zThorn / AggroBeats

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Continuous FFT Analysis #3

Open MusicAdam opened 9 years ago

MusicAdam commented 9 years ago

So The way I have it set up now it processes the whole song and stores it in an array. I thought this would be faster (based on watching the visualizers people have made with the plugin), but to analyse any useful sample, the load time is about at least 5 minutes (for 1000 samples for the whole song) and it frequently crashes during loading.

There are two possible alternatives:

  1. Preprocessing the data into a file: This would allow us to get extremely high resolution for each song but the time required to process would still be high and we would likely have to write our own processing in C++ (blueprint seems to crash when doing this).
  2. Continuous Processing: Process the song as it plays. We couldn't get quite the resolution and we'd have to be careful not to cause lag.

I think we should go with option 2 as it is the easiest to implement and would provide the smoothest experience for the end user. If we need the additional resolution we can implement option 1 in the future.