z4r / python-coveralls

Python API for http://coveralls.io
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Files not submitted #21

Open nickmerwin opened 10 years ago

nickmerwin commented 10 years ago

Hi, I've had a few error reports from users that their data wasn't being processed by Coveralls; it seems their source files weren't being submitted by python-coveralls. Switching to the other Coveralls library fixed their issue.

Is this a known setup/config issue?


Tinche commented 10 years ago

Hello, I seem to be in the same boat. For example: https://coveralls.io/jobs/1532294 shows no files, and looking at the Travis log shows the coverage data was indeed generated.

0x64746b commented 10 years ago

Hi there,

me too ;\

% COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN=S3cretT0k3n15SeCr3t coveralls -d .coverage
INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): coveralls.io
INFO:coveralls:{"message":"Job #2.1","url":"https://coveralls.io/jobs/1783735"}

https://coveralls.io/jobs/1783735 shows no files, though.

The .coverage file has been created with the nose-cov plugin. I don't seem to see any differences with nose-cover3, though. Haven't tried bare coverage yet. Haven't tried another coveralls lib either.

ASCII stats at end of nosetests run are ok, .html stats generated with coverage3 are fine, too.

What feels suspicious is that coveralls.io seems to be unable to sync my branches with github.com :/ Doesn't detect the badge in my README.md either.

Let me know if you need more info. Want me to upload the .coverage somewhere?

FTR: Project lives here

edit: Works with different coveralls lib, so the .coverage file seems to be fine.