Open Fabrizio-Caruso opened 6 years ago
I'm just playing around with adv_a and virtualnascom/NASSYS to see what the behaviour is.
Initial key detection seems to be okay (i.e. on a par with NASSYS), but the first key repeat is very slow, subsequent seems ok. This will be using fgetc_cons()/getch() using rst 8 (RIN). This will wait for a key to be pressed. I suspect there might be a poke that can be made to improve key repeat speed.
getk() which just polls the keyboard calls rst 18/0x62 (IN) which doesn't wait. That shows the same behaviour in terms of delays.
I want to find another source of information, but suggests that there is another keyboard driver in NASSYS-3 that supports key repeat. Though the obvious question I have is why my emulator supports key repeat on the alternate system calls - which emulator are you using?
It might be worthwhile poking the addresses mentioned below to get some tuning happening:
I am using the Windows version of Virtual-nascom-20 (which maybe was ported by a friend of ours).
@zx70 any ideas on the difference behaviour between the Mac build and Windows build? - The Mac one uses SDL.
Dominic, I thought at a problem in the emulator but all the emulators I've tried had the same problem. your finding halves the problem, because still nas-sys 3 is the only ROM supporting this type of keyboard scanning. But I must thank you a lot for the hint!
So, should we add support for the RKBD driver then?
I Think so, most of the nascom computers were not shipped with the nassys3.. obviously it is not urgent and changes this issue from bug to enhancement
Keyboard bits are defined in
I think it's read as follows:
out ($00), 2 -> reset keyboard counter in a,($00) -> row 0 out ($00), 1 in a,($00) -> row 1 ... etc up to row 8
So we could add an inkey driver hopefully without too much trouble
It seems to me that the Nascom target has some serious issue with the keyboard input: