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Need a little help transitioning from flex/bison to jison-lex/jison #331

Open Ravenwater opened 7 years ago

Ravenwater commented 7 years ago

In the flex/bison world, you can write simple text processing utilities. For example, a wc program:

%{ /*

var nrchars, nrwords, nrlines;



\n ++nrchars, ++nrlines; [^ \t\n] ++nrwords, nrchars += yyleng; . ++nrchars;


main() { yylex(); printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n", nrchars, nrwords, nrlines); }


I have yet to discover how to write these types of lex/yacc tools with jison-lex/jison. Can somebody enlighten me, please?

techtonik commented 7 years ago

I wouldn't mind against good jison tutorials too. Or maybe even more human readable way to write rules.

yosbelms commented 7 years ago

Ravenwater commented 7 years ago is wonderful, but I couldn't find any documentation how to replace the C-style bindings to main() that make lex and yacc so productive for building text processing tools.

I do see that the third section of the syntax and grammar files get reproduced just prior to the export. I had hoped that others had used jison-lex/jison as a tool building automation, and thus could bootstrap me, but alas, I'll dive into the code and see if I can make it work.

EricGT commented 7 years ago

See StackOverflow answer


%options flex

if (!('chars' in yy)) {
  yy.chars = 0;
  yy.words = 0;
  yy.lines = 1;

[^ \t\n\r\f\v]+ { yy.words++; yy.chars += yytext.length; }
. { yy.chars++; }
\r { yy.chars++; }
\n { yy.chars++; yy.lines++; }

E : { console.log( yy.lines + "\t" + yy.words + "\t" + yy.chars); };

Earlier Answer _

Since I am just starting out with Jison and using flex & bison as a reference which has the word count example and ran into the same problem I am posting this to help others. This is not the best way to do it, but it does get one past this example and on to making more progress with Jison.


// wordcount.jison

// Based on the example in "flex & bison" by John Levine

// This is a wordcount example.

// Lexer Grammar


/* Lexer Section 1 : Definitions */

    console.log("In Lexer Definitions section");


/* Lexer Section 2 : Rules */

        console.log("In Lexer Rule WORD");
        console.log("Matched: '" + this.match + "'");
        return 'WORD';
        console.log("In Lexer Rule LF");
        console.log("Matched: line feed");
        return 'LF';
        console.log("In Lexer Rule CR");
        console.log("Matched: carriage return");
        return 'CR';
        console.log("In Lexer Rule EOF");
        console.log("Matched: <<EOF>>");
        return 'EOF';
        console.log("In Lexer Rule SEP");
        console.log("Matched: '" + this.match + "'");
        return 'SEP';


/* Lexer Section 3 : User Code */

console.log("In Lexer User Code section");


// Parser Grammar

/* Parser Section 1 : Definitions */

    /* code block */
    console.log("In Parser Definitions section");
    let myChars = 0;
    let myWords = 0;
    let myLines = 0;


/* Parser Section 2 : Rules */

    : sentences eof

sentences :
      sentence cr lf sentences
    | sentence

sentence :
      word sep sentence
    | word sep
    | word

    : WORD
            console.log("In Parser Rule WORD");
            myWords++; myChars += yytext.length;

cr  : CR
            console.log("In Parser Rule CR");

lf  : LF
            console.log("In Parser Rule LF");
            myChars++; myLines++;

sep : SEP
            console.log("In Parser Rule SEP");

eof : EOF
            console.log("In Parser Rule EOF");
            myChars++; myLines++;
            console.log("Lines: " + myLines + ", Words: "+ myWords + ", Chars: " + myChars);


/* Parser Section 3 : Epilogue */

console.log("In Parser Epilogue section");


This is line one.
line two.

To build and run

My development environment consist of:

>jison wordcount.jison
>node wordcount.js wordcount_input.txt


In Parser Definitions section
In Parser Epilogue section
In Lexer User Code section
In Lexer Definitions section
In Lexer Rule WORD
Matched: 'This'
In Lexer Definitions section
In Lexer Rule SEP
Matched: ' '
In Parser Rule WORD
In Lexer Definitions section
In Lexer Rule WORD
Matched: 'is'
In Parser Rule SEP
In Lexer Definitions section
In Lexer Rule SEP
Matched: ' '
In Parser Rule WORD
In Lexer Definitions section
In Lexer Rule WORD
Matched: 'line'
In Parser Rule SEP
In Lexer Definitions section
In Lexer Rule SEP
Matched: ' '
In Parser Rule WORD
In Lexer Definitions section
In Lexer Rule WORD
Matched: 'one'
In Parser Rule SEP
In Lexer Definitions section
In Lexer Rule SEP
Matched: '.'
In Parser Rule WORD
In Lexer Definitions section
In Lexer Rule CR
Matched: carriage return
In Parser Rule SEP
In Parser Rule CR
In Lexer Definitions section
In Lexer Rule LF
Matched: line feed
In Parser Rule LF
In Lexer Definitions section
In Lexer Rule WORD
Matched: 'line'
In Lexer Definitions section
In Lexer Rule SEP
Matched: ' '
In Parser Rule WORD
In Lexer Definitions section
In Lexer Rule WORD
Matched: 'two'
In Parser Rule SEP
In Lexer Definitions section
In Lexer Rule SEP
Matched: '.'
In Parser Rule WORD
In Lexer Definitions section
In Lexer Rule EOF
Matched: <<EOF>>
In Parser Rule SEP
In Parser Rule EOF
Lines: 2, Words: 6, Chars: 29


To help me understand the sections of Jison, I liberally added lots of comments and code sections to see how the user code was getting inserted into the Jison boilerplate code. This helped out because I soon realized that leaving out return statements with the lexer actions was causing problems, and the counters were getting initialized with each lexer rule instead of just once. Also I had to use the parser because I am still learning and have not figured out how to get just flex to work in Jison.

Hope this helps you and others.