zaach / jison

Bison in JavaScript.
4.34k stars 448 forks source link mentions node bin/jison #323

Closed m99coder closed 6 years ago

m99coder commented 8 years ago

But I couldn’t figure out how to build such a binary artefact. Neither the Makefile nor any npm script (or build target mentioned in package.json) probably do the trick.

Could you please explain how to get a binary artefact?

yosbelms commented 8 years ago

1- Install JISON globally:

npm -g install jison

Above command will publish JISON as a CLI tool. 2- Write the grammar and the lexer, both could be in the same fils or separated by %% symbol, then run:

// if grammax and parser are in separated files
jison ./path/to/grammar.y ./path/to/lexer.l -o parser.js -m commonjs

// if grammar and lexer are in the same file
jison ./path/to/grammar.y -o parser.js -m commonjs

Above commands will generate the parser to parser.js file with commonjs module format.

You can use the generated file by doing var myParser = require('parser.js')

m99coder commented 8 years ago

I already installed jison globally. But I modified src/jison.js and want to test this version inside of the current project. Would it help if I would dismiss the -g flag?

yosbelms commented 8 years ago

Try node path/to/jison/lib/cli.js ...

m99coder commented 8 years ago

I tried to export as AngularJS module and therefore added this commit to my own fork of jison: I used the following command line:

$ node lib/cli.js examples/calculator.jison -o ./calculator.js -m angular

The output isn’t an AngularJS module.

There still is an open pull request for this repository But it probably will never be merged :/

yosbelms commented 8 years ago

In a first glance at that commit I think the problem is the fallthroug in the line 940. Actually if angular is specified the generated module is in amd format, right? So, you should insert a break; statement just after the line number 940.

m99coder commented 8 years ago

🙈 Oh man. You are so right. Now it works as expected. Thanks a lot.

morenoh149 commented 6 years ago

@m99coder close issue if solved