zaach / jison

Bison in JavaScript.
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%options undocumented #322

Open jhorneman opened 8 years ago

jhorneman commented 8 years ago

It is possible to write the following in a jison grammar file:

%options case-insensitive

This makes jison-lex ignore case during tokenization. This is both useful and, to the best of my knowledge, undocumented. I can't find it in the Bison docs either.

jhorneman commented 8 years ago

In theory this also belongs in the jison-lex docs, but it seems more important here. If you want me to add it to the docs, I'd be happy to write it, I'm just not sure where it should go and whether there are other options that should be documented.

metasansana commented 8 years ago

@jhorneman The flex docs are also relevant to jison as well. I have no idea how much of it is relevant though, good weekend reading none the less.