zabealbe / can-cicd

Automate the managment of your CAN BUS
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Enhancement: prefix (or postfix) with ID_ #32

Closed euberdeveloper closed 3 years ago

euberdeveloper commented 3 years ago

I think that it would be better if all the id constants defined in includes_generator/XXX/ids.h were prefixed with ID_ or postfixed with _ID.

For instance: #define HV_TEMP 0b01101000010 -> #define ID_HV_TEMP 0b01101000010

euberdeveloper commented 3 years ago


Flatbuf has already them as identifiers, I have this issue:

euberdeveloper commented 3 years ago


Basta invertire l'ordine degli include, prima si include la roba di flatbuf e poi gli id. Il prefisso però sarebbe comunque più bello secondo me

zabealbe commented 3 years ago

Refactor implemented with 5e08e9f335d75cf30909c7325462110c25ae1cc6