z-edit / zedit

An integrated development environment for Bethesda Plugin Files.
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Remove Plugins gives merge errors when no other changes #264

Open BrentW89 opened 2 years ago

BrentW89 commented 2 years ago

Remove a mod from your plugin list in Vortex, load zMerge and it will highlight the mod in red as missing. Click Remove plugins and then re-build the merge and an error occurs where it seems to be looking for one of the master mods that no longer exists (if this doesn't happen every time, it certainly has happened multipe times for me and has been very frustrating).

The work-around I eventually found is to edit the merge list, make a change, save, then edit the merge list and change that back. Once zMerge thinks that another change has occurred beyond just removing missing plugins, it recognizes that the plugin(s) were removed and merges without referencing the plugin flagged for removal.