z411 / trackma

Open multi-site list manager for Unix-like systems. (ex-wMAL)
GNU General Public License v3.0
761 stars 82 forks source link

[Kitsu] APIError: Connection error: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request #679

Open bubi-soft opened 1 year ago

bubi-soft commented 1 year ago

Hi I have been having this issue for a week now. First i thought it may be a problem on kitsu side, but the api status is green on their side.

Here is the cli trackma output at startup and trying to download the list:

$ trackma
Trackma v0.8.5  Copyright (C) 2012-2020  z411
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `about'
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the COPYING file for details.

Initializing engine...
Engine: Trackma v0.8.5 - using account bubisoft(kitsu).
Engine: Reading config files...
Data: Initializing...
libkitsu: Initializing...
Data: Using libkitsu (anime)
libkitsu: Refreshing access token...
Data warning: Couldn't download list! Using cache.
Engine: Parsing redirection file...
Engine: Scanning local library...
Tracker (pyinotify): Initializing...
Tracker (pyinotify): Using pyinotify.

Ready. Type 'help' for a list of commands.
Press tab for autocompletion and up/down for command history.
Available statuses: watching, completed, onhold, dropped, plantowatch

bubisoft [kitsu] (anime) watching >> retrieve
libkitsu: Refreshing access token...
APIError: Connection error: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request

system info:

  Kernel: 5.15.94-1-MANJARO arch: x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 12.2.1
    parameters: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-5.15-x86_64
    root=UUID=1807aced-ef63-432c-a908-3120d6135bc7 rw apparmor=1
    security=apparmor udev.log_priority=3
  Desktop: Xfce v: 4.18.1 tk: Gtk v: 3.24.36 info: xfce4-panel wm: xfwm
    v: 4.18.0 vt: 7 dm: LightDM v: 1.32.0 Distro: Manjaro Linux base: Arch Linux
FichteFoll commented 1 year ago

Try removing your account and re-adding it. The API token might have expired, though I'm not entirely sure this is something that happens with kitsu (I know it does with anilist).

bubi-soft commented 1 year ago

i tried removing the account and adding it again. I still get the same error

bubi-soft commented 1 year ago

i had to uninstall trackma from the package manager delete all the remaining files on the system restart the system install trackma back from the package manager and log in now it works