z2o-k7e / halo2-step-by-step

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Halo2 As A Compiler Series #38

Open Demian101 opened 10 months ago

Demian101 commented 10 months ago

@Frank Jz Liu: "Halo 2" series articles (WIP), corrections welcome.

https://hackmd.io/OKIEOMF-TQqKaJIzYzGLQQ https://hackmd.io/c6Yj4qmNTsaRADs8b4IsBQ

Demian101 commented 10 months ago

"^ 为共学增加一些topic:我们想以Halo2作为一款编译器为视角,研究从算数化到最后proof generation的流程,还有一些外围的部件。看看大家有没有兴趣参与其中? 我觉得可以先以slides方式做demonstration,然后组织成为一个系列文集。"

"^ To add some topics for collaborative learning: We want to take a compiler perspective on Halo 2, studying the process from arithmeticization to final proof generation, as well as some peripheral components. Let's see if anyone is interested in participating? I think we can start with a demonstration in slides format and then organize it into a series of articles."


Q: cool,对标circom+snarkjs工具链? A: halo2 + pse/scroll ‘s snark verifier

然后就还有一些零零散散的库 我觉得研究生态系统也挺有趣的 看看大家怎么使用halo2做自己的需求

z2o-k7e , 很关键! 尤其是各种 library, 我个人时间有限,无法做完全部调研,有人能加入就再好不过了,然后可以也放到那个什么,名字巨难念的那个public domian里面

Demian101 commented 10 months ago

ref: https://hackmd.io/OKIEOMF-TQqKaJIzYzGLQQ

From the above figure, we could find some analogy between a zk prove system and a compiler for general purpose.

Demian101 commented 10 months ago

@Demian101 : Hi Frank ,看到你已经写完了 Frontend 这一 Chapter 我理解是你有一个大体的文章框架(Frontend->Backend->toolings),我们可以补充一些东西

你提到研究各种 library,就是指让大家根据各自的兴趣,去 research 下 halo2 的生态组件,然后作为一些参考资料,不断补充到这个框架里面是嘛 ~

感觉有点像 https://halo2.club 的扩充版 [Wow]

@ Frank:
