 npm update npm install

Opening a new terminal may solve an issue with the version not registering. github issue#261 for n

franciscop commented on 22 Jun 2015 @melxx001 same thing happened to me, opened another terminal and "problem" solved

Further discussion on stackoverflow.com