z411 / trackma

Open multi-site list manager for Unix-like systems. (ex-wMAL)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Possibility to specify format for shows. #292

Open manulaiko opened 7 years ago

manulaiko commented 7 years ago

I've been messing around with the tool trying to figure a way to make the tracker work with my current format for the library.

As far as I've seen, the indexer takes the name of the files and tries to retrieve the show name from them. The problem is that it just uses the name of the file, not the full path to the file.

So if you name the files as the chapter number, it won't work for you, you'll have to rename all files so they contain the show name.

It would be nice if you could specify the format the show files have. For example, mine is as follows:

{Base Directory}/{Show Name}/{Episode number left-padded with 0}.{extension}


As explained before, the indexer just takes the name of the file (01.mkv, 02.mkv...) and there's no way of changing it in order to take the name of the containing folder too (without making your way into the source, which I'm still trying to find it).

If I find a way to implement this, I'll make a pull request.

manulaiko commented 7 years ago

I've made the pull request (#293) which does exactly what I needed (and probably someone else). The Play Next button works as expected but the player tracker still doesn't.

z411 commented 7 years ago

This was suggested time ago in #152. It could be enabled with an optional setting such as "Use directory name as title", because people using sub-directories with names not necessarily related to the name of the show would break it.

In the case of the tracker, each tracker uses a different method to get the filename so they have to be modified individually.

manulaiko commented 7 years ago

It seems so, I'll see if I can find a way to make it customizable for everyone.

pascaldulieu commented 6 years ago

If this gets implemented could there also be a season field. Taiga's scanner seems to find anime based in a format of "Anime/Show/Season/Name S01E01" nicely, however it can act up with marking second seasons, it will be fine with something like Boku no Hero Academia but will act up with marking all of clannad.