za419 / CadenceBot

A Discord bot for Cadence Radio
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Consider whether we should provide helptext for admin-only debugging commands #66

Open za419 opened 3 years ago

za419 commented 3 years ago

This covers maillog and config - IE "Send an email with the log" and "print the JSON of the loaded config".

I don't find this to be all this useful in my mind - I don't even use these commands much, but any IA competent enough to do anything useful with these commands probably won't have a problem running them.

In addition, this topic will quickly become invalid with #42 - When "list config" will move out to another help topic, and this will cover maillog - By far, in my opinion, the least useful command, and frankly one which is slated in my mind to simply be removed from CadenceBot.

@magix430, @JunhaoSLi - Do you think maillog would be useful for development purposes? Do you think we should keep it for that? I haven't found it all that useful in production to date.

Assuming that it is worth keeping around, should we bother providing helptext for it? I'm very inclined to not provide helptext for config at this time, so it's tempting to say that even if we keep the command, we don't document it - I see no reason the average user needs to know how they could email a log to the IA if they were the IA.