z5k1 / red1china

iDempiere社区red1中国交流日志 / Log for red1 in China
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Discussion in Shanghai - Sunday 21st January 2018 #5

Open red1org opened 6 years ago

red1org commented 6 years ago


In this dicussion yesterday, here is my analysis:

  1. iDempiere as an Open Source ERP lacks documentation and thus the involvement of academic institutions such as universities and their programs will be very welcome. I already done a lot of my own tutorials which you can read under http://sourceforge.net/projects/red1/files/ (Each project should have its own PDF guide, or access the common area under ADempiere PDFs) I also made alot of YouTube movies, but if it is blocked i can upload them here to github slowly. I also intend to pass a USB drive containing all my latest movies to Ken when i meet him again this week.

  2. ERP in China is already established and so new markets has to be sought but my advice is to approach high end SAP users but those few that are not satisfied due to the non freedom and are willing to pay for an initial prototype to evaluate.

2.1 However the Ninja plugin can be used to focus on the lower end MIS market which is bigger. Thus we been discussing to throw out all the other Financials and unneeded processes. I am thinking not to throw but hide them :) because it is too complex to manage lots of code changes which will effectively fork from iDempiere which is not good and needs even more effort and time to maintain.

2.1 I will try to remove the funtionality from the AD Menu and export back a latest 5.1 database. I will close off the accounting posting via the SystemConfig. I will check how to mute the accounting processor or at least anyone can do it manually.

I welcome the other attenddees own assessment and feedback (in Mandarin is OK as i can use Translator to read).

z5k1 commented 6 years ago


A. 中国国内教育机构在企业管理知识方面的已知商业来源

  1. 用友旗下的公司“新道科”www.seentao.com做ERP沙盘软件。
  2. 用友各地子公司和国内的某些大学分院开展ERP实施顾问教育合作。
  3. 汉得公司和某些大学合作培训OracleEBS实施顾问软件工程硕士,不知道sap谁在做
  4. odoo和国内某些大学开展基于odoo的产品研究和交流,不知道有没有教学
  5. 会计职业培训机构估计已经完全被国内的记账软件垄断了,因为企业选择决定培训方向



B. 中小企业只有做本地化的云,大型企业的边缘系统确实是iDempiere的好战场,但受到odoo的威胁。

C. iDempiere技术文档不是很友好,自定义javaEE实现和osgi是对学习者的最大挑战。开发一看就不敢碰陌生的东西。再说iDempiere还包含完整的业务,如果想搞,起码还要有一个产品经理或者实施。再加上英语使用成本,这3个条件足以过滤掉99%的中小团队选择。这些团队也许已经在sap或者oracle客户身边。





D. iDempiere的模块该去掉或者隐藏? 如果*piere不说他是ERP,我想我永远不会接触到他,我需要的是一个业务实现,而不是技术工具。如果只是一个开发框架,我想java最不缺的就是开发框架。




即便如此,那iD能不能更友好一点,更加面向不同的使用者? iD在2015年会议曾经讨论过“进销存”打包,去掉财务,但最后不了了之。同样的情况也发生国内的2bizbox(一个和id类似的免费ERP),真正阉割了一个“去财务的进销存”版本,发行过几个版本,最后也死亡了。我想原因都是一致的:维护多个产品太复杂了,一个产品能发行要考虑很多细节。你不可能同时做好多件事情。

另外,用户的需求是否稳定,真实? 比如你不熟悉一个产品,希望它简单。当你熟悉一个产品后,希望它复杂。生产模块即是如此,SAP也是这样。

另外,iDempiere拆了所有业务,就剩一个底层平台,能值得选择和学习吗? AD技术+工作流集成,这是唯一的亮点,至少我很少看到其他框架能提供这个组合。当然多组织和权限也是很好用的,特别是多组织功能。

E. 你需要实施 实施用AD灵活配置来满足不同客户的应用层面,比如使用ASP配置订阅模块,menu隐藏,窗口定制,都不要代码。比如:新客户端不想使用会计处理器,直接设置处理器记录的isactive=N,就好了。如果更高级一点,在新建实体界面应该有一个参数,设置哪些实体级处理器默认启动。或者使用全局参数SystemConfig,我想Red1很精通这些。

F. GFW iD社区的基础设施也使得国内用户无法有效的访问和使用,比如SF(禁止国内注册), google group(禁止),bitbucket(缓慢,有时断线)。这就让人无语了。我们在另外一个互联网。

red1org commented 6 years ago

I will meet Ken Longnan this evening and will check with him if i understand this fully. From what i read in the translator and generally all i agree in principle. I am for the idea of dividing into sub projects as the ERP domain is too huge and complex. And as stated there are still tools lacking. We also need to be a huge community of contributors in order to sustain. Learning from Linus Torvalds own path where he finally gave in to the request for a GUI desktop to draw in many more users who are very dumb.

In our case is no different therefore i made the Ninja tool and as advised by Ken and agreed by others in the meeting and iDempiere Shanghai WeChat group ( I hope the rest can get into the same WeChat and put me also in the QQ Forum or link to there from here so we all on the same page).

These two days i just finished and committed a first but simple tool to deactivate bulk menu sets from the main menu. Please read it here http://red1.org/adempiere/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=1849