zabsalahid / serialport-gsm

SerialPort-GSM is a simplified plugin for communicating with gsm modems. (Primarily for sms) (Focused in PDU mode)
MIT License
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dateTimeSent is NULL #102

Open mejuliver opened 2 years ago

mejuliver commented 2 years ago

I need to get the datetime sent of a message but its null, even on new message event. Below is the message object

{ sender: '639916650044', message: 'test 5', index: 18, msgStatus: 18, dateTimeSent: null, header: { encoding: '7bit', smsc: '639934444401', smscType: 'INTERNATIONAL', smscPlan: 'ISDN' } }

and this is the options

{ baudRate: 115200, dataBits: 8, stopBits: 1, parity: 'none', rtscts: false, xon: false, xoff: false, xany: false, autoDeleteOnReceive: true, enableConcatenation: true, incomingCallIndication: false, incomingSMSIndication: true, pin: '', customInitCommand: '', cnmiCommand: 'AT+CNMI=2,1,0,2,1' }

Apollon77 commented 1 year ago

Please pass a logger and provide a full data log