zSeriesGuy / Tautulli

A Python based monitoring and tracking tool for Plex Media Server.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Installation Guide Needs Editing (?) #28

Closed MrGarrettSmith closed 4 years ago

MrGarrettSmith commented 4 years ago

Version: Latest version on git as of 3/23/2020

Branch: Master

Commit hash:

Operating system: Windows 10 Python version: 3.8 (latest) What you did? Struggled to follow installation guide What happened? Had to make small edits to install this fork of Tautulli What you expected? To not have to How can we reproduce your issue? Follow the guide and try to install this fork of Tautulli What are your (relevant) settings? Not sure what other settings to note here Link to logs: No need, the Windows 10 installation guide just needs to be edited / updated.

For me, changing "python3" to "python" worked:

Go to https://gitforwindows.org/ and download git. Run the installer, select all the defaults except for the section called "Adjusting your PATH environment" - here select "Git from the command line and also from 3rd-party software". Complete the rest of the installation with the default options. Right click on your desktop and select "Git Gui". Select "Clone Existing Repository". In the "Source Location" enter: https://github.com/zSeriesGuy/Tautulli.git In the "Target Directory" enter a new folder where you want to install Tautulli to (e.g. C:\Tautulli). Click "Clone". When it's finished a Git Gui windows will appear, just close this Window. Open a command window. CD to where you cloned the Tautulli repository (e.g. cd C:\Tautulli). Type: python -m venv .\ Type: .\scripts\activate Type: python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools pip-tools Type: pip3 install -r requirements.txt Type: .\scripts\python Tautulli.py to start Tautulli

Other notes & a related issue: I am not incredibly saavy, with Python or this process, but I felt the need to bring it to your attention. Perhaps I made an error. My other main concern was actually attempting to run as a daemon. Although you specify:

Be sure that the start command in your daemon process executes \scripts\python3 in the folder where you extracted the ZIP file (eg. C:\Tautulli\scripts\python3).

I'm not sure if this is still accurate since I had to change "python3" to "python." I was unable to get Tautulli to run "non-interactively" with that added to the "Tautulli.cmd." I don't know another way to ask for help other than here. My Python installation is "C:\Python38" so when I tried: Start C:\Python38\pythonw.exe C:\Tautulli\Tautulli.py or Start C:\Python38\pythonw.exe C:\Tautulli\scripts\python3 or Start C:\Python38\pythonw.exe C:\Tautulli\scripts\python

I was not able to get Tautulli to run (at startup). Through the "Interactive" method, yes. Non-Interactive, no.

Any help on this is greatly appreciated. Thank you! :)

zSeriesGuy commented 4 years ago

Hi. I'm no python expert either. :)

To start Tautulli using pythonw, execute the pythonw from the scripts folder of your VENV. Something like: C:\Tautulli\scripts\pythonw C:\Tautulli\Tautulli.py

Let me know if that works and I'll update the instructions. Thanks for reporting.

MrGarrettSmith commented 4 years ago

C:\Tautulli\scripts\pythonw C:\Tautulli\Tautulli.py

That seemed to work and let me launch Tautulli. Thank you!

And as for re-writing the installation instructions, I still have to use "py" or "python" to get the command to work instead of "python3" I'm not sure if its just my computer, so I would try it out and some other systems if you can. I would verify this myself on another computer, but I don't another one to try at the moment.

By chance, would you happen to know how I could prevent a "PYTHONPATH" enviroment variable from interfering with launching Tautulli? I need the "PYTHONPATH" variable for another program to function. I read this on the official FAQ, but I don't know what to do, or if I could use it.