zach-morris / plugin.program.iagl

The Internet Archive Game Launcher (IAGL) will launch Games from the Internet using Kodi
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Controllers issue. Don't act like game controller #246

Closed 9acca9 closed 2 years ago

9acca9 commented 2 years ago

Hi. I'm using iagl on Kodi 19.3 on a Android. The problem is that the controller i use it's not take it as a game controller. Every time I press start, or other button i get the pause/resume reset exit settings (game menu option). What can I do? Thanks

zach-morris commented 2 years ago

IAGL doesn't do anything regarding controller input. Thats all Kodi and the Android OS you're using. You can go into the Kodi settings > System > Input > Configure Attached controllers to edit the input settings You can also change the driver settings there to see if that makes a difference

I use a DS4 controller with android and works great.

9acca9 commented 2 years ago

Hi. I download and install RetroArch from playstore to try if the controller is ok. And yes, all work fine in RetroArch. So, i try to change the launcher app from iagl. And select for SNES, something like "RetroArch SNES 9x" the core i have working on RetroArch. Also put the path to the config RetroArch app. But... It is not working, in getting this error:


P.s. am don't exist on my /system/bin

9acca9 commented 2 years ago

I found am.jar in /system/framework/

So change the command in Kodi to launch the games...

But have the same error anyway.

9acca9 commented 2 years ago

And that was not the file. I found just "am" in /vendor/xbin/

And that seems to work but ... I have other error (and a grey screen...) and in this case probably is something related to Iagl or how is config. I get this:

Why is looking for that "game" directory that don't seems to exist?


zach-morris commented 2 years ago

That's not really an error, just a Kodi addon route message which doesn't effect anything. I've update the default commands to they just state am start now, so that should hopefully help others in the future (although I'm not sure why some distros change the default). You can enable debug logging in Kodi to get a little more detail, but I doubt it will tell you where the issue is.

Seems like you're comfortable with the command line. If you paste the command:

/vendor/xbin/am start --user 0 -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -n com.retroarch/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture --es "LIBRETRO" "/data/user/0/com.retroarch/cores/" --es "CONFIGFILE" "/sdcard/Android/data/com.retroarch/files/retroarch.cfg" --es "ROM" "/storage/emulated/0/Download/Sonic The Hedgehog (USA, Europe).md" --es "IME" --activity-clear-task --activity-clear-top --activity-no-history

You may get some more details on whats not working. Since you're using some weird Android box, it's possibly a 32bit vs 64 bit issue, which I've seen happen before if the android box can't support retroarch 64bit. You could also try installing ra32 to see if that resolves your issue.

9acca9 commented 2 years ago

Thanks, thanks, thanks! ... It's seems that i try several times but never notice this: i was starting the game with RetroArch already running or not good stopped. (I don't speak English, as you can notice).

I try the syntax on the terminal, don't give me any error and the game starts, i go out without closing the app (RetroArch, the game) and when try to run again I get the grey screen. So... Probably i do all the other test with RetroArch already running or bad closed.

Anyway now is working like a charm! Thanks for the time!!!

By the way, putting just "am" sounds a good solution, there is a lot of android things out there. Thanks thanks thanks!!!

zach-morris commented 2 years ago

OK. The flag --activity-clear-top is supposed to close any existing RA apps before it starts a new one, but glad its working.