z411 / trackma

Open multi-site list manager for Unix-like systems. (ex-wMAL)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Improve the experience when files from your library could not be matched #677

Open FichteFoll opened 1 year ago

FichteFoll commented 1 year ago

A very common situation I encounter (happens on every new season) is that the file names I want trackma to recognize do not line up properly with the names that anilist has, either because they have been shortened in an odd way and/or language or I forgot to add a show to my list before performing a library scan. The former I usually fix by adding an altname and rescan and the latter fixes itself after time (i.e. after a rescan).

Whenever trackma is unable to match files, it marks them as "unmatched" and then does not look at them again until a full rescan is performed, which may take a considerable amount of time for larger libraries. I think I'm currently at 5-8 minutes.

Furthermore, determining which files exactly trackma couldn't match isn't so easy to determine either. I'm currently using the CLI in debug mode, which shows a distinct log line that I can then search for in my terminal (or in a text editor when piping output into a file), but surely that's not ideal.

I created this issue to brainstorm a few ideas on how to improve this situation. A couple loose ideas:

  1. Somewhat periodically try to re-match files that failed to match in an earlier run.
  2. Provide a panel/command to print/list files that trackma could not match. Some of these might just not be files that should ever be matched.
  3. Provide a way to force-rescan a certain directory (and its subdirectories) only.