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The z-kit component template, starter point to create z-kit compatible components.
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Update stylelint to the latest version πŸš€ #38

Closed greenkeeper[bot] closed 5 years ago

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 8.0.0 of stylelint just got published.

Dependency stylelint
Current Version 7.13.0
Type devDependency

The version 8.0.0 is not covered by your current version range.

Without accepting this pull request your project will work just like it did before. There might be a bunch of new features, fixes and perf improvements that the maintainers worked on for you though.

I recommend you look into these changes and try to get onto the latest version of stylelint. Given that you have a decent test suite, a passing build is a strong indicator that you can take advantage of these changes by merging the proposed change into your project. Otherwise this branch is a great starting point for you to work on the update.

Release Notes 8.0.0

This release is accompanied by:


  • Removed: the 21 rules deprecated in 7.8.0 & 7.12.0 (#2422 & #2693).
    • block-no-single-line.
    • custom-property-no-outside-root
    • declaration-block-no-ignored-properties.
    • declaration-block-properties-order.
    • function-url-data-uris.
    • media-feature-no-missing-punctuation.
    • no-browser-hacks.
    • no-indistinguishable-colors.
    • no-unsupported-browser-features.
    • root-no-standard-properties
    • rule-nested-empty-line-before.
    • rule-non-nested-empty-line-before.
    • selector-no-attribute.
    • selector-no-combinator.
    • selector-no-empty.
    • selector-no-id.
    • selector-no-type.
    • selector-no-universal.
    • selector-root-no-composition.
    • stylelint-disable-reason.
    • time-no-imperceptible.
  • Removed: the 4 options deprecated in 7.8.0 (#2433).
    • "all-nested" option for at-rule-empty-line-before.
    • "blockless-group" option for at-rule-empty-line-before.
    • "between-comments" option for comment-empty-line-before.
    • "at-rules-without-declaration-blocks" option for max-nesting-depth.
  • Changed: compatibility with postcss from @5 to @6 (#2561).
  • Changed: parse errors now trigger exit with non-zero code (#2713).
  • Changed: report-needless-disables now exits with non-zero code (#2341).
  • Changed: *-blacklist and *-whitelist (and ignore* [] secondary options) are now case sensitive. Use regular expressions with the i flag for case insensitivity (#2709).
  • Changed: *-empty-line-before now correctly handle shared-line comments (#2262).
  • Changed: *-empty-line-before now consider line as empty if it contains whitespace only (#2440).
  • Changed: function-linear-gradient-no-nonstandard-direction now checks all linear-gradients in a value list (#2496).
  • Changed: selector-max-compound-selectors now checks all resolved selectors, rather than just the deepest (#2350).
  • Added: disableDefaultIgnores option (--disable-default-ignores in CLI), to allow linting of node_modules and bower_components directories (#2464).
  • Added: more efficient file ignoring with .stylelintignore (#2464).
  • Added: ignore: ["child"] option to selector-max-type (#2701).
  • Fixed: declaration-block-no-redundant-longhand-properties and declaration-block-no-shorthand-property-overrides understand more shorthand properties (#2354).
  • Fixed: selector-max-type no longer produces false negatives for when child, next-sibling and following-sibling combinators are used with ignore: ["descendant"] (#2701).

The new version differs by 14 commits.

  • c82cff2 Prepare 8.0.0
  • 9085ee8 chore(package): update flow-bin to version 0.50.0 (#2740)
  • b8804ae Revert jest lint staged (#2752)
  • 825117b chore: Update pify to 3.0.0 (#2751)
  • 69b380d chore: Update balance-match to 1.0.0 (#2750)
  • 221bca5 chore: Add Jest to lint-staged to run Jest against staged files ready for commit (#2749)
  • fca6610 chore: Update all npm minor and patch module versions. (#2745)
  • 0498671 Use latest npm (#2743)
  • 057cd59 Use prettier (#2706)
  • 831eb8f Document rules that ignore @import in Less (#2741)
  • f6fbad3 Pretty-print code (#2742)
  • be558d4 8.0.0 (#2735)
  • afdff28 remove LESS support experimental disclaimer (#2739)
  • 8abafb8 Docs: keyframe-declaration-no-important (#2730)

See the full diff

Not sure how things should work exactly? There is a collection of [frequently asked questions](https://greenkeeper.io/faq.html) and of course you may always [ask my humans](https://github.com/greenkeeperio/greenkeeper/issues/new).

Your Greenkeeper Bot :palm_tree:

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 8.1.0 just got published.

Update to this version instead πŸš€

Release Notes 8.1.0
  • Added: Allow specifying codeFilename to createStylelintResult for raw code linting standalone API (#2450).
  • Added: ignorePattern option (--ignore-pattern in CLI), to allow patterns of files to ignored (#2834).
  • Added: More rules now support experimental autofixing. Use --fix CLI parameter or fix: true Node API options property. Newly supported rules:
    • color-hex-length (#2781).
    • no-missing-end-of-source-newline (#2772).
  • Fixed: *-empty-line-before false positives shared-line comments and "first-nested" option (#2827).
  • Fixed: color-hex-length false positives for id references in url functions (#2806).
  • Fixed: indentation false positives for Less parametric mixins with rule block/snippet (#2744).
  • Fixed: no-empty-source compatability with postcss-html custom syntax (#2798).
  • Fixed: no-extra-semicolons false negatives where instances were not detected when followed by multiple comments (#2678).
  • Fixed: selector-max-specificity cannot parse selector violation for Less mixins (#2677).

The new version differs by 53 commits.

  • bc270cd Prepare 8.1.0
  • 72c894d Update flow-bin to the latest version πŸš€ (#2844)
  • bd0f02a Prettier JS fixes (#2842)
  • 5dedf0c Update eslint to the latest version πŸš€ (#2845)
  • 5d75094 chore: Pin npm to version 5.3.0 for Travis CI (#2849)
  • 13d39f1 Update CHANGELOG.md
  • cc9ce64 Fix isFirstNested util to handle shared-line comments (#2827)
  • d0b7886 Update flowtype definitions (#2843)
  • 545e28d add missing comma
  • 14163e0 Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 32422ab feat: Add ignorePattern option. (#2834)
  • 2a9c1c5 Fix outdated example rules object
  • c678193 Add stylelint-processor-styled-components to docs (#2836)
  • c511783 Update remark-validate-links to the latest version πŸš€ (#2830)
  • 73f99bb Update CHANGELOG.md

There are 53 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 8.1.1 just got published.

Update to this version instead πŸš€

Release Notes 8.1.1
  • Fixed: --ignore-pattern in CLI (#2851).

The new version differs by 3 commits.

  • bf69d13 Prepare 8.1.1
  • a110adf Update CHANGELOG.md
  • ae02c5d fix: Fix --ignorePattern not working for the CLI. (#2851)

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 8.2.0 just got published.

Update to this version instead πŸš€

Release Notes 8.2.0
  • Added: autofix of syntax errors in standard CSS e.g. unclosed braces and brackets (#2886).
  • Added: length-zero-no-unit autofix (#2861).
  • Added: selector-max-specificity support for level 4 evaluation context pseudo-classes (#2857).
  • Added: ignoreUnits option to number-max-precision (#2941).
  • Added: ignoreSelectors option to selector-max-specificity (#2857).
  • Added: ignoreProperties option to value-keyword-case (#2937).
  • Fixed: *-empty-line-before false negatives and positives when two or more except: [*] options were triggered (#2920).
  • Fixed: *-empty-line-before false positives for CSS in HTML (#2854).
  • Fixed: rule-empty-line-before false positives for ignore: ["inside-block"] and CSS in HTML (#2894).
  • Fixed: rule-empty-line-before false positives for except: ["after-single-line-comment"] and preceding shared-line comments (#2920).
  • Fixed: selector-list-comma-newline-after false positives for shared-line comments separated by more than once space (#2915).
  • Fixed: selector-pseudo-class-no-unknown false positives when using chained pseudo-classes (#2810).
  • Fixed: string-quotes false positives for @charset and single quotes (#2902).
  • Fixed: unit-no-unknown false positives for spaceless multiplication and division in calc() functions (#2848).

The new version differs by 64 commits.

  • 0c27c3b Prepare 8.2.0
  • daa5320 Move max-nesting-depth into limiting rules (#2938)
  • 9976628 Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 3457b84 Add ignoreProperties option to value-keyword-case rule (#2937)
  • fe071b6 Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 9f22b43 Add ignoreUnits option to number-max-precision rule (#2941)
  • 4156b8b Add remark lint for space above headers (#2944)
  • eaf0afc Adding yarn.lock to .gitignore file (#2943)
  • f02a160 chore(package): update eslint to version 4.8.0 (#2932)
  • 9d33d3e chore(package): update coveralls to version 3.0.0 (#2928)
  • 6fedf7c Cosmiconfig-3.1.0 (#2934)
  • b23a748 Disable package-lock (#2936)
  • 9cf608a Update flow-bin to the latest version πŸš€ (#2931)
  • 1d2be29 Update CHANGELOG.md
  • c33e92b Update dependencies to enable Greenkeeper 🌴 (#2926)

There are 64 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 8.3.0 just got published.

Update to this version instead πŸš€

Release Notes 8.3.0
  • Added: autofix support for stdin input (#2787).
  • Added: font-family-no-missing-generic-family-keyword rule (#2930).
  • Added: no-duplicate-at-import-rules rule (#2963).
  • Added: number-leading-zero autofix (#2921).
  • Added: number-no-trailing-zeros autofix (#2947).
  • Added: shorthand-property-no-redundant-values autofix (#2956).
  • Added: string-quotes autofix (#2959).
  • Added: ignore: ["custom-properties"] option to length-zero-no-unit (#2967).
  • Added: except: ["inside-block"] option to rule-empty-line-before (#2982).
  • Added: ignoreValues to value-no-vendor-prefix (#3015).
  • Added: ignoreMediaFeatureNames to unit-blacklist (#3027).
  • Fixed: comment-empty-line-before false positives for shared-line comments (#2986).
  • Fixed: unit-* false positives for spaceless multiplication (#2948).

The new version differs by 58 commits.

  • 9207ed5 Prepare 8.3.0
  • 979f92a Use consistent order in CHANGELOG
  • 128c7dd Bump no-unknown-animation to limit
  • 78c0a54 Add support for HTML, Markdown and Vue component (#2975)
  • 635ac0b chore(package): update eslint to version 4.12.0 (#3031)
  • 4e74975 Update CHANGELOG.md
  • ec2a52e Add ignoreMediaFeatureNames for unit-blacklist (#3027)
  • f0ac3e4 Documentation: Move -redundant- rules to Limit language features (#3029)
  • ded86c8 fix(package): update globby to version 7.0.0 (#3024)
  • 905ff88 Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 6abc9ce Add ignoreValues: [] to value-no-vendor-prefix (#3015)
  • 12d1698 Update Prettier and apply fixes (#3017)
  • 60a6057 chore(package): update lint-staged to version 5.0.0 (#3020)
  • 18b8d17 chore(package): update eslint to version 4.11.0 (#3019)
  • 122820e chore(package): update flow-bin to version 0.59.0 (#3016)

There are 58 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 8.3.1 just got published.

Update to this version instead πŸš€

Release Notes 8.3.1
  • Fixed: font-family-no-missing-generic-family-keyword false positives for at-font-face (#3034).

The new version differs by 4 commits.

  • b880816 Prepare 8.3.1
  • 55bfc23 Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 7db5f1d Fix false positives for font-face in font-family-no-missing-generic-family-keyword (#3034)
  • b3d8289 Add missing CHANGELOG item

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 8.4.0 just got published.

Update to this version instead πŸš€

Release Notes 8.4.0
  • Added: except: ["after-closing-brace"] to block-closing-brace-empty-line-before (#3011).
  • Fixed: unmet peer dependency warning for postcss-sass (#3040).
  • Fixed: false positives for CSS within comments in *.pcss files (#3064).
  • Fixed: font-family-no-missing-generic-family-keyword configuration (#3039).
  • Fixed: indentation autofix for HTML (#3044).

The new version differs by 19 commits.

  • 163bfd5 Prepare 8.4.0
  • 6b70bd5 Fix meow configuration for default values (#3066)
  • 1901967 Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 56dfcb6 Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 174514f fix(package): update postcss-html to version 0.12.0 (#3064)
  • 42a3af1 fix(package): update known-css-properties to version 0.5.0 (#3057)
  • 7237c87 chore(package): update flow-bin to version 0.61.0 (#3060)
  • 8d60e21 chore(package): update eslint to version 4.13.0 (#3059)
  • 80b1a0f Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 80aed9a Add except: ["after-closing-brace"] to block-closing-brace-empty-line… (#3011)
  • 4e94180 chore: update meow package to latest version (#3051)
  • b284045 chore(package): update flow-bin to version 0.60.1 (#3054)
  • c50f08c Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 80a3733 Update CHANGELOG.md
  • f86b01a Add indent support for html (#3044)

There are 19 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 9.0.0 just got published.

Update to this version instead πŸš€


The new version differs by 65 commits.

  • a145849 Prepare 9.0.0
  • c26256f Make CHANGELOG consistent
  • 2a5f009 chore: Update Flow library definitions (#3174)
  • 27fde11 chore(package): update flow-bin to version 0.66.0 (#3169)
  • a5e2a96 chore(package): update eslint to version 4.18.0 (#3170)
  • 1eb07c9 Expand documentation of declaration-block-no-redundant-longhand-prope… (#3165)
  • 247036f Update autoprefixer to the latest version πŸš€ (#3163)
  • fce4456 Add link to stylelint-react-native (#3162)
  • d5d53b1 Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 1cdd64a Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 152f920 Bugfix/issue#3105 selector max id nested at statements (#3113)
  • 53e8e4b Update flow-bin to the latest version πŸš€ (#3157)
  • 8a6d344 Added 'sass' keyword to package.json (#3152)
  • 030612b Update eslint to the latest version πŸš€ (#3150)
  • 442b675 Update known-css-properties to the latest version πŸš€ (#3149)

There are 65 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 9.1.0 just got published.

Update to this version instead πŸš€


The new version differs by 5 commits.

  • a012f51 Prepare 9.1.0
  • a06dfb5 Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 173a090 Add ignore: ["first-nested"] options (#3179)
  • 4d75991 Remove Open Collective postinstall message (#3180)
  • a6496bd Fix Readme contributors link (#3177)

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 9.1.1 just got published.

Update to this version instead πŸš€

Release Notes 9.1.1
  • Fixed: missing signal-exit dependency (#3186).

The new version differs by 3 commits.

  • bee4576 Prepare 9.1.1
  • 6d56caa Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 206fd48 Move signal-exit from devDependencies to dependencies. Fixes #3185 (#3186)

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 9.1.2 just got published.

Update to this version instead πŸš€

Release Notes 9.1.2
  • Fixed: parsing of markdown files by updating postcss-html dependency (#3207).

The new version differs by 11 commits.

  • 79b2721 Prepare 9.1.2
  • 674d93d Update CHANGELOG
  • 9c4f8ff fix(package): update postcss-html to version 0.14.0 (#3207)
  • eac239c Add link to stylelint-z-index-value-constraint plugin (#3205)
  • 1b85c54 Add link to stylelint-selector-tag-no-without-class plugin (#3201)
  • 8a82ea3 fix(package): update postcss-html to version 0.13.0 (#3202)
  • 8581bbf Update downloads badge to point to graph of downloads over time πŸ“ˆ instead of duplicating link to npm (#3193)
  • be4361e Update prettier to the latest version πŸš€ (#3191)
  • 23be9ae Update lint-staged to the latest version πŸš€ (#3184)
  • 31e3b27 Use default greenkeeper label (#3188)
  • 434cf46 docs: add stylelint-processor-glamorous to processors list (#3187)

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 9.1.3 just got published.

Update to this version instead πŸš€

Release Notes 9.1.3
  • Fixed: invalid HTML causing CssSyntaxError by updating postcss-html dependency (#3214).
  • Fixed: empty markdown block causing CssSyntaxError by updating postcss-html dependency (#3214).

The new version differs by 4 commits.

  • c54fccd Prepare 9.1.3
  • d187cc6 Update CHANGELOG
  • 820f403 Add description of Sass to CLI (#3215)
  • 28b7a0b fix(package): update postcss-html to version 0.15.0 (#3214)

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 9.2.0 just got published.

Update to this version instead πŸš€

Release Notes 9.2.0
  • Added: selector-max-pseudo-class rule (#3195).
  • Fixed: slow require('stylelint') time (#3242).
  • Fixed: autofix erroneously writing to unchanged files (#3241).
  • Fixed: false negatives for template literals within script tags by updating postcss-html dependency (#3238).
  • Fixed: indentation false positives for at-root (#3225).
  • Fixed: max-empty-lines false positives for non-CSS blocks (#3229).
  • Fixed: no-empty-source false positives for non-CSS blocks (#3240).
  • Fixed: string-no-newline false positives for non-CSS blocks (#3228).

The new version differs by 32 commits.

  • f60ab68 Increase timeout for long running tests
  • 55ab24d Mock getStdin
  • 67b062a Resolve promise
  • b021ad0 Incease CLI test timeout
  • 6f6aa39 Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 1814f4d Fix autofix writing to files that aren't changed (#3241)
  • 60aadd1 Fix false positives for non-CSS files in no-empty-source (#3240)
  • 973e07b Fix require (and test) performance (#3242)
  • 07df575 fix(package): update postcss-html to version 0.18.0 (#3243)
  • 2083aef Increase timeout only for specific tests
  • 059a8e3 Increase Jest timeout
  • d5d8f77 Prepare 9.2.0
  • 0dfeaae Update CHANGELOG.md
  • f6765c2 Update flow-bin to the latest version πŸš€ (#3203)
  • e59f167 Update postcss-html to version 0.17.0 (#3238)

There are 32 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 9.2.1 just got published.

Update to this version instead πŸš€

Release Notes 9.2.1
  • Fixed: cache option hiding CssSyntaxError outputs (#3258).
  • Fixed: regression with processors (e.g. styled-components) (#3261).
  • Fixed: no-descending-specificity false positives for Sass nested properties (#3283).
  • Fixed: selector-pseudo-class-no-unknown false positives proprietary webkit pseudo classes when applied to a simple selector (#3271).

The new version differs by 28 commits.

  • 0a7c7ed Update CHANGELOG.md
  • bef48d1 Prepare 9.2.1
  • 288b6a4 Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 9417497 Fix support for processors (#3261)
  • 3b9d937 Fix line endings to LF
  • 7bdecd8 chore(package): update cp-file to version 6.0.0 (#3305)
  • 143083d Update issue templates (#3294)
  • a483b73 chore: clone last 10 commits (#3303)
  • 8e77552 Cache node_modules in Travis (#3300)
  • d5f7cfd Clone only last commit at Appveyor (#3301)
  • 6bfb948 Update Cosmiconfig (#3296)
  • 16a9e60 Create CODEOWNERS
  • 22f54e4 chore(package): update chalk to version 2.4.0 (#3269)
  • f549f2a Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 34cd970 Fix nested property scss syntax false positive (#3283)

There are 28 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 6 years ago

Version 9.3.0 just got published.

Update to this version instead πŸš€

Release Notes 9.3.0
  • Added: support for <style> tags and style="" attributes in XML and XSLT files (#3386).
  • Added: globbyOptions option (#3339).
  • Added: keyframes-name-pattern rule (#3321).
  • Added: media-feature-name-value-whitelist rule (#3320).
  • Added: selector-pseudo-element-colon-notation autofix (#3345).
  • Fixed: .vue files throwing errors for <style lang="stylus"> and <style lang="postcss"> (#3331).
  • Fixed: declaration-block-no-* false positives for non-standard syntax (#3381).
  • Fixed: function-whitespace-after false positives for "/" (#3132).
  • Fixed: length-zero-no-unit incorrect autofix for at-includes (#3347).
  • Fixed: max-nesting-depth false positives for nested properties (#3349).
  • Fixed: no-empty-source false positives on vue external sources <style src="*"> tag (#3331).
  • Fixed: max-line-length false positives for non-CSS blocks (#3367).
  • Fixed: no-eol-whitespace false positives for non-CSS blocks (#3367).
  • Fixed: no-extra-semicolons false positives for non-CSS blocks (#3367).
  • Fixed: no-missing-end-of-source-newline false positives for non-CSS blocks (#3367).

The new version differs by 46 commits.

  • 13784d7 Prepare 9.3.0
  • 5391106 Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 3507bac Fix false positives on non-standard syntax in declaration-block-no-* (#3381)
  • 75172b6 Add stylelint-no-indistinguishable-colors plugin (#3394)
  • e766f02 Update CHANGELOG.md
  • d9e313a Add media-feature-name-value-whitelist (#3320)
  • f885c04 Fix template (#3392)
  • 282121b Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 7d80cc5 fix(package): update postcss-html to version 0.28.0 (#3386)
  • 872a193 fix(package): update postcss-syntax to version 0.28.0 (#3388)
  • 182e183 fix(package): update postcss-markdown to version 0.28.0 (#3387)
  • ad665de Update flow-bin to the latest version πŸš€ (#3378)
  • 243b279 Update CoC (#3385)
  • 163ca21 Update issue templates (#3384)
  • d3d4bfc Add non-obvious list of rule README conventions (#3363)

There are 46 commits in total.

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Version 9.4.0 just got published.

Update to this version instead πŸš€

Release Notes 9.4.0
  • Added: bundled support for styles in template literals (#3405).
  • Added: linebreaks rule (#3289).
  • Added: compact formatter (#3488).
  • Added: at-rule-semicolon-newline-after autofix (#3450).
  • Added: block-closing-brace-newline-after autofix (#3443).
  • Added: block-opening-brace-space-before autofix (#3438).
  • Added: declaration-block-trailing-semicolon autofix (#3382).
  • Added: declaration-colon-space-before autofix (#3445).
  • Added: property-case autofix (#3448).
  • Added: selector-combinator-space-after autofix (#3446).
  • Added: selector-combinator-space-before autofix (#3457).
  • Added: selector-list-comma-space-before autofix (#3447).
  • Fixed: block-opening-brace-newline-after false positives for nested rule-sets prefixed with comments (#3383).
  • Fixed: declaration-block-trailing-semicolon report of errors with the --fix option (#3493).
  • Fixed: font-family-name-quotes false positives for system-ui system font (#3463).
  • Fixed: keyframes-name-pattern support for raw JS RegExp (#3437).
  • Fixed: media-feature-name-no-unknown false positives for level 5 names (#3397).
  • Fixed: no-descending-specificity false positives for #{&} (#3420).
  • Fixed: no-missing-end-of-source-newline false positives for style attributes (#3485).

The new version differs by 67 commits.

  • 5c789fd Update CHANGELOG.md
  • f7edb36 Fix reports of errors with the --fix option in declaration-block-trailing-semicolon
  • 148c09f Typo (#3497)
  • 7340df1 Tweak README (#3496)
  • 4b868f3 Prepare 9.4.0
  • faef7cc Prepare CHANGELOG
  • 093e021 Remove unused error option from --rd docs (#3495)
  • 002619d Simplify README structure and language (#3491)
  • 35a24b8 Use "ID" and not "id" throughout (#3486)
  • 824b895 Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 700b7fb Add a "compact" formatter (#3488)
  • b07e9c8 Fix inconsistent linebreaks docs (#3489)
  • acec955 Update CHANGELOG.md
  • 8e28932 Add autofix to block-closing-brace-newline-after (#3443)
  • db49361 Update CHANGELOG.md

There are 67 commits in total.

See the full diff