zDevelopers / UHPlugin

Plugin UltraHardcore (“Kill the Patrick”), augmenté. | UHC (“KTP”) plugin, improved.
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Suggestion: include example config on the bukkit page #109

Open ElDude1 opened 9 years ago

ElDude1 commented 9 years ago

Heya there,

since I figured some people might not understand how powerful the execute commands when server starts, game starts and game ends is, you might consider to include an example config. Below is my config I use for a badlion inspired UHC. You get 10 starter food, border starts shrinking at 60 minutes and reaches the final shrink at 90 min, which will be eternal day. World size in this example is 1500x1500.

# create no PvP timer
   -  exec: uh timers add 20 &6no PvP
# set spawn to where your lobby is
   -  exec: setworldspawn 0 242 0
# generate the spawns automatically when restarting the server (you may have to alter the numbers though)
   -  exec: uh spawns generate random 1500 250 10 0 0 world

# Commands executed after the beginning of the game.
# (The moment when /uh start or /uh start slow go is executed.)
# starter food
   - exec: give @p minecraft:cooked_beef 10
# start pvp timer
   - exec: uh timers start &6no PvP

#1. shrink after 60 min
   - exec: uh border warning 1300 60
   - exec: uh border set 1300 force
     delay: "60:00"
   - exec: uh generatewalls
     delay: "60:05"

#2. shrink after 65 min
   - exec: uh border warning 1100 5
     delay: "60:00"
   - exec: uh border set 1100 force
     delay: "65:00"
   - exec: uh generatewalls
     delay: "65:05"

#3. shrink after 70 min
   - exec: uh border warning 900 5
     delay: "65:00"
   - exec: uh border set 900 force
     delay: "70:00"
   - exec: uh generatewalls
     delay: "70:05"

#4. shrink after 75 min
   - exec: uh border warning 700 5
     delay: "70:00"
   - exec: uh border set 700 force
     delay: "75:00"
   - exec: uh generatewalls
     delay: "75:05"

#5. shrink after 80 min
   - exec: uh border warning 500 5
     delay: "75:00"
   - exec: uh border set 500 force
     delay: "80:00"
   - exec: uh generatewalls
     delay: "80:05"

#6. shrink after 85 min
   - exec: uh border warning 350 5
     delay: "80:00"
   - exec: uh border set 350 force
     delay: "85:00"
   - exec: uh generatewalls
     delay: "85:05"

#7. shrink after 90 min (final showdown)
   - exec: uh border warning 200 5
     delay: "85:00"
   - exec: uh border set 200 force
     delay: "90:00"
   - exec: uh generatewalls
     delay: "90:05"

#eternal day for showdown
   - exec: gamerule doDaylightCycle false
     delay: "90:00"
   - exec: time set 6000
     delay: "90:00"
AmauryCarrade commented 9 years ago

You're right, I need to improve this documentation.

Thanks for your config file (but what about the vanilla world border to manage a continuously-shrinking border?).

ElDude1 commented 9 years ago

I have to admit I have never worked with the vanilla world border. Is it possible to turn the suffocation damage off and set it so, that it tp's the players inside when shrinking? If that is the case that is definitely the easier option

edit: i experimented a bit with the vanilla border. You can turn the damage off, but it still doesn't push you inside the border, so personally I would rather stick to the worldborder plugin.

Amauryroco commented 9 years ago

Maybe it just tp you to the closest area when you're behind the worldborer ? That could be a good idea. (Not possible in vanilla)